Best Blood Type Korean

Best Blood Type Korean

Just like how zodiac signs in Western countries are universally used to determine personality traits and the characteristics of a person, many South Koreans actually believe that people of different blood groups or blood types have differing personalities! It is in fact quite an important part of Korean culture and something that many locals love to obsess about. 

Here are some of the personality traits commonly associated with the four blood groups – A, B, O and AB. We’ll even look at the love compatibility between different blood groups. Read on to see if some of the attributes hold true for you!


People with the Blood Type A tend to keep to themselves, and as such they have a hard time opening up to others about their emotions. They are generally more conservative and take time to warm up to people and share more about themselves. However, once they are comfortable with you, they become some of the most loyal and trustworthy people you can have in your life. Despite the perceived emotional distance, Type As are actually empathetic and patient, and would be willing to lend a listening ear if you need someone to confide in.

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Type As also perform well in professional situations. They are meticulous and hardworking, willing to go the extra mile to ensure that things are done properly. However, their perfectionist nature may show itself, as you may find them being too fixated on the details and unable to see the bigger picture. When interacting with a Type A person, you should give them ample time to figure things out!

People with Blood Type B are known to have a carefree or happy-go-lucky lifestyle. They are not afraid to speak their mind and will not hesitate to distance themselves from anything or anyone that they are disinterested in. They will make their feelings known regardless of the circumstances, which can be perceived as both a positive or a negative trait. Type Bs are usually extroverted, have little to no difficulty striking up a conversation, and make friends with others easily. They also love to be the center of attention. 

Type Bs are also honest people – If you want an honest opinion, they will most likely tell you the unadulterated truth. They are not one to follow the rules set by others but rather pave their own paths in life. And while this may inevitably offend some people, if type Bs are passionate about something, there’s nothing that can stop them from working towards it! Type Bs are high energy individuals, so you might need to be mindful of your own social battery when talking to them – they will chat you up about anything and everything!

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Type AB’s are somewhat of a wild card. Their personalities are believed to be a blend between those of Type A and Type B, and as a result their temperament leads them to be quite unpredictable. On one hand, they possess a high level of intelligence, are able to make rational decisions and are introspective, turning their energy inward when thinking or reflecting. At the same time, they can be sociable and outgoing in certain situations. This contrast and swaying temperament can confuse people as to how to interact with them. They can be hard to work with at times as they like to operate on their own terms and thus may have a reputation for being insincere or untrustworthy. With Type ABs, it’s better to be more open-minded – their quirkiness makes them some of the most entertaining people to have in your friend group!

People with Type O blood are full of energy, outspoken and confident. They are often regarded as born leaders with a naturally commanding presence and are not afraid to speak their mind, while still being personable enough to work with others. These traits have led the Blood Type O to be regarded as the “most favourable” in the professional environments for their tenacity and extrovertedness amongst employers and co-workers. Type O people also love competition and will strive to be the best in anything that they do. However, in some instances, the passion and intensity that Type O people carry with them can sometimes be misunderstood as arrogance or bossiness – “In it to win it” is the best way to describe Type Os, and they have a contagious spirit that motivates and inspires those around them!


Do you have a crush on a Type B individual and want to know what they’re like to be around? Or maybe you’re wondering how to get along romantically with a Type O partner? Our list is not a definitive dating guide, but rather an analysis of the personalities of people from different blood groups based on some of the qualities that seem to hold true based on widely accepted beliefs.

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It is easy to fall in love with Type A men, as they are friendly and easy-going, even though they might seem a little shy and introverted at first. Type A men are rarely late, and tend to go out all out to please their partner, so be sure to appreciate their effort! If a Type A man seems to be acting distant, it might be a sign to  slow things down and take more time to understand them. They tend to be sensitive and soft-hearted, so they might take a little longer to get acquainted with someone new.

Type A women tend to be prideful, and prefer to have things done in their favour. Because of this, they sometimes can be perceived as arrogant and hard to please. However, a Type A woman is fiercely loyal and protective of her partner and those closest to them. As a result of this, she may come across as jealous or possessive but it comes from a place of care and love! 


Type B men are often referred to as ‘The Playboys’ of the bunch. They are flirty and love being the center of attention, while also having a witty sense of humour and are generous with their compliments. But be careful as Type B men have a tendency to get bored easily, and may just leave you with a broken heart. However, Type Bs are driven – once they find something or someone that they are interested in, they will pursue it with all their heart!

Blood Types — Stanford Blood Center

With Type B women, what you see is what you get. They are not afraid to tell the facts as they are and their straightforward, unadulterated nature makes it easy to know them. They are strong and independent, and may not always like to be told what to do. Type B women do not hold back their emotions, and while they may rub some the wrong way with their forthrightness, these qualities also make them spontaneous and adventurous, making for an exciting relationship full of adventure! 

When you first meet a Type AB man, he may come across as  cold and emotionless. Don’t be put off by this! Type AB people tend to spend a lot of time thinking and analysing situations in their mind. Once you get to know them better, you’ll find that they are one of the most caring, loving and forgiving people around. They adapt easily to new environments and are comfortable with change. Their rational and level-headed nature also means that Type AB men are not impulsive and are good with money.


Type AB ladies are regarded by those around them as being kind and considerate. They are also very caring and shower those around them with affection. However, Type AB women have a tendency to be preoccupied in the affairs of those around them. They may feel insecure and jealous at times and subject their partners to scrutiny, which may cause them to butt heads with their significant other.

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Type O men usually have a likeable demeanor as they are friendly, passionate and positive. They are bold, confident and unafraid to go after what they want, usually being the leader of the group. However, Type O men also tend to be sensitive and are afraid of getting their feelings hurt, meaning they also refrain from expressing their feelings out of fear of rejection. 

Type O women are highly empathetic and caring, and will always be willing to offer a listening ear. They go out of the way to help those around them, which at times, does themselves more harm than good. They spend all their energy taking care of others, and often forget to look after themselves, leaving them mentally and emotionally drained. Even though they may put on a front to hide their feelings from others, they can be hurt easily and become withdrawn from others. If your partner is a Type O woman, shower her extra love and care. Remember to put her first!


Were the personality traits that you discovered accurate, or are they further from reality? Whatever the case may be, the topic about the link between blood type, MBTI and personality is popular in conversations amongst South Koreans! Even though there is no scientific evidence to

Blood Types In Korea

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