Love By Chance Korean Drama Cast

Love By Chance Korean Drama Cast

Pete is a handsome and rich university student who is incredibly timid. His shyness stems from his trying to hide that he is gay. One day, Pete gets hit by a boy on a bike. The kind-hearted boy, named Ae, apologizes and helps him up. In the past, those whom Pete trusted often used him for his wealth. Ae now steps in so Pete won’t be taken advantage of by his frenemies. Over time, Ae looks out for Pete and protects him from the world. Somewhere between their intense closeness and shared soft touches, Ae develops feelings for Pete that go beyond friendship. Pete doesn't want Ae to know the pain of being ridiculed for dating a man, so he ignores his own feelings for Ae. But Pete falls deeper and deeper in love with the kind-hearted boy on the bike, who once hit him purely by chance. (Source: walmartjimin at ) ~~ Adapted from the novel My Accidental Love Is You (รักนี้บังเอิญคือคุณ) by MAME12938. Edit Translation

I don't typically write reviews since I find most BL's follow the same tropes so reviews get pretty repetitive to me, but I felt compelled to this time. Prepare yourselves! In case you didn't see, yes this review contains spoilers so here it comes. LBC started on such a high note that expectations are raised right out of the gate. Unfortunately, it falls short as the story goes on, but not enough to completely ruin the series.


I was both baffled and beyond happy when Pete came out to his mom. There's a lot of BL's that just hint that the parents know, but LBC had Pete come straight out and say it. I applaud them for that and loved the relationship with his mom. I love that they spoke to each other and she made sure he knew that he was her son regardless. It was beautiful and everyone needs to hear that from their parent so I was on cloud nine! The relationship between Ae and Pete, too, was superb. They were caring, had their issues, but always wrapped them up fairly quickly and were an all around good role model for LGBTQ+ youth. Their story was so pure and warm that it makes one's insides turn to goo! If I could only rate this on their story it'd be a 10 out of 10, but, my issues come with the final 3 couples that, if it was only them, would drop this story to practically a zero.

First Love Again (2022)

Let's start out with my biggest issue, KengklaxTechno. That was rape. It was straight up rape, uncomfortable and unsettling to watch, especially since there was Tum and Tar's story about rape and why? But they're next. Simply put, I feel KengklaxTechno's so-called relationship was rushed because there probably won't be a second season. If they were going to do that, they should have just ended it without them ever getting together, have a little kiss and leave it open ended rather than fall into yet another rape story line. Not only is it an insult to the LGBTQ+ community, but also, men in general should be insulted that, somehow, every show makes it seem like they can only think with the head between their legs.

Onto the TumxTar story, which I didn't have a lot of issues with, but they were forgettable. They didn't have a lot of screen time, especially considering that Tar was assaulted. I would love if they would have their own show to focus on the trauma a sexual assault survivor goes through, but this just rushed it and fell into some unsettling moments as well, like when Tum tried to force himself on Tar. It was unfortunate because they could have had so much more time and energy given to them. It's sad they didn't get it.

Lastly, the TinxCan story, which I admit I'm biased as I loved them since the whole enemy to lovers thing is my downfall ,but, I'll do my best to stay unbiased! I simply hate how there's still sad endings for LGBTQ+ stories. We've had enough of them and I find them so unnecessary. If anyone should have got the tragedy ending, it should have been KengklaxTechno since their relationship was nonexistent. Instead, it's forced onto two characters that could have had a real good story. There's so much to Tin's backstory with his family that they could have a show of their own, especially since, yes, they made it seem like Can was falling for Tin. Slowly, but feelings were developing. I feel that, if they didn't see a second season in the making, it should have at least ended on a happier note but instead we're left with this and no guarantee of a season two so...


Love By Chance (tv Movie 2016)

Sadly, I feel like LBC went down hill. I'm not saying don't watch it, Ae and Pete are totally worth re-watching and enjoying their story,'s not a 10 for me anymore. I'd say a solid 7 thanks to Ae and Pete, they saved the show so, I guess, go in with low expectations or just to watch Ae and Pete. I do plan to re-watch them from time to time and I hope season two clears up some issues!

Edit: First off, I see there will be a season two so we'll see how that goes. Second, I have re-watched the series and stand by my initial responses. KengklaxTechno didn't hit me as hard the second time around but it's just not ok. Plain and simple. TinxCan is now an ok ending because of the sequel (which will supposedly focus on them.) If the sequel doesn't clear some things up, I think LBC will fade and never live up to the potential it could have had. If they make a S2 as good as the first it could be another classic.


