Married Not Dating Korean Drama Ep 1

Married Not Dating Korean Drama Ep 1

I love shows based on contractual relationships! It’s an old trope, but when a show based on such a premise is done this well, I will gladly embrace it with open arms.

Our show opens, interestingly enough, with a court case. Our defendant is none other than the heroine of the show Joo Jang Mi (portrayed by Han Groo). She is on trial for “continual torment” aka stalking. She laughs off the allegation like a mad woman and says bitterly, “I’m a crazy witch. I must have been insane”. Well with the way you’re acting, that’s actually not too hard to believe. In the same courthouse, our hero, Gong Gi Tae (portrayed by Yeon Woo Jin), rushes to testify for his fiancée. Can you guess who that is?  Once he enters the courtroom, Jang Mi stares at him in shock while he just smiles at her.


. She is in high spirits while she pretties herself up (as if that’s really necessary, the girl’s gorgeous) and decks out her hotel room with candles, heart shaped balloons and rose petals. The male lead to this little surprise she’s putting on isn’t there yet so she makes a phone call.

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On the desk in the office of Gong Gi Tae Plastic Surgery, a phone rings. The owner, however, is busy in the OR doing what he does best, to make people pretty (while taking away their individuality but I digress…). He’s so good at what he does that when blood splatters on his face, he doesn’t even bother to wipe it off. I know he’s dedicated but that doesn’t look very sanitary.

Gi Tae finally picks up the phone and asks whoever is on the other side what it is that they needs him to see. Jang Mi also gets her call answered and she says that she wants him to see it with his own eyes.

Gi Tae arrives at a hotel, looking rather dapper, and asks where the person on the other end of the line is since all he sees is “some stranger” waving and smiling at him. He’s in disbelief when he realizes his friend, Lee Hoon Dong (portrayed by Heo Jung Min), has set him up on a

Yesasia: Marriage Not Dating (dvd) (ep. 1 16) (end) (english Subtitled) (tvn Tv Drama) (malaysia Version) Dvd

Hoon Dong isn’t far away, in fact, he’s the mystery man that Jang Mi has been waiting for. Jang Mi receives him with a rose in her mouth and calls him

. He obviously has other plans in mind until he looks at the room and realizes that Jang Mi is about to do the very thing he fears the most, ask him to get married. Dun dun dun. Of course he does what any mature man would do in that situation, he hides in the bathroom and calls Gi Tae for help.

Gi Tae is not happy to say the least about the turn of events. He rudely exchanges texts with Hoon Dong while his date sits across from him. When she coughs to indicate that, well she’s still there, he apologizes and asks where he was. Hilariously, she responds with “you haven’t said anything”! Ha! Clearly he is taking this veeery seriously! He tells her to go ahead and ask him any question then.

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Date: Where do you live? Gi Tae: Gangnam. You wanted to see if I lived in a ritzy area huh? More specifically in an apartment complex in my parent’s name, it’s not huge but nice to live in alone. There are a few celebrities too. It’s super close to the subway. Date: Excuse me? Gi Tae: Of course that doesn’t mean much to me because I have a car. You must’ve though I might not have a car. Next question.


Meanwhile, Hoon Dong is still hiding in the bathroom faking a tummy ache while begging Gi Tae to help him. Gi Tae flat out tells him to tell Jang Mi that he doesn’t want to get married but Hoon Dong is too much of a coward to face Jang Mi head on. He uses the excuse that he just can’t be mean to girls unlike Gi Tae.

Date: You must meet a lot of pretty girls since you’re a plastic surgeon. Gi Tae: You mean girls who want to be pretty. They come with big bucks. If you’re wondering if my practice is successful, yes it is. I own a house, a car and a hospital. Nice huh? I’m done, now it’s your turn. What can you give me?

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Gi Tae simultaneously texts the final question to Hoon Dong as well. Gi Tae’s date finally can’t take it anymore and asks him what he is doing. He flat out tells her that

“Isn’t this what makes an ideal marriage. I have what you don’t and you have have what I don’t have so we can help and rely on each other”


She still can’t believe that he is so blatantly ignoring her and he says that he has someone waiting for him in a room upstairs and he’s deciding whether to go up or not and that he’ll make his decision after he hears what she has to offer. Ha he’s such an ass! When Hoon Dong finally replies that he’ll freeze Gi Tae’s rent for 3 years, the two make a deal and Gi Tae prepares himself for the water splash that is about to come. Looks like this happens often because he even takes off his glasses and braces himself for the much deserved water shower coming his way.

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Gi Tae makes it up to Jang Mi’s hotel room and completely ruins her plans. She tries to motion him to get out of the room but he just continues to pop the balloons, eat the cake with his bare hands (since his blood sugar dropped, ha!), drink the wine and destroy her rose petal covered bed. That last bit was too much and Jang Mi pushes him away causing him to

Fall backwards. That gives Hoon Dong the excuse he’s been waiting for to leave the room, leaving poor Jang Mi grasping nothing but air.

Commence Hoon Dong’s plan to break up with Jang Mi in a “Civil Way”. But is there really a civil way to break someone’s heart? There might be but his is definitely NOT the way.


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Hoon Dong thinks that with this step, Jang Mi will be worried sick and be anxious. She’ll also probably check his SNS so he writes “Love always changes” as his status. Instead of doing what he thinks she’ll do, Jang Mi is just contemplating on how to propose! This girl! She continues to try and contact him but all her phone calls just go to voice mail. Her co-worker Nam Hyun Hee (portrayed by Yoon So Hee) suggests she check his SNS but Jang Mi continues to try and call him. Hoon Dong thinks that by ignoring her calls, she’ll stop but next thing you see is a baggy eyed Hoon Dong who hasn’t been able to sleep since Jang Mi is so persistent and keeps calling him through the night. Serves him right! He checks his phone, thinking he’s in the clear, but he’s greeted with 300 missed calls, 102 messages and an incoming call from Jang Mi. Damn girl!

Jang Mi is still confused as to why her calls aren’t going through when Hyun Hee asks her if she brought up marriage. Jang Mi says that she was just about to bring it up when he had to use the bathroom. It’s obvious for Hyun Hee that Hoon Dong caught on and that it’s over between them but Jang Mi is still in denial, thinking that he’s upset because she accidentally hit Gi Tae.

Hoon Dong believes that after a week, Jang Mi will get it, since girls these days are smart and will get over it soon. Gi Tae hilariously sits back, sips his coffee and asks, ever so calmly, “Does she stalk you?” Hoon Dong says no but Gi Tae makes his eye motion and asks “Then who’s that girl?” and there Jang Mi is, biking to his café. Of course, the oh so mature man-child decides to hide when she arrives and leaves Gi Tae to handle the situation. OMG this cracks me up!

Marriage, Not Dating Episode 5 Recap

She asks the waiter, Han Yeo Reum (portrayed by Jeong Jin Woo) if the manager is present and if he’s okay. It’s endearing that that’s the first thing she asks. Jang Mi sees Hoon Dong’s reflection in the mirror and as she’s about to walk towards it, Gi Tae steps in to block her. He receives a phone call from his aunt, scolding him for messing up another blind date so badly, especially one that was a close friend of Hoon Dong’s mom. Gi Tae pointedly says that he hates dealing with gold diggers since they are the worst, all while staring at Jang Mi, who is actually nodding her head in agreement! LOL He also continues to say that the girl he met was just so desperate to get married. Jang Mi actually picks up on how strange Gi Tae is being and asks if he’s


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