Korean Ginseng Vs Siberian

Korean Ginseng Vs Siberian

There are a few different types of ginseng available that can be found at your local health and nutrition store. But do you know the difference between each of them? Here is a quick guide to help you choose the best ginseng for you.

Asian ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, is considered a true ginseng because it contains ginsenosides which are the active constituents of this root. Asian ginseng has a warming, heat producing or stimulating effect. It is more suitable for the elderly and short term (3 months). This effects of this root is known to increase physical endurance and reduce fatigue and to improve the ability to cope with stress.


American ginseng is also considered a true ginseng due to its ginsenoside content, but with a different chemical makeup from Asian ginseng. American ginseng is considered cooler in nature and less stimulating than Asian ginseng. Its use is suitable for young and middle aged people and can be used long term. American ginseng is known to help boost the immune system and balance blood sugar levels.

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Siberian ginseng, despite its name, is actually not a ginseng as it does not contain ginsenosides. It is instead rich in eleutherosides, the active constituent that provides the adaptogenic effects of this herb. Siberian ginseng can be used long term to help increase energy and the body’s resistance to stress, and is commonly used to alleviate general fatigue, and improve mental and physical performance during periods of stress.

Indian ginseng, also known as Ashwagandha, is also another medicinal herb not related to the ginseng family despite its popular name. This herb is frequently referred to as Indian ginseng because of its rejuvenating properties even though botanically ginseng and Ashwagandha are unrelated. Much of Ashwagandha’s pharmacological activity is from the withanolide content in this herb. It can be used long term and is known to have a more gentle and less stimulating effect compared to American ginseng. In Ayurvedic medicine, this herb helps increase one’s resistance to stress and is traditionally used as a rejuvenative tonic and and to relieve general debility, especially during convalascence or old age.

From digesting food to impacting your immunity, cognitive health, and beyond, your gut has a say in it all. Learn about the trillions of bacteria and other microbes that live inside of you and how balancing your gut microbiome can help you achieve better health.Check out our article on: Ginseng VS Ginger, Rhodiola, Caffeine, Maca, and Ginkgo Biloba for a detailed look at Ginseng alongside many other beneficial nootropic herbs!

Asian Ginseng By Kitty Catty

In today’s article, we’ll take a quick look at a few different varieties of ginseng, along with the benefits and, of course, my favorite Korean Red Ginseng supplements on the market.

There are many fake Ginseng supplements sold on the market; most of these fake supplements use Eleutherococcus senticosus, also known as Siberian Ginseng.

Usually, at around 6:00 or 7:00 P.M., my body begins to crash; this is unfortunate because I write most of the content on this site at around this time.

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When I began taking the Auragin Red Ginseng at around 6:00 P.M. every day – always three tablets at a time – I began to notice a slight boost of mental clarity and energy.

I should note that the effect is not especially acute, but it’s enough to get me through the evening without feeling too tired. I find that Red Korean Ginseng is an especially great substitute to caffeine for night time use; it gives you some energy but it won’t keep you up.

It’s worth mentioning that NutraChamps is extracted. For most people, this isn’t a very big issue, but I personally avoid extracted supplements for the most part.


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You have to remember, one can’t just simply ground extract out of a Ginseng root; harsh chemicals are required for proper extraction.

I’m not necessarily advising you to stay away from extracted supplements, but you should keep in mind that there is a slightly higher chance of running into health problems down the road if you do.

I think both brands are quality, but if you’re looking for the more potent and probably safer option, there simply is no contest: go with Auragin.

Buy Gnc Herbal Plus Triple Ginseng Root With Korean, American & Siberian Ginseng

Believe it or not, Ginseng root can actually be a great alternative for those of us who have a habit of using chewing tobacco.

