Hospital Scene In Korean Drama

Hospital Scene In Korean Drama

I spent a total of about seven weeks in South Korea between the end of 2012 and early 2013. While there, I discovered a few awesome things like sweet potato lattes, super cute cosmetic stores, and K-pop. The last became one of my guilty pleasures that I still indulge in now and then. The stuff was blasted everywhere you’d go and I’m a sucker for a catchy tune. Girls’ Generation anyone? How about some Miss A?

Thanks to Netflix, I have a new guilty pleasure… the Korean drama. K-dramas come in either historical or contemporary flavours, but I’ve been sticking with the contemporary ones so far, which tend to run for 16 or so 1-hour long episodes and then finish – essentially a long mini-series.


All of the shows have captions, thankfully. Of course, I can hardly understand a word, so watchinga K-dramarequires my full attention. But I have picked up a few handy, often repeated, phrases should I find myself back in the Land of the Morning Calm. 괜찮아? 진짜. 알았어.

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It’s not even that they’re good shows with superb acting and contemplative storylines. They’re cliched as hell but oddly addicting. I’ve often exclaimed to the cat mid-Netflix session, “This show is terrible! … I have to see what happens next.” I can’t quite explain it.

No love triangle, no K-drama. It will be some combo of rich guy, the best friend, poor unsuitable girl, rich suitable girl, and an old love or two. It might even be a square rather than a triangle. But there will be conflict. Typically, the male and female leads can’t stand each other only to discover one day that they’ve fallen in love.

Someone, usually the male lead, is always stinking rich…and an arse. Without a doubt, asenior family member (usually his mother) will disapprove of whatever poor unsuitable girl he’s taken a shining to and, in turn, try to make her life miserable. This tortue could take the form of lawsuits, rumors, firings, lies, or worse.

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It seems that whoever is picking out the soundtrack for these shows only has enough budget to get two or three songs and they’ll use them over and over again – each song chosen to enhance a particular mood.

Jeju is a tropical honeymoon island off the south coast of Korea – and every K-drama couple, without fail, ends up there for some convoluted reason or other. You can count on shots of an open top car driving along an ocean side road as much as you can count on Jeju being a turning point in the budding I hate you/I love you relationship.

The build up to any kiss in a Korean drama is monumental and when it finally happens it’ll be drawn out with lots of different camera angles and slow pans. The thing is, it’s boring. The kiss itself often has as much heat and intensity as tomato sauce. Lips firmly closed, arms pressed against her sides, sometimes her eyes are wide open, which makes it all super awkward.

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As sure as kimchi is spicy, at some point, the dude will grab the girl’s wrist to either keep her from leaving or to take her someplace else. This often happens after a lovers’ fight. It can sometimes lead to an awkward hug, maybe the aboveawkward kiss.


Koreans are very fragile creatures I’m led to believe – prone to passing out or otherwise being unable to getthemselves home. Without fail, someone will have to give the helpless soul a piggyback. Reasons for this may include a sprained ankle, drunkenness, or exhaustion. This is also the perfect time for the drunk girl to start saying things about male lead that she wouldn’t say if she was sober. Sometimes this will lead to my last truth…

As mentioned above, the characters in Korean dramas are a fragile folk. They faint for no good reason and always end up in the hospital. Usually, all they need is an IV bag and a night’s sleep and they’re good as gold. If it’s not simple stress (I’ve never known anyone personally to have passed out from just stress) it’ll be the ever popular amnesia / blindness / cancer story line. There are even more hospital scenes shot than airport scenes…and trust me, that’s a lot.

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I like watching for the fashions. Leading men in Korean dramas are usually sharp dressers– even their loungewear has a stylish edge. Skinny pants and mini skirts are the uniform for female characters under 40. I love how they can successfully pair just about anything with a pair of high heels.

Otherwise smart, independent women seem to lose their minds and turn into simpering idiots when in the presence of the handsome, rich dude – who is almost without fail a complete self-absorbed arsehole when they meet. When faced with a problem, the female drama lead mutters, on the verge of tears “어떻게? 어떻게?” (“What do I do? What do I do?”) instead of just solving the damn problem. There is also much hiding from people…and bad hiding. Shoddy disguises and obvious peeking around corners. The typical K-drama heroine would make a terrible spy. As for that arsehole male lead, don’t worry too much about himstaying a terrible person – he’s going to change thanks to the muttering mess of a girl he currently can’t stand. So predictable. Instead of saying what’s on their mind, characters will often lie and backpedal and unnecessarily throw themselves on the sword for their love, when it was never needed in the first place. 아이고!This week we see a wide variety of patient stories, look in through the ICU windows a lot, and get a couple of big WOWs from Ik Joon! Pictured is the one is for Jeong Won’s special project, and the other is the reveal at the end of the episode.


Jeong Won continues to be cute with his patients, especially the little pumpkin who likes to do pinky promises. He realizes a lot of these kids come a long way in to the hospital, so he decides to expand his Daddy Long Legs program to sponsor a group house where their families can stay. While he’s getting a loan from a bank that gives out stuffed animals to their customers, Jeong Won is kid enough to get two of them for Gyeo Wool. She seems to be kid enough to like them.

Things To Know About K Drama 'hospital Playlist 2'

Jun Wan’s resident, Jae Hak, teaches him how to use social media. Our prickly marshmallow doctor wasn’t really interested, but Jae Hak has taken to teasing him and getting him to do things. Jun Wan has recently taken over the care of a patient who is paralyzed and notices she never has visitors, so he uses his new skills to share her story on his social media account. He is a little surprised to see how many volunteers sign up to come!

Song Hwa’s resident, Seon Bin, has a fight with her boyfriend and the silence goes on for two weeks. Asked for advice, she tells Seon Bin it’s better to just wait. “As long as you both want to make it work and aren’t too far apart, ” she says, “then something will come along.” Shortly after that, Seon Bin tangles with a neurology fellow who doesn’t listen to her when she says a patient needs help. She ends up losing her temper, yelling at him, and calling in the professor to do an emergency procedure. She is feeling bad about how she handled it when her boyfriend, Seok Min, shows up with flowers. “You did nothing wrong, ” he says. “I’m sorry.”

Telzeytalks: It’s sweet the paralyzed patient is getting visitors, but I also think she needs a TV. I wonder if Song Hwa’s remark, “and aren’t too far apart, ” is a hint about Ik Soon and Jun Wan. On the other hand, “something will come along, ” could be a hint about her and Ik Joon.


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Drama Geek: I totally thought Jun Wan was trying social media because of his girlfriend, but of course it’s all business for him, even in that. I love that he brought the patient visitors. I wondered when Ik Joon had a patient who needed a place to stay, where that storyline would end up, and leave it to our resident angel and Buddha to figure out something that will really help their patients.

Karie the Maknae: I love the deep care we get to see from the doctors — they think about more than the problem in front of them, and it adds such wonderful layers to our story. And does a very nice job of making us love them more! I did have to question Song Hwa giving relationship advice, since she seems scared of relationships right now.

We’ve been following the story of a couple of mothers who have children in the PICU waiting for heart transplants. One of the kids got a donor heart after only a week, but the other one, Eun Ji, has been waiting for five months. Her mom has remained cheerful and even encouraged the

Enam Alasan Drama Korea

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