Diaspora Korean

Diaspora Korean

The Korean diaspora consists of around 7.3 million people, both descdants of early emigrants from the Korean Pinsula, as well as more rect emigrants from Korea. Around 84.5% of overseas Koreans live in just five countries: China, the United States, Japan, Canada, and Uzbekistan.

Other countries with greater than 0.5% Korean minorities include Brazil, Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. All these figures include both permant migrants and sojourners.


There are currtly a number of official and unofficial appellations used by the authorities of the two Korean states as well as a number of Korean institutions for Korean nationals, expatriates and descdants living abroad. Thus, there is no single name for the Korean diaspora.

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The historically used term gyopo (교포/僑胞, also spelled kyopo, meaning nationals) has come to have negative connotations as referring to people who, as a result of living as sojourners outside the home country, have lost touch with their Korean roots. As a result, others prefer to use the term dongpo (동포/同胞, meaning brethr or people of the same ancestry). Dongpo has a more transnational implication, emphasising links among various overseas Korean groups, while gyopo has more of a purely national connotation referring to the Korean state.

Another rectly popularized term is gyomin (교민/僑民, meaning immigrants), although it is usually reserved for Korean-born citizs that have moved abroad in search of work, and as such is rarely used as a term to refer to the tire diaspora.

Official appellation used by North Korea for Korean citizs living outside the Korean Pinsula is haeoe gugmin whereas South Korea uses the term jaeoe gungmin to refer to tire Korean diaspora. Both terms translate as overseas national(s) or overseas people.

The Korean Diasporas In Mexico And Eurasia

Prior to the modern era, Korea had be a territorially stable polity for cturies; as Jaeeun Kim described it, The congruce of territory, polity and population was tak for granted.

Large-scale emigration from Korea began as early as the mid-1860s, mainly into the Russian Far East and Northeast China; these emigrants became the ancestors of the two million Koreans in China and several hundred thousand Koryo-saram.

During the Japanese colonial period of 1910–1945, Koreans were oft recruited or forced into indtured servitude to work in mainland Japan, Karafuto Prefecture (Sakhalin) and Manchukuo, especially in the 1930s and early 1940s; the ones who chose to remain in Japan at the d of the war became known as Zainichi Koreans, while the roughly 40 thousand who were trapped in Karafuto after the Soviet invasion are typically referred to as Sakhalin Koreans.

Pdf) The Politics Of Diaspora Management In The Republic Of Korea

Aside from migration within the Empire of Japan or its puppet state of Manchukuo, some Koreans also escaped Japanese-ruled territory tirely, heading to Shanghai, a major ctre of the Korean indepdce movemt or to the already-established Korean communities of the Russian Far East. However, the latter would find themselves deported to Ctral Asia

Korea gained its indepdce after the Surrder of Japan in 1945 after World War II but was divided into North and South. After the establishmt of the People's Republic of China in 1949, ethnic Koreans in China (Joseonjok or Chaoxianzu) became officially recognised as one of the 56 ethnic groups of the country. They are considered to be one of the major minorities. Their population grew to about 2 million; they stayed mostly in Northeastern China, where their ancestors had initially settled. Their largest population was conctrated in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin, where they numbered 854, 000 in 1997.

Korean emigration to the United States is known to have begun as early as 1903, but the Korean American community did not grow to a significant size until after the passage of the Immigration Reform Act of 1965.

Joy Ellen Yoon — Korean Diaspora

A handful are descded from laborers who migrated to Hawaii in the late 19th and early 20th cturies. A significant number are descded from orphans of the Korean War, in which the United States was a major ally of South Korea and provided the bulk of the United Nations troops that served there. Thousands were adopted by American (mostly Caucasian) families in the years following the war, wh their plight was covered on television. The vast majority, however, immigrated or are descded from those who immigrated after the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 abolished national immigration quotas.

Europe and Latin America were also minor destinations for post-war Korean emigration. Korean immigration to Latin America was documted as early as the 1950s; North Korean prisoners of war choose to emigrate to Chile in 1953 and Argtina in 1956 under the auspices of the Red Cross. However, the majority of Korean settlemt occurred in the late 1960s. As the South Korean economy continued to expand in the 1980s, investors from South Korea came to Latin America and established small businesses in the textiles industry.

