Korean Vs American Makeup Youtube

Korean Vs American Makeup Youtube

For thousands of years the fashion conscious have used make-up to get their look just right, and keep up with fast-moving trends. Now, the global beauty industry is experiencing a revolution driven by South Korea. Say hello to K-beauty.

But it's not just Korean entertainment - in the last 18 months, there has also been a rise in Korean beauty trends coming over to the West.


It's not that there's been a big boom, we're just catching up with them essentially, [helped by] the expansion of Instagram and beauty blogging.

Youtuber Reveals The Difference Between Japanese And Korean Makeup

It's sort of ingrained in Korean culture from a very young age to look after your skin, Ms Thomas says, explaining that the Korean ethos is to ensure that you have good skin, rather than needing foundation and other products to cover up unsightly blemishes.

You might be used to the typical daily three-step routine of using cleanser, toner and moisturiser before applying make-up, but in South Korea, skincare regimes range from seven to 12 steps, with a focus on hydrating the skin using gentle, natural ingredients.

Some people would see it as excessive, but the fact is, you're feeding your skin with these incredible ingredients. It's so different in the UK [in comparison], says Ms Thomas.

The Difference Between Thai And Korean Makeup

Much more research is carried out into new products in South Korea than in other countries, she says, because there are so many competing brands, each trying to be the best.

The Korean beauty industry doesn't shy away from introducing new, unique ingredients to their formulas that would never be considered in the West, says Karen Hong, the founder of K Beauty Bar, a concession stand for Korean beauty products found in Topshop's flagship store in London's Oxford Street.

Unique ingredients such as...? Snail mucin for moisturising, pearl for brightening, green tea for oil control and propolis from bees for soothing and nourishing, she reels off.

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In the US, 13% of 10 to 17-year-old girls are interested in trying K-beauty products, and 18% of 18 to 22-year-old women have used these products.

According to Mintel's global beauty analyst Andrew McDougall, Korean beauty trends have grown in popularity thanks to clever digital marketing strategies on social media that have gained the interest of Western beauty influencers, bloggers and journalists.

It's consumers who are more informed and do their own research, and it's influencers who put them on the K-beauty path in the first place, says Mr McDougall.

Differences In Korean & Japanese Makeup Trends

Katie Thomas agrees: That K-pop fun quite cartoony approach is very much part of their industry. But it does do very well. People do buy into fun packaging - things they can take a picture of on their bathroom shelf.

Some products can be found in Topshop and TKMaxx, but other than that, most British consumers can only buy these products online.

The Hong Kong-based e-commerce firm carries more than 150 Korean brands, and it expects sales of K-beauty products to top $25m in 2018.

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Its founder Joshua Lau says the website's success has been down to reviews from verified buyers that give Western consumers the confidence to take a chance on new items.


YesStyle's beauty editor Romy Rose Reyes says that Western consumers have been intrigued by the Chok Chok no make-up make-up look, where the aim is to have dewy and bouncy skin with an extra glow.

According to Ms Reyes and Ms Hong, looking natural and youthful is in, and the matte look favoured by European and US markets is now out.

American Vs Korean Makeup On Medium Tan Skin 🇰🇷

We see some Western brands take on a few of these skincare steps into their own regimes, says Marie Claire's Katie Thomas.

For example, Yves Saint Laurent has cushion foundation and cushion blushers. It's a bit less scary for consumers - an easy way into K-beauty with a known brand.

Primark told the that it was inspired by a huge trend it saw based on skincare innovations from South Korea, and it is continuing to stock face masks.

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We found this was a range that really worked for the younger consumer, who was not necessarily after serious skincare, a company spokesperson said.

Ms Thomas thinks it's here to stay, because young people are very concerned about the environment, and how damage to it affects humans as well as plants and animals.


People are becoming more attuned to what is happening to their skin - there's so much pollution that gets into our skin that we don't know about, she says. Anything related to environmental damage is very much coming over to the Western market.

