A Korean Odyssey Episode 12 Part 1

A Korean Odyssey Episode 12 Part 1

In all honesty, I preferred the plot of Episode 11 over Episode 12, just because there were more ups and downs. But the slightly flatter plot line of this episode (in preparation for something more?) and the spirit has been said more than once to be a powerful evil spirit indicates that this may bring a huge change to our plot dynamics.

Son Oh Gong curls up in pain but as Seon Mi rushes towards him, he puts up a hand to silently stop her and disappears. Can I just say that the music is a perfect match? It adds that right tinge of wistfulness and sadness.


The thugs escape and are horrified to find that Bu Ja is once again gone. Seon Mi knows that she’s the one who hurt Oh Gong and cries desperately as she reaches Ma Wang’s house to inform him of the bad news.

A Korean Odyssey 1x01

Oh Gong brings Bu Ja back to Suremdong so that they can both rest and recuperate. She asks if he’s in pain and he replies that he’s more in shock. He recalls Seon Mi’s last desperate cry and how his heart clenches, and murmurs, “Looks like she will really kill me.”

Ma Wang explains to Seon Mi that because Oh Gong defied her order, the pain around his heart intensified. Seon Mi points out that Oh Gong has never suffered real, physical pain from the Guemganggo before. Besides, isn’t he the Great Sage? Ma Wang tells her that Oh Gong now has one weakness and it’s caused by the Guemganggo, or more specifically, his love for Seon Mi which has weakened his heart. “Of course, the only one who can kill him…is you, the one whom he loves.”

Oh Gong treats Bu Ja’s wounds with alcohol and even allows her to drink from the bottle. Bu Ja knows from her connection that Seon Mi is really sad right now. Oh Gong tells the zombie not to be so noisy in case her wounds split open again, and she tells him that she has found her real name, Jung Se Ra. Bu Ja (I shall continue calling her that for a while) wants to tell PK the good news and urges Oh Gong to find Seon Mi too. Oh Gong notes that zombie Bu Ja is annoying but Se Ra-sshi is equally noisy.

A Korean Odyssey” Ep3

The two get ready to leave Suremdong when Bu Ja suddenly holds on to his jacket, “When you burn me, let’s do it in Suremdong.” I still think it’s possible for Bu Ja to have a happy ending, but her bidding all the farewells, plus settling on where she wants to burn away, does make me wonder if she will really leave us.

PK broods over Bu Ja and suddenly realises that Oh Gong could be burning Bu Ja. He rushes off, much to Alice’s jealousy, and Summer Fairy is taken aback to see that even the octopus has such a deep crush. However, PK is greatly relieved to find Bu Ja waiting in front of his car, safe and sound.

Seon Mi rushes to Oh Gong’s house but Oh Jong informs her that he’s in Suremdong, “If he’s not willing, then no one can enter Suremdong.” Seon Mi is afraid of summoning him in case of dealing more hurt so she goes back to the lift – the only way she went into Suremdong last time.

Sinopsis A Korean Odyssey Episode 12 Part 3

She tries to stand up but her legs crumble beneath her, and Oh Gong softly says, “Is it painful? I was also in pain because of you. We are now even.”Oh Gong’s words seem so uncaring on the surface but it always is so much more warm and caring when you know what it means – like how Seon Mi’s momentary numbness is nothing compared to his blood-spitting, heart-clenching episode and yet he calls it even.


Seon Mi hugs him tightly and he returns, joking that she’s making all the advances now, but as she tears into his shoulder, he clutches her even tighter.

They return to Seon Mi’s house where she fusses over him – do you want fruits, do you want this, do you want that. Oh Gong bristles at the use of ‘chogi’ (instead of chagi – honey), but Seon Mi is afraid of calling out his name. Oh Gong asks if she plans to never call his name again, “Do you want to destroy the contract?”

Read A Korean Odyssey

He puts his wrist out and Seon Mi reaches out to pull the Guemganggo apart, but stops last minute. “I need you and I need to summon you.”

