Korean Drama Devilish Joy Ep 2 Eng Sub

Korean Drama Devilish Joy Ep 2 Eng Sub

Ma Sung wakes up and for the first time in three years he remembers something. He remembers a woman he met the other day. He checks his notes, but he didn’t wrote anything about that woman and his assistant doesn’t know anything. Because he can’t concentrate on his daily life, Ma Sung asked his assistant to find the woman he can’t forget. That woman is Joo Ki Bbum! He finds out Ki Bbum’s story and contacts her. But their meeting didn’t go well. Ma Sung ended up offending and hurting her. Still he has a strange attraction towards that woman. He even goes to look for Ki Bbum at her house. She is upset with him, not just because he offended her, but also because he didn’t show up at the meeting, three years ago…Ma Sung is surprised. That woman is part of his past…

Ma Sung sees a woman with a camera and he hates being filmed or having pictures taken. He approaches that woman and breaks her camera. He is rude, screams at her and insults her when she asked if he doesn’t remember her. That woman is Ki Bbum.


At night, Ma Sung went home, ate diner, wrote on the diary what he did that day and went to bed. Of course he didn’t mentioned his encounter with Ki Bbum to make sure he won’t remember her the next day.

First Impressions: Devilish Joy

The next morning, Ma Sung wakes up as usually. He takes a shower and the shock hits him… Ma Sung remembers a woman, calling his name, arguing with him. He checks his diary and notes, but nothing about that woman was written there. He drew Ki Bbum and asked his secretary, but secretary Yang wasn’t present the other day when Ma Sung met Ki Bbum.

The whole day, Ma Sung kept remembering and thinking about Ki Bbum. He doesn’t remember her name or anything related to her. He only remembers their meeting the other day. So he sent his secretary to find the woman he keeps thinking about.

After meeting his cousin, Ma Sung returns to work. He sees his assistant laughing with two nurses while looking at something. When his assistant showed him the video, Ma Sung recognized Ki Bbum as the woman that he remembers. Then the assistant tell Ma Sung more about Ki Bbum. Three years ago she was a top celebrity. Then suddenly her luck went bad when she was accused of killing Min Hyung Joon. She was found not guilty but Min Hyung Joon’s family and fans keep insisting she killed Hyung Joon. Now she films strange videos for the internet and runs an online shop, but that doesn’t go that well.

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Ma Sung texted Ki Bbum that he wants to order 100 products from her site. At first, Ki Bbum believed that was a jock. But she needs to confirm it. She desperately need the money. She called Ma Sung and confirmed. He indeed want to buy 100 products, but he has a condition. Ki Bbum, herself, has to bring them to his house.

Ki Bbum prepared the products, but Ma Sung didn’t give her the address. She only knows the neighborhood. When she arrived there, Ki Bbum called and Ma Sung gives her direction on the phone Of course he played a little and made her carry a big bag with her around the whole neighborhood…because Ma Sung liked Ki Bbum’s voice and she was obedient. She doesn’t get angry and she is patient. She doesn’t seem dangerous so Ma Sung finally lets her know his address. When she arrived at that address, Ki Bbum was surprised. The house Ma Sung lives in is her old house.

She went inside and sees Ma Sung. He makes her carry the heavy bag all over the house and he is surprised that she know where the bathroom or the bedroom are. While they were talking, Ki Bbum mentioned the camera he broke the other day. So Ma Sung sent her money for both the clothes she brought and the camera he broke the other day.

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After sending the money, Ma Sung told Ki Bbum that she can keep the clothes or throw them away. He doesn’t need them. He only bought them because he was curious about something. Offended, Ki Bbum takes the clothes and leaves.


After he offended Ki Bbum and she left, Ma Sung feels strange. His heart is acting strange. Meantime Ki Bbum went home, dragging the bag with clothes after her. In front of her house, she met Ki Joon. They filmed a movie together about five years ago. So Ki Joon helps her with the clothes. The clothes are already paid so Ki Joon thinks they could donate them to the homeless people.

Ma Sung is bothered by what happened with Ki Bbum so he goes to her house. He encounters ki Bbum’s sister, Sa Rang, and Ki Bbum’s drunk father. When Ki Bbum arrived, Ma Sung said he came to get the clothes he paid for earlier. Too late! Ki Bbum already gave them away. So Ma Sung wants to talk to her. Of course Ki Bbum doesn’t want to talk to him.

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Ma Sung offends Ki Bbum again since she doesn’t want to talk to him. Then he leaves. Ki Bbum follows him, throws something at him and asks why he didn’t show up the day they were supposed to meet, the day he kissed her. Surprised that he used to know that woman and even kiss her, Ma Sung wants to know what happened. But Ki Bbum is hurt that he doesn’t remember. She thinks it will be better for him to not remember and for them to never see each other again.Would you choose to love someone you could never remember? Gong Ma Sung grew up having a difficult life and experiencing hardships, yet still making joy from it. He is the successor to the Sunwoo company and excels in anything to do with the cranial nerve. From his difficulties, he is respected and looked up to as a brilliant man. One day, his kindness destroys his life. Whilst trying to help a woman in trouble, he gets into an accident, and his life completely changes. He loses the ability to remember, and his memory is only limited to one day. Now, before he goes to sleep and forgets everything, he notes all events from that one day. He wakes up with no recollection of the past and reads back on his notes to memorize. His life changes further when he meets Joo Gi Bbeum, a once-popular star, who was loved by all. She is not as revered as she once was, having to go through a horrible experience that shaped who she is in the present, ruined her confidence, and destroyed her future. When they meet, Gong Ma Sung falls in love with her, and a connection is formed. But how do you develop love when every day seems like the beginning? (Source: AJ at ) Edit Translation

I guess you can say that I'm thrilled and charmed by the simplicity of the drama. There isn't much new to the plot, in general, but you see a lot of freshness in how they approach the subject. Either Jin Hyuk found a drama that appears to ideally fit to his own character, or they changed it a bit to fit him, because he is superb in it.


Jin Hyuk has an ability to play characters, that seems simple and lighthearted, at the same time, being incredibly deep and sophisticated. I think this is the main charm in this drama. He plays his role perfectly and at the same time gives depth to the plot, writers have given him to play.

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I do believe that either people see this drama and can't get enough of it, or they will dismiss it for being too simple and easy. But at a closer look, you love it more than (almost) any other.

Also have to give production crew a thumbs up. The choice of actors is pretty darn good and as I am usually pretty negative in my reviews about female leads, which usually appears in me not posting about them at all.. :) But this time I have to say.. I'm impressed.

Ha Yoon is at her strongest in here. In 'Fight for my way', she made an impression as a great actress, who could really play a part I'd enjoy, in an emotional drama. I was right, she's perfect for this, in this. She makes me smile and she frustrates me.. and she makes me feel her emotions, and relate to her life..


Devilish Joy (devilish Charm) Korean With English Subs

Everyone, the writers, producers, the actors. Have done a great job on this project(will do). Can't wait to watch it until to the end. Hope to feel surprised a bit, but whichever way the plot goes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it until it ends.

(BTW) Not sure about this remark.. But I really do like Hoya only, when he's dancing.. I've seen some, or a lot of his acting.

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