How To Say Please Wait In Korean

How To Say Please Wait In Korean

Today we will go over how to say ‘wait’ in Korean. We’ll also cover a similar phrase that means “just a moment”. 

In this lesson, you’ll learn the necessary words and phrases. We’ll also give you some examples so you know how to use them properly for when you have to wait, or you need someone to wait for you while you’re in South Korea.


The word for how to say wait in Korean is 기다리다 (gidarida). This is the basic form of the verb, and it will transform depending on the level of politeness and type of conjugation used. For example, when used with past tense, future tense, imperative, or in its noun form.

How To Say 'wait' In Korean (+ Fun Ways To Remember It)

Luckily, the use of the verb 기다리다 (gidarida) is just as simple as other regular verbs in the Korean language. Additionally, the only translation for the word ‘wait’ in Korean is 기다리다 (gidarida), so there is no need to get confused while learning several words with slightly different meanings.

To remember how to say wait in Korean, we’ll create an English association for it. This can be any word, phrase, or image that helps you recall the Korean word and its meaning.

What associations can you think up to remember 기다리다 ? Remember, the more unique or strange the story is, the easier it is to remember.


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While it is possible for you to study the words in this article simply by reading their romanized versions, it will come in handy for you to be able to read Hangeul if you ever wish to come to Korea. Hangeul is the Korean alphabet, and not difficult to learn. In fact, you can learn it in just 90 minutes .

After you’ve familiarized yourself with Hangeul, life in Korea will suddenly seem so much easier and the country won’t appear so foreign for you. So, if you’re serious about learning Korean, why not learn Hangeul today?


3. 밤이라서 버스를 한시간 넘어서 기다려 야 했었어요. → I had to wait for the bus for more than an hour since it’s night time.

How To Say Why In Korean

5. 어쩔 수 없이 사장님 나갈때까지 기다려 봐야 할 것 같아요. → Looks like we have no choice but to wait and see until the boss leaves.


5. 어쩔 수 없이 사장님 나갈때까지 기다려 봐야 할 것 같아요. → Looks like we have no choice but to wait and see until the boss leaves.


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