Oh Gong says, “It seems like you haven’t liked me enough to take this off, ” but before Seon Mi can explain why she doesn’t want to take it off, he continues, “Good job, Jin Seon Mi. Even if I tempt you again like this time, don’t fall for it. I’m warning you now.


He gives a tiny smile and breaks the moment by taking a sip of the very salty tea – turns out Seon Mi mixed in sugar instead of salt because she was distracted. While she brews a new cup for him, Oh Gong takes out the death bell and looks at it again.

Sinopsis A Korean Odyssey Episode 12 Part 1

Ma Wang is convinced that Oh Gong, by not telling Sam Jung about the death bell, is intending to make Sam Jung fall deeper in love with him so as to make use of that later. Secretary Ma notes that it should be the opposite – that he doesn’t want her to be sad, but Ma Wang keeps reminding us, “He’s a bad guy.”

Bu Ja tells PK that her real name is Jung Se Ra, and her arm hilariously flops. PK immediately retrieves some energy balls for her, but in that few minutes gone, Bu Ja receives a call from Kang Dae Sung (her phone number was tracked when she called her mother’s phone) who creepily says, “I’m the one taking care of your mother.” And there she goes to meet him again.

By this time, Kang already knows something is wrong with this girl, having heard from the thugs that she has once again escaped. There’s something about this that I don’t quite like. I know Bu Ja’s a zombie, but she literally just got hurled off the rooftop, so can’t she be more careful? Is it so difficult to inform someone where she’s going? Even if she doesn’t want to worry PK, how about Oh Gong? The plain stupidity of rushing into a setup twice, even if she knows that the second one is also a setup, is so unimpressive.


A Korean Odyssey

Ma Wang returns home from the hospital, expecting a big party, but there’s no one at home, no food at home. Nothing but mess – flowers in the bathtub, unsorted garbage etc. He grumpily ties up a garbage bag and Oh Gong returns – with wine and porridge. He can’t cook so he bought nice porridge, knowing that Ma Wang likes it. AWW. After throwing out the rubbish, he finds that Ma Wang has set the table for two, on the pretext of “I’m scared you would put something strange inside, so I’m sharing the porridge with you.”

Oh Gong checks with Ma Wang on the Sam Jung and tree spirit issue, knowing that something doesn’t quite feel right again, but Ma Wang dismisses his concern.

Kang Dae Sung finds himself face to face with Bu Ja, knowing that she’s not quite human. He tricks her into entering a cargo box…. I know it’s in line with Bu Ja’s naive character and also probably stemming from her own confidence that she can’t die again, but it’s not that hard to predict being LOCKED inside the cargo box right?? Which is exactly what happened…The coffin shines and Bu Ja approaches it in fear. The ground suddenly shakes, light shines from within the box and the box opens itself.

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Bo Ri quickly briefs Ma Wang and Oh Gong on Ah Sa Nyeo – she’s a powerful goddess who has the power to create kings, locked under a sleeping spell for a 1000 years, only to be released by Sam Jung’s blood. The monkey and the bull take turns pretending to be sick (oh my heart! oh I can’t breathe!) so as to escape responsibility for taking care of this issue. They quibble back at home, and the monkey kicks at the bull statue while the bull spits at the monkey statue. Knowing that Ah Sa Nyeo will find Sam Jung for sure, Ma Wang predicts that the eventual person who has to deal with this is Oh Gong.


Ah Sa Nyeo creepily watches Sam Jung from outside her building and possesses a man to send flowers anonymously to Sam Jung. Han Joo thinks it’s from Jonathan and is hilariously proud of him, “My friend, my Jonathan.”

While transferring the roses from the bouquet to a vase, a petal drops off and cuts Sam Jung. On her side, Ah Sa Nyeo licks the rose that she has in her hand and smiles, “So yummy.” Sam Jung leaves her office to

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