Don'T Say Goodbye Korean Song

Don'T Say Goodbye Korean Song

Right up front, I have to say I almost never like ballads. I’m trying to become more accepting of ballads, but for the most part I just can’t get into them.

I don’t think there was any English. You can watch the video with English subs here to understand more of that juicy plot.


It’s super plotty! So in one of the most eerie scenes I have recently seen in a music video this astronomer (or wannabe) goes outside one morning to find a woman (played by Min Kyung of Divichi) sleeping or passed out in a garbage bag in his driveway. Instead of calling the police, he brings her in (except somehow only her face is dirty; she still has beautiful, glossy hair and spotless white clothes, but whatever) and feeds her, and they slowly fall in love.

Ha Yea Song (송하예)

Then it’s revealed that this guy used to have a girlfriend who went missing 5 years ago for some reason, and he has pictures of her everywhere and keeps seeing his old girlfriend when he looks at the new woman. And then he gets this phone call from a mystery man: “Why’d you pick up that trash I threw away? I have your old girlfriend, and I need that girl you have back. Let’s exchange.” Creepy, right? So at this point I’m thinking, “Okay, this is a clear case of double kidnapping, probably other crimes, I’m calling the police.” So what happens? Our guy valiantly figures out a way to save the day and rescue both his old girlfriend and new friend?...

Er. How about the guy takes Min Kyung to the kidnapper, pries her hand off of his arm, and dumps her there screaming and sobbing “Don’t go!” Then he takes his old girlfriend, and never looks back. The old girlfriend apparently doesn’t care at all. The kidnapper shoves Min Kyung into a car. The End.

My own personal conclusion is that Min Kyung is an alien who had been experimented on in a horrible torture laboratory. Once they had tormented and tested her enough they dumped her out in a trash bag, but then they forgot a crucial test and needed her back. It explains the emphasis on astronomy and why the random creepy guy wanted her back.


Stream Tin Surveto Sweetchozee Music

Min Kyung is the star of this MV (because the other half of Davichi, Lee Haeri, isn’t in it) and totally steals the show. Man, this girl can act! I’m talking going from portraying a kind of quiet post-traumatic stress syndrome to heart-rending screams and sobbing, kicking and struggling as she is dragged away. Min Kyung definitely has a future in acting.

This storyline was pretty terrifying, intentionally or not, and it did not at all seem to fit with the chimes and smiling at the end. Plus, I really wanted to see the other half of the Davichi duo, Lee Haeri. Why couldn’t she be someone in the music video? I don’t understand music videos where certain members aren’t present.Davichi released Don’t Say Goodbye back in August 2011. Since then and actually before then, they were already quite popular and have been really popular. However, this song in particularly, I would consider as their most successful song to date. This song basically took their name and blew it up. They also stayed on the charts for quite some time. In terms of reality, this by far is not their actual successful single to date (8282 probably was), however the publicity for this song in 2011 was huge. I remember everyone talking it about on-line and complimented the girls on such an amazing song. Like every other song, I have been putting reviewing this song off for some time.  But that is going to change TODAY!


Has any song released by Davichi ever disappointed us? I don’t think so. Both girls sing so wonderfully and so strongly that it is really hard to pick at the way they sound. And if they sound wonderful and professional, that kind of sets the rest of the song in stone for us. Their voices just do something to our ears that make it sound so wonderful. As for the song itself, it has a rather upbeat feel to it. The orchestral feel gave it that ballad feel to it but with the drum beats and electronic sounds, it made the song sound more upbeat Despite it has a sad meaning, the song has a more of a summer feel to it. Well, considering it was released in Summer, it complimented the tastes that the audience wants. That high note towards the end just blows you away. As for their harmony at the end, I have to say Davichi is one of the best in the industry.

I Don't Know How To Say Goodbye To You

The music video. What is there to talk about? A freaking lot of things need to be discussed. This space/star obsessed guy notices a garbage bag outside of his house. When he opens it, he finds a girl. A freaking girl who is alive. Wait, before that, he lightly kicks the bag. Ummm… It looks like a garbage bag and 99% of the time garbage is in there (the other 1% is a living human in case you’re wondering). Anyway, he takes her in and allows her to get clean and get fed (because she looks hungry). He then proceeds to start a relationship with her. Okay, so where is the part where you phone the police? Or a friend? Cause you just found a girl in a garbage bag. Yeah… Anyway, the girl finds a photo album of another girl (who we can assume the guy used to like but she disappeared). The guy gets a phone call telling him that his disappeared girlfriend can be traded back for the girl he found at the start of the video. A dilemma is caused for the guy and he makes the heartbreaking decision to give the girl up for his former girlfriend. Such a sad storyline. Yeah, the guy can be seen as an asshole and I guess if this did happen in real life, he has to live with the regret of giving the main girl to some creepy dude who would be doing who knows what. But I just love the acting in this video, particularly the ending.


Wow, this review is pretty long. But that is what you get with a music video that has a good plot. Overall, an amazing song and music video. 10/10

The music video. What is there to talk about? A freaking lot of things need to be discussed. This space/star obsessed guy notices a garbage bag outside of his house. When he opens it, he finds a girl. A freaking girl who is alive. Wait, before that, he lightly kicks the bag. Ummm… It looks like a garbage bag and 99% of the time garbage is in there (the other 1% is a living human in case you’re wondering). Anyway, he takes her in and allows her to get clean and get fed (because she looks hungry). He then proceeds to start a relationship with her. Okay, so where is the part where you phone the police? Or a friend? Cause you just found a girl in a garbage bag. Yeah… Anyway, the girl finds a photo album of another girl (who we can assume the guy used to like but she disappeared). The guy gets a phone call telling him that his disappeared girlfriend can be traded back for the girl he found at the start of the video. A dilemma is caused for the guy and he makes the heartbreaking decision to give the girl up for his former girlfriend. Such a sad storyline. Yeah, the guy can be seen as an asshole and I guess if this did happen in real life, he has to live with the regret of giving the main girl to some creepy dude who would be doing who knows what. But I just love the acting in this video, particularly the ending.


Wow, this review is pretty long. But that is what you get with a music video that has a good plot. Overall, an amazing song and music video. 10/10

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