Korean Drama Love Alert Ep 1

Korean Drama Love Alert Ep 1

Ahh!! So I was struggling with deciding how to do these. I was inspired by my laziness and as such I am doing these recaps to cover both episodes. This is better for me because I am rather busy during the week so covering both episodes at once maximizes my time! Also this review is late only because I was recently moving so I had a ton of shit to do and I didn’t have the chance to sit and write this recap. I have also decided that these recaps won’t be in the style that you’re used to but it should be entertaining nonetheless! Let’s get into thissss.

We start off the premiere episode with Yoon Yoo Jung (Yoon Eun Hye) getting an award at an international award ceremony for best actress. Everyone was cheering and there was joy and happiness. After that Yoo Jung is all up on her presumed boyfriend (Choi Jung Won) at the airport in a pretty careless way that had me like ‘damn sis don’t you think you should like not do that shit out in the open?’ Hence why a pap was in the bushes snatching pictures. During this ‘cute fest’ we are given our first coincidental sighting of the male lead Cha Woo Hyun (Chun Jung Myung) who looks at them the way I looked at them, with pure disdain. He notices a crowd that’s waiting and cheering even though he didn’t quite understand that it was for our female lead. Through the cheering crowd comes his not that much older mother who lets us know that he won an award as well. He then proceeds to ask how her fifth honeymoon went and we find out that hubby number five is barely older than her son and honestly, hella goals Mom!! Get. It.


Yoo Jung says bye to presumed boyfriend whose name I can’t recall and don’t particularly feel like looking up and then she goes into her van where she is accosted by the CEO of her company, Han Jae Kyung (Han Go Eun) who proceeds to tell her that her actress persona and her true persona are very different from each other and sometimes she should class it up a bit. Jae Kyung also tells her that homeboy ain’t shit and if she feels the need to get experience to devote more to her dating roles then let her choose because Yoo Jung can’t pick men. Cue us seeing boyfriend getting a car from his girlfriend who is coincidentally a VIP patient from Woo Hyun’s hospital. Woo Hyun of course runs into them and immediately recognizes the boy cause he was all up on our sis a while ago. When VIP Fashion girl introduces him as her boyfriend, Woo Hyun was basically like:

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Woo Hyun and his mom leave the parking lot and are in the car where we learn more about him which is basically ever Kdrama male lead ever who has a tense relationship with his father, doesn’t believe in love and blah blah blah. They end the car ride and he’s at his hospital where he’s loved, a patient comes in that his mom had set him up with and she was like hella desperate and my dude was like “ugh can you not?” He gets saved by this student who burned herself and needs immediate treatment.. I mean I’ve burned myself before but you haven’t seen me crying a river about it but anyways. We then cut to Yoo Jung and her CEO still bickering and Yoo Jung complaining about her back which seems to need treatment and which hospital do they end up? The one where our male lead works! I AM SHOCKED. *she says sarcastically*

At the hospital Woo Hyun treats the student with the burn who wants to become an actress and her favorite actress is non other than our resident superstar, Yoo Jung, who at that same time is paying for said student’s treatment because her mother left her wallet at home in all the confusion of the life threatening burn. When Woo Hyun leaves the student he has the intention to pay the bill but that’s when he finds out that it was already covered and so he decides to give Yoo Jung the special mask because she’s so nice. Daww. They walk by each other in slow motion like only kdramas could do and Yoo Jung heads to her room not before eavesdropping on a bunch of jealous bitches calling her a flop who can’t keep a man. She’s rightfully upset by this and spirals into a bit of self pity and honestly, so relatable!! She also overhears Woo Hyun being a know-it-all to the other surgeon and she’s enamored by that, so enamored that when she’s leaving the hospital she lets them know that he should be her doctor from now on. The nurses were like “he’s totes hot too!” and asked if she wants to meet him but then she gets a bootycall from boyfriend so she had to decline.

Yoo Jung arrives at boyfriend and is basically so in love and gushing about it being their 100 days soon and he was like “it ain’t that deep” and I didn’t appreciate that because 100 days is a big deal!! I can barely commit to a gym for that long. But poor Yoo Jung cannot read social cues at all cause that is a man that is definitely not feeling that gift of a watch. But listen… I would take the watch, Yoo Jung! He’s an ungrateful prick! She’s like telling him it’s time for them to go public and he’s basically telling her that he’s not worth it. He was practically yelling it.