Overall, I thought the series was pretty good. It's the story of two young men, Ae and Pete, who happen to meet by chance and Ae begins to help and take care of Pete (especially with a homphobic bully trying to blackmail him). Of course, Pete is gay and begins to confide to Ae, whom is very understanding and helps Pete to deal with the complexities of being a young gay male in certain societies. As a result of Ae's kindness, understanding, and assistance, Pete begins to develop feelings for Ae. Ae, who is presumably straight, eventually begins to develop feelings for Pete, and this is where we get the Love by Chance idea. Ae and Pete throughout the series go through numerous and sometimes humorous trials and tribulations establishing their relationship. Although some of the sex scenes between Pete and Ae were a bit much. LOL However, the sex scenes are somewhat believable, given that their supposed to be upper teenage boys exploring their sexualities...

Love By Chance (2017)

The series was cute and kept your attention, especially with the growing relationship between the other main characters, Tin and Can. Tin is a rich , egotistical snob, and Can is just a average soccer jock whose a little naive when it comes to relationships. But, Can is a staunch defender of Ae and Pete's relationship... especially, against Tin, who doesn't think Pete should be having anything to do with The Thai Program as he calls Ae, Can and their friends. Tin and Can's relationship start off as the typical Love/Hate, Rich/Poor scenario, but eventually starts to develop into something else. I really liked that relationship, (especially Tin's character). To watch Tin's development during the last episodes, learning of the abusive and arguably cruel treatment by his older brother (a person whom he most cherished and trusted in the world at that time) --- to watching him learn to love and trust again with Can. It's a good basic storyline.


Now, I know that BL dramas have to have their tragic situations.... But, there are a couple of disturbing scenes in the series that will make you want to throw an item at your TV or computer. The scene included a rape, which was not only perpetrated by someone the victim knew, but with the assistance of a family member of the victim. The other tragic turn in the series dealt with Tin and Can's relationship and how the storyline was left unresolved. This was most upsetting mainly due to the possibility there might not be a season 2. Hopefully, they'll at least do a mini-series (about 4 episodes) or possibly a movie, featuring the Tin and Can storyline, and give them a happier resolution... I think the fans would go absolutely wild!!! LOLThis drama revolves around the lives of 8 college students and their friends, as they overcome troubles involving love, societal rules, family problems and much more.

The story opens up when a rich, yet soft-spoken boy Pete, is knocked down by a boy riding a bicycle. The accident happens by chance – much like the love that blooms between both these characters – Ae, the boy riding the bicycle and the sweet


The Love You Give Me (2023)

The series was cute and kept your attention, especially with the growing relationship between the other main characters, Tin and Can. Tin is a rich , egotistical snob, and Can is just a average soccer jock whose a little naive when it comes to relationships. But, Can is a staunch defender of Ae and Pete's relationship... especially, against Tin, who doesn't think Pete should be having anything to do with The Thai Program as he calls Ae, Can and their friends. Tin and Can's relationship start off as the typical Love/Hate, Rich/Poor scenario, but eventually starts to develop into something else. I really liked that relationship, (especially Tin's character). To watch Tin's development during the last episodes, learning of the abusive and arguably cruel treatment by his older brother (a person whom he most cherished and trusted in the world at that time) --- to watching him learn to love and trust again with Can. It's a good basic storyline.


Now, I know that BL dramas have to have their tragic situations.... But, there are a couple of disturbing scenes in the series that will make you want to throw an item at your TV or computer. The scene included a rape, which was not only perpetrated by someone the victim knew, but with the assistance of a family member of the victim. The other tragic turn in the series dealt with Tin and Can's relationship and how the storyline was left unresolved. This was most upsetting mainly due to the possibility there might not be a season 2. Hopefully, they'll at least do a mini-series (about 4 episodes) or possibly a movie, featuring the Tin and Can storyline, and give them a happier resolution... I think the fans would go absolutely wild!!! LOLThis drama revolves around the lives of 8 college students and their friends, as they overcome troubles involving love, societal rules, family problems and much more.

The story opens up when a rich, yet soft-spoken boy Pete, is knocked down by a boy riding a bicycle. The accident happens by chance – much like the love that blooms between both these characters – Ae, the boy riding the bicycle and the sweet


The Love You Give Me (2023)

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