Live Korean Drama News

Live Korean Drama News

Okay, it is pretty tricky to make a post title for a drama named Live (라이브) when we also have to put the word “Live” in the title. I settled on putting Korean Drama in parenthesis just to differentiate it. I know it looks weird, try to roll with it.

Is a drama that wasn’t on my radar until I saw the preview. The preview was so adorable, adorable enough to make me want to livecap it (plus, I loooove the posters). I loved one of writer Noh Hee-kyung’s previous dramas,


, so I am looking forward to what this drama will bring. An extra bonus is the director (Kim Kyu-Tae) who basically makes you fall in love with cinematography. Just check out

K Drama Based On Bts Universe Reveals Cast Line Up. Here's A List Of Who Will Play Whom

We heard that this writer usually makes a very well made drama that isn’t a big hit, but that everyone who watches her stuff loves it so we are expecting a small but mighty viewership for

. We are live recapping this one every Saturday and Sunday for the next two months, so if you are going to watch

How we do this: We update the post around every 10 minutes. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on the scene. There will be typos, but we try to fix all those once the episode finishes airing. Also, there might be updates galore at the bottom (time permitting), so check back in!

Life (south Korean Tv Series)

Han Jung-oh – JO | Yeom Sang-su – SS | Oh Yang-chon – YC | Ahn Jang-mi – JM | Ki Han-sol – HS | Eun Kyung-mo KM | Lee Sam-bo – SB | Kim Nam-il – NI

We open on a night scene. One of the police is speaking on a walky talky, he is telling them to prepare for the case. There are dozens, if not hundreds of police around on the streets of Seoul. They are sitting on the ground and meandering, some are eating. Then we see our lead, Sang-su. He has gotten his food and is sitting on the cold snowy ground to eat it among his colleagues. He looks over at our other lead, Jung-oh. They don’t talk to each other though, they just eat. It is as if they are waiting for a really big event to happen and need to get all their strength. JO looks concerned and SS tries to warm his ears a little.

Cut to JO cleaning dishes in a restaurant. It is late and the people left in the cafe are drunk. These people are just passed out. JO tells the other worker to just shake them and tell them to leave. JO leaves and calls the police, she tells them that two drunk people are on the street and gies them the address. She starts running down the street and gets home. While inside her home she quickly goes to the fridge and gets some rice out but she accidentally drops it. Someone yells, what are you doing, from a room and she says she is washing the rice.

K Drama Review: Live

Then we cut to her walking in one of the rooms, but she accidentally steps on her mother and apologizes as her mom wakes abruptly and hits her a few times. It is morning after her shower (perhaps she worked all night and is getting ready for her day job). She dries her hair and starts to iron her shirt, but she wants to check up on her mother so she goes to talk to her. But her iron falls on her shirt when she leaves and she doesn’t notice. JO makes sure her mother takes her medicine and tells her to eat her breakfast because she has panic disorder. But the mother thinks she is fine and finishes putting on her makeup. She smells something though.


JO runs to the kitchen, the breakfast is brurning. Then JO asks her mother for money, she is going to Seoul for a job conference. Mom gives her some money with a look, and then leaves. JO goes back to her room and sees that her blouse is burnt. Ah, nothing is going right!

Then we cut to her running for the subway and we pass our other main lead, SS. SS is carrying gallon water bottles over his shoulder, perhaps he is selling them? There are dozens if not hundreds of young people at this expo all in buisness suits and reciting their lines. JO also recites her lines in the bathroom, she turns and accidentally runs into someone with a coffee and it splatters all over her blouse. He white blouse is all brown now. The girl is upset about it and they agree to exchange blouses. Then another woman tells everyone to throw away all their coffee cups.

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JO straightens herself up in the bathroom and then goes out for the interview. She sits with 3 other poeple. Someone asks her personal questions like if she will get married. What if your superior asks you to do things….blah blah. But the interviewer isn’t interested. JO didn’t go to a big college but the other person went to Seoul Uniersity and the other guy went to the army. But JO tries to keep talking even though this interviewer is only interested in the two men next to her. She tells him that he isn’t doing his job properly and storms off. She angrily mutrters that she will tell the government all of this on their website!

Meanwhile SS has a job and is busy trying to sell water. He is a company man with a suit and tie and all those things. But he is still intern level. We see a little bit about his daily life as a company man in a cubicle and then we see him and his friend eating after work. They shoot the breeze about how it is difficult to become a regular employee. But then SS’s nose starts to bleed. He thinks he worked to hard today and laughs about it.


At the same time, JO is sitting with several other people trying to get a job. They are all eating at a small cafe and talking a bout the injustice of it all. A man thinks men have it harder and a women talks about how women have it harder. They start to go back and forth as they talk about discrimination with men and women. The army guy got a job and JO tells him congratulations. He says he didn’t know why he got it when she had better scores. His two reasons for getting it are that he is a man and stronger and more patient from the army. JO says she doesn’t want to talk about it, but then she goes into a huge femenist speach about how men control the world and destroy womens lives. All the woman drink to this. JO says she can’t sit with him anymore since she is jelaous, and leaves. (it looks like they are all from the same university).

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JO goes to a jimjilbang and calls her mother. Her mother is still out at a cafe. JO wonders if they should ask her father for money, but they think they shouldn’t, he thinks they are leaches anyway. JO says she didn’t pass any of the interviews, so her mother hangs up on her. But JO calls her back and tells her that she won’t dissapoint her, she is qualified, she just doesn’t have a chance. the mother and daughter argue back and forth. JO tells mom not to beg appa for money and the mother yells at the daughter, she will beg him, the daughter doesn’t have to beg him!

They hug and dance and run outside as they sing this, they are much happier as they scream that silly song with all their might.

Then we see SS, he needs money too and is talking to his mother. His mother is a custodian and is in the middle of cleaning bathrooms while talking to her, but she says she doens’t have any money and hangs up while muttering that her son takes all her little money from her. Then we see another person on the phone, a pharmascist. The pharmacist is the brother so it looks like SS is asking him for money as well. They hang up and we find out that the brother has a grilfriend who went on a blind date with someone else. Her parents wanted her to, but it looks like it may have been more serious.


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Meanwhile SS is talking on the phone while in the subway. He is talking to one of his friends about going to a club and laughing. JO is in the same subway cart with her friend as they head home for the day. She asks her friend, what about this place?

Cut to a club that is packed with people. SS is there with his colleagues and they do guy things as they look at the women and drink. SS asks them all for some money to hang out with the ladies, but everyone

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