Series] Love Alarm Season 1 Episode 1

Thankfully the awkward conversation is interrupted by Woo Hyun who apparently is looking at boyfriend’s house cause he’s selling. Unfortunately for Yoo Jung that means she has to hide, double hit of bad luck, the paparazzi from earlier is camped out across the street taking pictures through THE CLEAR AND OPEN WINDOWS! Can we discuss how these people are supposed to be celebrities but like have a total lack of awareness? Like??

It’s the next day and we’re witnessing the most awkward car ride. Fortunately we’re saved by Yoo Jung needing to stop to get something from the store, when boyfriend stops the car, she runs out and police tell him he can’t park there. Woo Hyun then pulls up in a pretty identical car to get something from the store as well. When Yoo Jung leaves the store she naturally just hops into the car and the scene which occurs is quite hilarious. Our first true interaction between the leads in which Woo Hyun says she’s stealing his car and she thinks he’s a stalker. Thankfully, boyfriend shows up again and they realize that it was indeed a huge misunderstanding and they go their separate ways.


Woo Hyun arrives at work and we’re treated to the drama’s portion of daddy issues. Woo Hyun doesn’t want to be used by dad and dad abandoned them and there’s some illegitimacy behind his birth and blah blah. Next.

The Fangirl Verdict

Paparazzi girl has her pictures and enough story to drop the scandal and her boss is patting her on the back and she’s like “Yes! My rent is getting paid tonight!” Moving along.


Yoo Jung is with her CEO who is basically trying to tell her “hoe don’t do it”. She explains to her that she is a brand and that these scandals could affect her beyond her expectations and I couldn’t help but once again think of the actress herself and not the role. She’s telling her that she can date in due time with the right person but homeboy isn’t it. Jae Kyung’s worries were falling onto deaf ears cause girlie is in love and doesn’t give a fuck. She wants to admit to dating him at the press conference release the next day. Sighs. Yoo Jung is seen later also discussing this matter with her friend and fellow actor, Sung Hoon (Joo Woo Jae), who also thinks she’s batshit crazy. While they’re at the shoot preparing and filming the scandal breaks out and Yoo Jung could hardly contain her excitement. The poor fool. Meanwhile Jae Kyung is trying hard to keep it under wraps. Yoo Jung keeps trying to call boyfriend and he’s not answering his phone.. Oh no.

It’s the next day and Yoo Jung approaches boyfriend in the dressing room where he proceeds to dump her. Our little lovesick idiot is making up excuses and refusing to see it for what it is which is how we found ourselves collectively cringing at the press conference where she admits to being in love with someone only to then find out that her boyfriend is now engaged to VIP Fashion lady who gave him a car for his birthday.


Love Alarm Season 1 Episode 1

The second episode picks up where our premiere left off, all eyes were on Yoo Jung as they awaited the explanation of who it is that she’s

Paparazzi girl has her pictures and enough story to drop the scandal and her boss is patting her on the back and she’s like “Yes! My rent is getting paid tonight!” Moving along.


Yoo Jung is with her CEO who is basically trying to tell her “hoe don’t do it”. She explains to her that she is a brand and that these scandals could affect her beyond her expectations and I couldn’t help but once again think of the actress herself and not the role. She’s telling her that she can date in due time with the right person but homeboy isn’t it. Jae Kyung’s worries were falling onto deaf ears cause girlie is in love and doesn’t give a fuck. She wants to admit to dating him at the press conference release the next day. Sighs. Yoo Jung is seen later also discussing this matter with her friend and fellow actor, Sung Hoon (Joo Woo Jae), who also thinks she’s batshit crazy. While they’re at the shoot preparing and filming the scandal breaks out and Yoo Jung could hardly contain her excitement. The poor fool. Meanwhile Jae Kyung is trying hard to keep it under wraps. Yoo Jung keeps trying to call boyfriend and he’s not answering his phone.. Oh no.

It’s the next day and Yoo Jung approaches boyfriend in the dressing room where he proceeds to dump her. Our little lovesick idiot is making up excuses and refusing to see it for what it is which is how we found ourselves collectively cringing at the press conference where she admits to being in love with someone only to then find out that her boyfriend is now engaged to VIP Fashion lady who gave him a car for his birthday.


Love Alarm Season 1 Episode 1

The second episode picks up where our premiere left off, all eyes were on Yoo Jung as they awaited the explanation of who it is that she’s

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