South Korean Enlisted Ranks

South Korean Enlisted Ranks

O Removed the exception authority does not apply to this publication and replace with the exception authority for this pamphlet is the Eighth Commanding General (pg i).

Summary. This pamphlet provides information in order to educate and inform service members on standards for appearance, personal conduct, and other areas of interest to the command.


Applicability. This pamphlet applies to all Major Subordinate Commands of Eighth as well as all Soldiers and units assigned, attached, OPCON, and ADCON, where the Commanding General exercises authority as the Senior Mission Commander.

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Proponent and Exception Authority. The proponent for this pamphlet is the Eighth Command Sergeant Major. The exception authority for this pamphlet is the Eighth Commanding General.

1-1. Purpose. The intent and purpose of this Blue Book (hereinafter pamphlet) is to educate and instill upon all service members of Eighth the basic standards for individual discipline, appearance, conduct, and military courtesy as established by Regulations and policies.

All United States service members of Major Subordinate Commands of Eighth as well as all Soldiers and units assigned, attached, OPCON, and ADCON, where the Commanding General exercises authority as the Senior Mission Commander shall adhere to these standards while serving in Eighth both on and off-duty.

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1-2. Applicability. This pamphlet applies to all service members of Major Subordinate Commands of Eighth as well as all Soldiers and units assigned, attached, OPCON, and ADCON, where the Commanding General exercises authority as the Senior Mission Commander. Service members who reside on other installations shall comply with the Eighth standards, unless the host installation standards and policies are more restrictive.

1-3. Responsibilities. Commanders and leaders shall ensure Soldiers present a neat appearance at all times and conduct themselves with the level of professionalism accorded to one who took a sacred oath to serve our and the Nation, both on and off-duty. Soldiers shall take pride in their appearance and conduct themselves properly at all times. Leaders have the duty to read, understand, and enforce all mandates within this pamphlet as well as ensuring they brief their Soldiers on its contents. Leaders shall ensure all Soldiers receive a copy of this pamphlet, and carry it on their person while in uniform. In the alternative, Soldiers may carry a digital copy on a smart phone, however, this does not relief leaders of the duty to ensure Soldiers possess it.

1-4. Authority. Portions of this pamphlet are punitive. Violation of the specific prohibitions and requirements of specific portions by Soldiers may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

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1-5. References. The following references were used in the creation of this pamphlet. Future changes in policy and regulations shall supersede in case of conflict except in those instances the Commanding General deems the policies contained herein are necessary in order to maintain good order and discipline as well as the health, welfare, and safety of service members.


1-6. Exceptions to Policy. Exceptions to policy may be granted when submitted through unit commander and approved by the Eighth Commanding General.

2-1. Eighth Mission. Eighth supports United Nations Command (UNC)/Combined Forces Command (CFC)/United States Forces Korea (USFK) efforts to deter North Korean (nK) aggression. On order, Eighth conducts Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) and Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I) to set conditions for offensive operations.

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2-2. History of Eighth . Eighth was officially activated at Memphis, Tennessee, on 10 June 1944 and soon thereafter, it deployed to the Southwest Pacific Area. Under the command of LTG Robert L. Eichelberger, Eighth methodically eliminated the last fanatical enemy resistance remaining on New Guinea and New Britain. From 26 December 1944 until 15 August 1945, Eighth was actively engaged in the re-conquest of the Philippines -- the largest joint campaign of theWar in the Pacific. Collectively, the five Victor operations launched by Eighth would result in the liberation of the southern and central portions of the Philippine Archipelago -- fully two-thirds of the land area of the Philippines. From 19 February to 3 April 1945, Eighth units (ranging from company-size teams to division-level task forces) conducted fourteen major amphibious assaults and twenty-four minor landings. During this 44-day period, Eighth averaged an assault landing every day and a half. Subsequently, it earned the nickname Amphibious Eighth -- alluding to its participation in more than sixty amphibious assaults during World War II.

While combat operations were still on-going in the Philippines, Eighth simultaneously began preparations for Operation Downfall -- the invasion of Japan. However, with the sudden surrender of the Japanese Empire on 15 August 1945, Eighth 's mission transitioned from one of conquest to one of occupation and it was the Amphibious Eighth that led the of Occupation into Japan. On 31 December 1945, Sixth was relieved of occupation duties and Eighth assumed an expanded role in the occupation, which encompassed the formidable tasks of disarmament, demilitarization, and democratization. These missions were flawlessly executed at the operational level by Eighth and it was the military occupation of Japan that ensured the economic recovery and political democratization of that island nation. With the outbreak of hostilities in Korea on 25 June 1950, Eighth would face another major challenge.


Due to the tactical situation that existed during the first six weeks of the Korean War, ROK and US ground forces were compelled to conduct an economy of force mission. Inherently risky and difficult to execute under the best of circumstances, a series of delays and withdrawals defined the ROK-US effort in the early stages of the Korean War. Running out of space to trade for time, Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker (Commanding General, Eighth ) ordered his command to withdraw behind the Nakdong River and establish a defensive posture oriented on terrain retention. On 1 August 1950, a defensive perimeter (labeled by journalists as the Pusan Perimeter) was organized. The successful defense of the Pusan Perimeter represented a defining moment in the Korean War; it set the stage for the UN Offensive.

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The breakout from the Pusan Perimeter, in concert with the amphibious assault at Inchon on 15 September 1950, resulted in the collapse of the entire North Korean People's . For all practical purposes, the NKPA had been defeated and any hope of continuing the war with North Korean forces alone was a concept wholly without merit. By 1 October 1950, Eighth reached the 38th parallel and on 9 October, it began its main advance across this border -- spearheaded by the 1st Cavalry Division and the 1st ROK Division. On 19 October, these two divisions captured the North Korean capital of Pyongyang and on 24 November 1950, Eighth began its so-called end-of-the-war offensive. Final victory seemed imminent, but the situation would change with devastating suddenness.

On 25 November, the full-scale intervention of the Chinese People's Volunteer changed the entire complexity of the war and forced Eighth and X Corps (which were operating independently of each other at that time) to transition to the defense. With the advantage of surprise and numerical superiority, the CPVA launched multiple synchronized attacks that ultimately expelled friendly forces from North Korea and on 4 January 1951, Seoul would change hands for the third time within a six-month period. Before it could organize an effective line of defense, Eighth had withdrawn a total of 275 miles (which qualifies as the longest retreat in US military history). Subsequently, the myth of the millions of Chinese in Korea was widely circulated among the rank and file and rumors of vacating the peninsula were rampant.

By mid-January 1951, Eighth (now under the command of Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgway) launched a series of highly successful limited objective attacks. With emphasis on lateral security, these operations were force oriented as opposed to terrain oriented. Any ground that was taken was incidental to closing with and destroying the enemy. On 15 March 1951, Seoul was recaptured for the fourth and last time during the course of the war. By the end of the month, Eighth reached the 38th parallel and three weeks later, established strong defensive positions twenty miles beyond (in most sectors of the main line of resistance). By the spring of 1951, both opposing forces had concluded that the issue of achieving a decisive military victory was no longer a viable option as neither side wanted to expand the scope and scale of the conflict.


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However, the Chinese Communists were determined to launch one last major effort to capture Seoul. Once this was achieved, they would advocate a cease-fire. With the capital of South Korea in their hands, the Communists would be in an enviable position to negotiate an armistice favorable to their own terms. The Fifth Phase Chinese Offensive (22 April - 8 July 1951) qualified as the largest ground action of the Korean War. During this two-phased campaign, the Chinese People's Volunteer failed miserably to achieve its primary objective and

Sustained catastrophic losses in the process.

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