I like to chew a few pieces of Ginseng before hiking or jogging; I get a slight burst of energy and some mental clarity, especially if I do so sparingly.Herbal ginseng exists as three distinct varieties: Oriental, American and Siberian. Oriental, or panax ginseng, is grown mainly in China and Korea, where it is harvested for its roots. Chinese ginseng root is dried naturally and turns a whitish color, whereas Korean ginseng root is treated differently and turns a reddish color, which is why it is sometimes referred to as red panax. The Siberian variety is not truly ginseng, but rather a distant cousin to the panax types. All ginsengs are used medicinally, usually in efforts to boost energy and enhance vitality. Consult your physician before beginning to take any new supplements.


Ginseng has been used for countless generations, especially within the protocols of traditional Chinese medicine. The name originated in China and means man plant, because Ginseng root resembles the human form, as cited in The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine. The ancient Greeks later added the Latin prefix panax, which was derived from the word panacea, or cure-all. Both ancient cultures relied on ginseng root to alleviate a variety of conditions, but it was viewed mainly as a tonic to increase vitality. Siberian ginseng is grown mainly in eastern Siberia and was labeled as a ginseng in modern times mainly for marketing purposes.

Proven Health Benefits Of Ginseng

Korean ginseng is considered the most potent and popular variety in the world, with an estimated 6 million American users who have tried it at least once, according to The Way of Chinese Herbs. In traditional Chinese medicine, red panax is believed to stimulate yang energy, which improves circulation, increases blood flow, revitalizes the body and aids recovery from weakness after illness. In Asia, red panax is regularly taken to increase vitality and stamina, improve work efficiency, combat fatigue, strengthen the immune system and enhance libido. In Western countries, it is taken more sporadically as an energy booster, although a review article published in a 2005 edition of Phytotherapy Research concluded that herbal adaptogens, such as ginseng, may benefit people diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and Alzheimer's disease by reducing pain levels, boosting energy and cognition, and restoring sleep cycles. Korean ginseng is harvested after six years, at which time it is steam-cured before drying. This process produces reddish-brown roots and preserves the plants active compounds, called ginsenosides.

The main difference between Korean and Chinese ginseng is potency. Chinese ginseng has milder energy boosting effects, so it is thought to be better suited for young children, the elderly and the very ill, as cited in Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica. Chinese ginseng is mainly produced in Manchuria and is usually white in color, because the roots are dried in the sun. The drying process breaks down enzymes, which reduce the root's potency. It is grown for four to six years before it is harvested.

Siberian ginseng, or Eleutherococcus senticosus, is not actually ginseng, but rather a different species that was renamed as a ginseng most likely for marketing purposes and to boost sales. The Siberian variety has woody roots instead of fleshy ones, and they contain eleutherosid compounds instead of ginsenosides, as cited in Medical Herbalism. Eleutherosides are different types of adaptogens, although they still have energy boosting properties. Siberian ginseng is less potent than the Asian varieties, especially red panax, and not nearly as well studied.Ginseng is a name you’ve probably heard being thrown around, especially in relation to natural medicines and supplements. But there are actually many different species of ginseng, found all over the world.

Ready To Try Korean Red Ginseng? Here's What To Know

Ginseng is a name you’ve probably heard being thrown around, especially in relation to natural medicines and supplements. But there are actually many different species of ginseng, found all over the world. In total, 13 species of ginseng are classified under the name ‘


Comes from the Greek word ‘panakeia’, which means ‘all healing’. You might also hear of ‘Asian ginseng’ – this means all the ginsengs originating from Asia (

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dried ginseng was used as a tonic to revitalize and replenish vital energy. It is also used to treat anaemia, insomnia, gastritis, abnormal blood pressure and fatigue, among other complaints!

Siberian & Korean Ginseng

Ginseng is used today in many commercial health supplements to help improve energy levels, prevent fatigue and exhaustion, and assist in recovery. The World Health Organization monograph states that:

“Radix ginseng [the dried root of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer] is used as a prophylactic and restorative agent for enhancement of … physical capacities, in cases of weakness, exhaustion, tiredness, and loss of concentration and during convalescence.”

While these are all types of ginseng, one has far more clinical evidence supporting its role as a natural medicine: Panax ginseng.


Busting The Myths About Korean Red Ginseng!

Originated in

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