American Makeup Vs Korean Makeup: Know The Difference

But while much of this applies to women, in Korea cosmetics is big business for both male and female consumers, so is K-beauty likely to take off with men in the West?

In Korea there is a different attitude amongst men towards skincare and make-up - they're not afraid to express themselves as long as they look and feel good, especially the younger generation. But this isn't a trend that has reached the general male population in the West yet, says Karen Hong.

Men in the West are increasingly becoming more active consumers in the beauty and personal care area, though there is a long way to catch up, he says.

Here Are The Differences Between American And Korean Makeup |

He points to Chanel's recent launch of a make-up line targeted at men called Boy de Chanel - the company chose to debut the products in South Korea, rather than its native France.Hello! Today I did two makeup tutorials of Korean and American Makeup. Just a heads up I'm not a professional so my technique and everything sucks so don't bash on me. (>_<)

Looking back at this, I did a bad job on this make up. I think it's the bottom lashes that makes it look wried. There are also many ways to do American Makeup and I decided to do a heavy-ish eye look with nude lips. I'm not that good with makeup so I look kind of silly with American style makeup. Oh yeah, I did use eyelid tape if you're wondering what was on my lid. It's not as visible once I added lashes.

I got new circle lens from Uniqso! They'reDolly Eye Bubble Grey. I've always seen them but I ever ever thought about getting them because they looked scary. But now I'm thinking why didn't I get these lens earlier? Right now Deiso lens are super popular for their stunning and natural effect. I really wanted some but they only lasts up to 3 months. So I decided to get these bubble grey lens because they last longer and are cheaper. In conclusion, these lens are a good dupe for them. ;) The color is light, it almost blends in with the whites of my eyes. They look super nice far away and in low quality photos (haha). It is a bit also hard to tell which side is the inside. Another thing I don't like is that they're 14.8mm. I wished they were smaller so the design/color can cover more of my dark brown eyes. The comfort is normal, just like any other lens. Other than the size, I would give these lens a 2.75 out of 5 stars. I do recommend these lens for those who want natural looking grey-ish blue eyes.


Makeup Trend: Thai Makeup Vs Western Makeup

Here's another photo of American style makeup. The one I did above is not to my liking. My eyebrows are different every time I do my makeup. Is that just me?

Well, that's it for today. I personally like to mix the two looks together for my daily makeup. Which look you do prefer?At Soko Glam, our goal is to inspire good skin habits. We believe skin care is a personal journey that should evolve with you and with our trusted curations, we’re here to guide you through that process for only good (skin) days ahead.

American and Korean Makeup styles aren’t glaringly different – but there are preferences that set the two apart. In media, the latter is much more youth and skin oriented, while the former is all about that kontour (sorry). Obviously, there is plenty of overlap, and while no rules are set in stone, there are some trends that definitely lean towards one side more than the other. While I don’t play favorites, it’s always fun to compare, right?

What's Hot: Korean Makeup Vs American Makeup?

Dewy reigns supreme in South Korea, with an emphasis on healthy, glowing skin. A smooth, luminous complexion is as must, and skincare is where it all begins. The ten-step Korean skincare routine keeps skin looking flawless, with or without foundation. BB creams or cushion makeup are favorites–with buildable coverage that leaves skin looking airbrushed to perfection.

Matte or dewy – what’s your preference? While the western world isn’t as obsessed with sheen (or are we?), that same goal of clear, radiant skin transcends borders.

Koreans tend to keep things more simple. With a simple drag of puppy liner, and some shadow and highlight to accentuate (or create) aegyo sal, a typical eye look is bright, natural and youthful. Brows are usually on the straighter and fuller side–another key to looking more fresh.

How Does Korean And Japanese Style Makeup Look On Non Asian Faces (caucasian, Black, Latino)?

Western makeup is fond of the cat or smokey eye, and thick, lush lashes to make things


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