Korean immigrants were increasingly settling in urban cters of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Vezuela, although return migration from South America back to Korea has sued since th.

Gwiks Signature Conference: Korean Kinship, Adoption, And Diaspora

In the 1970s, however, Japan and the United States remained the top two destinations for South Korean emigrants, with each receiving more than a quarter of all emigration; the Middle East became the third most popular destination, with more than 800, 000 Koreans going to Saudi Arabia betwe 1975 and 1985 and another 26, 000 Koreans going to Iran. In contrast, aside from Germany (1.7% of all South Korean emigration in 1977) and Paraguay (1.0%), no European or Latin American destinations were ev in the top t for emigrants.


The cultural and stylistic diversity of the Korean diaspora is documted and celebrated in the work of fine-art photographer CYJO, in her Kyopo Project, a photographic study of over 200 people of Korean desct.

Berg County (버건 군), New Jersey, across the George Washington Bridge from New York City (뉴욕), is a growing hub and home to all of the nation's top t municipalities by perctage of Korean population,

Motherland Essay Roots: Korean Diaspora — Lynne Connor

The municipality with the highest dsity of ethnic Koreans in the Western Hemisphere. Displaying ubiquitous Hangul (한글) signage and known as the Korean village,

South Korean media reports on the riots increased public awaress of the long working hours and harsh conditions faced by immigrants to the United States in the 1990s.

Although immigration to the United States briefly became less attractive as a result of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, during which many Korean American immigrants saw their businesses destroyed by looters, the Los Angeles and New York City metropolitan areas still contain by far the largest populations of ethnic Koreans outside Korea

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And continue to attract the largest share of Korean immigrants. In fact, the per capita Korean population of Berg County, New Jersey, in the New York Metropolitan Area, 6.3% by the 2010 United States Csus

While the conctration of Korean Americans in Palisades Park, New Jersey, within Berg County, is both the highest dsity and perctage of any municipality in the United States,


Since the early 2000s, a substantial number of afflut Korean American professionals have settled in Berg County (버겐 카운티), which is home to North American headquarters operations of South Korean chaebols including Samsung

The Korean Diaspora By

And have founded various academically and communally supportive organizations, including the Korean Part Partnership Organization at the Berg County Academies magnet high school

Holy Name Medical Cter in Teaneck, New Jersey, within Berg County, has undertak an ambitious effort to provide comprehsive health care services to underinsured and uninsured Korean patits from a wide area with its growing Korean Medical Program, drawing over 1, 500 ethnic Korean patits to its annual health festival.

And its Sior Citizs Cter in Palisades Park provides a popular gathering place where ev Korean grandmothers were noted to follow the dance trd of the worldwide viral hit Gangnam Style by South Korean K-pop rapper Psy in September 2012;

Japan's North Korean Diaspora

While the nearby Fort Lee Koreatown is also emerging as such. The Chusok Korean Thanksgiving harvest festival has become an annual tradition in Berg County, attded by several ts of thousands.

In January 2019, Christopher Chung was sworn in as the first Korean mayor of Palisades Park and the first mayor from the Korean diaspora in Berg County.

Was cited by county executive Kathle Donovan in the context of Hacksack, New Jersey attorney Jae Y. Kim's appointmt to Ctral Municipal Court judgeship in January 2011.


World's Widest Diaspora Born Over 100 Years Ago

Subsequtly, in January 2012, the New Jersey Governor Chris Christie nominated attorney Phillip Kwon of Berg County for New Jersey Supreme Court justice,

And in July 2012, Kwon was appointed instead as deputy geral counsel of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

According to The Record of Berg County, the U.S. Csus Bureau has determined the county's Korean American population – 2010 csus figures put it at 56, 773

Celebrating Korean Diaspora Joy With Made In Korea Author Sarah Suk

Described as a historic evt, the US$6 million Korean Community Cter oped in Tafly, New Jersey in January 2015, aimed at integrating Berg County's Korean community into the mainstream.

With the developmt of the South Korean economy, the focus of emigration from Korea began to shift from developed nations towards developing nations, prior to repatriation back to Korea. With the 1992 normalisation of diplomatic relations betwe China and South Korea, many citizs of South Korea started to settle instead

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