Pinocchio Korean Drama Eng Sub Ep 5

Pinocchio Korean Drama Eng Sub Ep 5

Choi Dal Po tries to find out from the police where his father’s remains are. He learns a family member claimed the remains and Dal Po tries desperately to find out information since now he knows his brother is alive. For the first time in a Korean drama, private information is kept private and the police officer won’t tell Dal Po the information about his brother since he can’t prove he is family through official documents. Still, there is one thing Dal Po got out of all this. He learned that he was not alone in this world.

At the same moment, Jae Myung is at the mortuary, standing in front of his father’s ashes. He cries because he is now truly alone in the world. And the only one in the world who knows how unfairly his father died.


Dal Po asks his dead father where and what he is supposed to do to find his brother. At that moment he gets a text notifying that he has been accepted to YGN as a reporter. Dal Po believes this is the answer his father sent him. He wanted to be a reporter with

Pinocchio 2014 Dvd (korean Drama) 1 20 End With English Subtitles (all

Because of In Ha, to show her mother. But that resolve has gone down the drain and he has a new one- he wants to let the world know his father’s story and find the only other person who knows this story, his brother. Dal Po thinks it may be his father, not In Ha, who led him here to become a reporter.

It’s a new day and In Ha and Dal Po are both off to work, except the former is going to work part-time at a convenience store and the latter is heading to the tv station. In Ha’s father has nothing but snark for his daughter, advising her to find a job as a teacher whose resume includes making a taxi driver into a journalist in one month.

In Ha and Dal Po are a little awkward with each other and In Ha hasn’t stopped hiccuping since the day she realized she like Dal Po but denied it. In Ha harbors no ill feelings toward Dal Po nor is she jealous even though he outed her as a Pinocchio and she tries to tell him so, but because of her hiccuping, he doesn’t believe her.

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In Ha explains that she understands Dal Po had no choice but to attack her that day because it was a survival debate. Dal Po clarifies that it wasn’t because he had no choice but because he truly believes it- she shouldn’t become a tv journalist. In Ha wants to know why and Dal Po replies that it is as he said during the debate- someone who doesn’t know the harm words can do shouldn’t be a reporter. But Dal Po can’t tell her the other part of his reason- if she becomes a reporter, she will remind him too much of her mother and he will feel pain every time he looks at her. In Ha is angry, thinking Dal Po was lying about becoming a reporter together.

In Ha is working at the convenience, trying to hold everything in but one customers opens the flood gates and out rushes In Ha’s tears, grievances, and complaints. She’s feeling sorry for herself and to complete strangers, In Ha sobs and sobs. It’s hilarious, really, as she manages to do her job while waves of tears come to her again and again. One of the customers turns out to be Beom Jo. He has tracked her down here too. He tells her to keep talking; he will listen to it all. He has all the time in the world.


Dal Po arrives at YGN on his first day of work. He finds his cohort members huddled around. (They all speak informally to each other, even if there is an age difference, because they are in the same cohort. It’s tradition.) They are exchanging information about their senior colleagues- the one to watch for is Jang Hyun Gyu, ranking reporter in the Han River Line. He likes to pick on people so his nickname is Jang Ddan Ji (ddan ji is the term used for picking on people and his last name is Jang, but hilariously, jang ddan ji as a complete phrase means calf in Korean) and he hates it when people cry.

Pinocchio Episode 3

Unfortunately for Yoon Yoo Rae, who was leading this conversation, Calf catches them in the act and it looks like things between Calf and Yoo Rae start off on the wrong foot.

Yoo Rae and her partner in crime get punished by Calf. The YGN news people who evaluated the applicants during the camera test are in another room, watching as spectators. Gyo Dong thinks Dal Po won’t last this initiation process since he said to Gyo Dong previously that he hates reporters and the tv station. Meanwhile, Calf catches Dal Po’s eye and asks him if he thinks Yoo Rae is being unfairly punished. Gyo Dong thinks Dal Po will talk back and get in trouble, but Dal Po is surprisingly meek and obliging. Dal Po answers that Yoo Rae deserves her punishment and when Calf punishes him for not taking his cohort’s side, Dal Po quietly obeys. This is not what Gyo Dong expected from the fiery boy he met years ago.

Calf is going to teach the new recruits for a week how the news is made and reported. After the week, they will be assigned to a line, like the Han River line. For journalists in Korea, the city of Seoul is separated into different sections, called a line, and reporters specialize in one line since they can’t cover the whole city. After they get assigned to a line, they will go around police stations and find a story they believe should be covered. Pinocchio (korean Tv Drama, 5 Dvd Set By Pk, English Sub)

Dal Po is describing this to grandpa at home and In Ha overhears in the bathroom. Peeved, she brushes the toilet with Dal Po’s toothbrush and puts in back in place. She doesn’t go through with this disgusting revenge, however, coming in at the last minute before Dal Po puts the toothbrush in his mouth to throw it out. Dal Po, of course, doesn’t know she saved him from toilet germs, only that she is still angry.

The old factory men are eating dinner together again, happier now because the former foreman paid back some money to the other two. They also talk about the discovery of Ki Ho Sang’s remains and they are happy, relieved that Ki Ho Sang won’t return and reveal the truth about their lie. Jae Myung, who has been silently sitting next to them at another table, gets up and pretends to trip into the three’s table. He stealthily grabs the foreman’s wallet off the table, acts drunk, apologizes, and leaves.


As the YGN newbies learn the news reporting process, we learn that MSC is not doing well in terms of news show rankings, especially in trustworthiness. At MSC, they worry about what to do about this problem. Song Cha Ok confirms with the rest of the team that two new recruits dropped out recently, leaving open two spaces. The wheels in her head begin to spin even more rapidly.

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At the convenience store, In Ha is doing exactly what Beom Jo said she could do- she talks and talks and he listens and helps her restock the shelves. She complains that Dal Po won’t tell her why he suddenly changed his mind about her becoming a reporter and that everyone doesn’t want her to become a reporter. She blames her hiccups for all the trouble they have caused her. Beom Jo reminds her that it could have been worse- instead of hiccups, she could have farted every time she lied. In Ha thanks him for the positive reminder and for listening to her. He assures her that enjoys listening to her.

Suddenly, Cha Ok is there. Talking to In Ha alone, she offers In Ha a position at MSC since there is an opening. In Ha asks why her- was she next in line or… In Ha can’t verbalize what she really wants to know- is it because Cha Ok wanted to help her out? Cha Ok knows what In Ha wants to ask without her saying it and she replies it is neither. She is honest and tells In Ha she is for marketing purposes- to increase trustworthiness in MSC since she is a Pinocchio. It is only a three-month intern position, although it might be made permanent. In Ha is disappointed that this is not a real reporter position and says no. But Cha Ok reminds her that she is not in a position to refuse this offer. She shouldn’t try to save face and her pride. She has to make a choice and that means something will have to be given up.


In Ha asks what Cha Ok gave up when she chose to be a reporter. Cha Ok answers, “You.” In Ha asks if Cha Ok regretted that decision and for the first time, Cha Ok’s gaze softens-

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