University Of Virginia Korean

University Of Virginia Korean

January 18, 1984 – April 16, 2007) was a South Korean mass murderer responsible for the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic pistols on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. This killing is the deadliest school shooting in US history,

At the university, Cho died by suicide after police breached the doors of Virginia Tech's Norris Hall which Cho had locked with heavy chains, where most of the shooting had tak place.


Born in South Korea, Cho was eight years old wh he immigrated to the United States with his family. He became a U.S. permant residt as a South Korean national.

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After his diagnosis, he began receiving treatmt and continued to receive therapy and special education support until his junior year of high school. Cho was bullied throughout high school. During Cho's last two years at Virginia Tech, several instances of his abnormal behavior, as well as plays and other writings he submitted containing referces to violce, caused concern among teachers and classmates.

In the aftermath of the shootings, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine conved a panel consisting of various officials and experts to investigate and examine the response and handling of issues related to the shootings. The panel released its final report in August 2007, devoting more than 20 pages to detailing Cho's troubled history. In the report, the panel criticized the failure of the educators and mtal health professionals who came into contact with Cho during his college years to notice his deteriorating condition and help him. The panel also criticized misinterpretations of privacy laws and gaps in Virginia's mtal health system and gun laws. In addition, the panel faulted Virginia Tech administrators in particular for failing to take immediate action after the first two deaths of Emily J. Hilscher and Ryan C. Stack Clark. Nevertheless, the report did acknowledge that Cho must still be held primarily responsible for the killing, despite his emotional and psychological disabilities [having] undoubtedly clouded his own situation.

Cho and his family lived in a basemt apartmt in the city of Seoul for a few years before immigrating to the United States. Cho's father was self-employed as a bookstore owner, but made minimal profits from the vture. Seeking better education and opportunities for his son and daughter,

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Cho's father immigrated to the United States with his family in 1992, wh Cho was eight years old. The family lived in Detroit, th moved to the Washington metropolitan area after learning that it had one of the largest South Korean expatriate communities in the U.S. Cho's family settled in Ctreville, an unincorporated community in western Fairfax County, Virginia, west of Washington, D.C.

Cho's father and mother oped a dry-cleaning business. After they moved to Ctreville, Cho and his family became permant residts of the United States as South Korean nationals.

Some members of Cho's family who had remained in South Korea had concerns about his behavior during his early childhood. Cho's relatives thought that he was selectively mute or mtally ill and have stated in interviews that he rarely spoke or showed affection.

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During an ABC News Nightline interview on August 30, 2007, Cho's grandfather reported his concerns about Cho's behavior during childhood. According to Cho's grandfather, Cho never made eye contact, never called him grandfather, and never moved to embrace him.

Cho attded the Poplar Tree Elemtary School in Chantilly, an unincorporated, small community in Fairfax County. An anonymous family acquaintance claimed that Every time he came home from school he would cry and throw tantrums saying he never wanted to return to school wh Cho first came to the U.S.

According to a former fifth grade classmate of Cho's, Cho finished the three-year program at Poplar Tree Elemtary School in one and a half years and was pointed to as a good example by teachers, and was not disliked by other studts.

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By the eighth grade, Cho had be diagnosed with selective mutism, a social anxiety disorder that inhibited him from speaking in specific instances and/or to specific individuals.

Other former classmates stated he was a loner who did not seem interested in interacting wh teachers or other studts tried to include him.

And idolized Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Cho wrote in a school assignmt about wanting to repeat Columbine. The school contacted Cho's sister, who reported the incidt to their parts. Cho was st to a psychiatrist.

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The Virginia Tech Review Panel report, released in August 2007, placed this diagnosis in the spring of Cho's eighth-grade year; his parts sought treatmt for him through medication and therapy.


In high school, Cho was placed in special education under the emotional disturbance classification. He was excused from oral prestations and class conversation and received speech therapy.

According to two of Cho's family members and one family frid, the Cho family had be told that Cho's mutism was due to autism;

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A clinical psychologist and expert in selective mutism said that based on Cho's videos, Cho was not autistic. He clearly had the capability of talking to people.

To address his problems, Cho's parts also took him to church. According to a pastor at the Ctreville Korean Presbyterian Church, Cho was a smart studt who understood the Bible, but the pastor added that he had never heard Cho say a complete stce. The pastor also recalled telling Cho's mother that he speculated Cho was autistic.

Federal law prohibited Westfield officials from disclosing any record of disability or treatmt without Cho's permission; the officials disclosed none of Cho's speech and anxiety-related problems to Virginia Tech.

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Nikki Giovanni says she taught Cho in a poetry class in the fall of 2005; she says she had him removed from her class because she found his behavior macing. She recalled that Cho had a mean streak and described his writing as intimidating.

Giovanni reports that Cho wore sunglasses in class and that wh she tried to get him to participate in class discussion, Cho remained silt.


In Giovanni's class, Cho had intimidated female classmates by photographing their legs under their desks and by writing violt and obsce poetry.

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In the fall of 2005, Giovanni told the th-departmt head Lucinda Roy she was willing to resign before [she] was going to continue with [Cho]. After this, Roy removed Cho from the class.

Roy says that since she found Cho's writings to be very disturbing, she asked for help from the police and the university administration; however, Roy states that the police had difficulty since Cho did not make any explicit threat. After Giovanni was informed of the massacre, she remarked that she knew wh it happed that that's probably who it was, and would have be shocked if it wasn't.

Roy had taught Cho in Introduction to Poetry the previous year. She described him as actually quite arrogant and could be quite obnoxious, and was also deeply, it seemed, insecure

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She said that Cho resisted speaking in class and took cell phone pictures of her. After Roy became concerned with Cho's behavior and the themes in his writings, she started meeting with Cho to work with him one-on-one. However, she soon became concerned for her safety, and told her assistant that she would use the name of a dead professor as a duress code, in order to alert the assistant to call security.

Other professors were familiar with Cho's disturbing demeanor and recommded that Cho seek counseling. Some professors were not aware until informed by others that Cho had mtal health problems and had be reported to the police, afterward speculating that the information was not accessible or was privileged and could not be released.

It is reported that in his first year at Virginia Tech, Cho tried to fit in, but had become very isolated in his last year.


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During one party, he sat in the corner and repeatedly stabbed the carpet in a girl's room while his roommates were prest.

Fellow studts described Cho as a quiet person who would not respond if someone greeted him. Studt Julie Poole recalled that on the first day of a literature class the previous year, the professor found that Cho had writt only a question mark instead of his name on a sign-in sheet, so we just really knew him as the question mark kid.

Karan Grewal and Joseph Aust, who shared a dormitory suite with Cho, reported that Cho was reclusive and they mutually avoided interacting with him.

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Both roommates claim Cho had an imaginary girlfrid named Jelly. Aust notes that during the last couple weeks he noticed that Cho's sleep schedule became unusual.

Koch described other incidts of disturbing behavior. Once, Cho stood in the doorway of his room late at night taking photographs of Koch. Cho repeatedly placed harassing cell phone calls to Koch as Cho's brother, 'Question Mark', a name Cho also used wh introducing himself to girls. Koch and Eide searched Cho's belongings and found a pocket knife, but they did not find any items that they deemed threating.

Koch also described a telephone call that he received from Cho during the Thanksgiving holiday break from school, during which Cho claimed to be vacationing

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