For In Korean

For In Korean

If you study Korean, you will hear “ 우리_____” on a daily basis. Direct translation of “우리” is “we” or “our” in English. However, this is one of those Korean words you often do not want to translate literally. For example, what does “우리 아내” and “우리 남편” mean? Its direct translation would be “our wife” and “our husband” in English. Your response may be something like this: “Uh~, isn’t monogamy the legal practice in Korea?” You might find that these Korean expressions seem quite strange to your ears. In many cases, you cannot directly translate the meaning of “우리” as “our” in English. “우리 아내” and “우리 남편” actually mean “my wife” and “my husband” in English.

Why is this Korean word “우리” deeply permeated in the Korean language? Korean culture emphasizes the value of the group that a person belongs to, whether it is a person’s country, family, school, society, neighbor, hometown, etc. Koreans see these groups as a single entity. This aspect of collectivism has a huge impact on the way Koreans behave and speak. This Korean word “우리” would make sense to you only if you consider these aspects of Korean culture. Because Koreans value a group mindset, they generally use “우리” instead of “my” when they refer to people and things they are related to. Here are some examples that you will frequently hear from Korean speakers:


Just remember that Korean people like to show unity by grouping themselves with same school, same company, same neighborhood, or same hometown, same club, and so on. When you hear Korean people referring to their wife or husband as “우리 아내” or “우리 남편” next time, please don’t have a mysterious expression on your face. They really mean “my wife” or “my husband” in English.

How To Say I Miss You In Korean — Sweetandtastytv

안녕하세요? My name is Kyung-Hwa, and I am a native of South Korea. I am accustomed to both English and Korean languages and cultures. I greatly appreciate and love both of them. I am passionate about learning different languages, and I have studied English, Japanese, and Spanish. In my spare time, I take joy in singing, playing the piano, and reading books. I also enjoy traveling around the world, meeting people, and embracing new cultures and languages...Today, we’re going to connect you with Korean conjunctions! These useful Korean words will help you improve Korean grammar and express your ideas when talking, writing, or texting in Korean.

You’re likely to recognize these as you watch TV series or K-drama,  Korean movies, everyday Korean life, or when you’re talking to native speakers of Korean.

Below are the common Korean conjunctions list or sentence conjunctions that you should learn first. These conjunctions will help you organize and give your thoughts smooth transition as you speak Korean.

Korean Verbs: When And How Are They Conjugated?

The terms are explained using both Hangeul (Korean Alphabet) and Romanized English. We recommend learning Hangeul as soon as possible since it’ll accelerate the speed at which you can learn Korean. It also makes it simpler to use Korean slang or create a Korean name for yourself.

Once you get the hang of Korean conjunctions, you can use them to create Korean sentences or try out some new Korean grammar. Lots of options; it’s choose-your-own-adventure Korean!

These basic conjunctions are used to connect phrases, Korean words, and sentences. We’ve also included more examples of these different Korean conjunctions to help understand the concept better.

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Similar to the English language, there are several ways to express “but” in Korean. This isn’t limited to one word. In Korean, these words can either be used as standalone words or attached to other words.

This is the first way to say “but” in Korean. This Korean conjunction comes from the verb 그렇다(geureota), which translates as simply as “yes.”

However, when you attach ~지만 (~ jiman) to its stem, you are forming a single word that literally means “That’s correct, but…”, which you can then follow with the contradiction to what you are responding to. Let’s see how it’s used in the first sentence example below.

Korean Conjunctions: How To Use Basic Sentence Connectors

In learning Korean conjunctions, this is one of the first ones to focus on in using “but” in Korean. It is used to unify two sentences into one sentence. Here’s the second sentence example:

This is one of the most common Korean conjunctions. It can also be used to form a contradiction, just like 그렇지만 (geureochiman). However, it is better used to relate the two clauses to each other. It’s the form often used among friends.

You can say “but” in Korean in this scenario with a similar meaning to 그렇지만 (geureochiman) and 그런데 (geureonde). However, in comparison to the two, it is more of a formal style. You’d most often see it used in literary or academic papers. Of all the Korean conjunctions on this list, this is the one you’ll most likely only see on paper.

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In Korean, you can use the conjunctions ~나 (~ na),   ~거나 (~ geona), or 아니면 (animyeon) depending on the words that they are connecting.


This conjunction literally means “or, ” so you can use this to connect two nouns between which to choose. This is one of the most useful Korean conjunctions. It’s a great one for upgrading your basic Korean sentences.

This is used like the Korean conjunctions ~나 (~ na) and ~거나 (~ geona). For example, you can use it instead of ~나 (~ na) or together with ~거나 (~ geona). You can also use it between two sentences to make them sound more natural.

So, Um… Are You Ready To Learn Korean Filler Words?

“And” in Korean is commonly expressed in two ways. The first is with 그리고 (geurigo), while the second is with ~고 (~go).

You’ve already learned a few different ways to say “and” in Korean from previous lessons. We’re going to show you another way. Use this Korean conjunction to connect nouns. You can also use it as the beginning of another sentence that follows your first one.

This is one of the basic Korean conjunctions. This version of “and” in Korean has a nearly identical meaning to 그리고 (geurigo) and is often used to connect actions together, typically in the form of “First X, and then Y.”

Korean Phrases For Shopping You Need To Know

When expressing an effect of a previous statement, the word “so” is used. The words 그래서 (geuraeseo) and 그러니까 (geureonikka) can be used to express “so” in Korean.

This conjunction is very similar to 그래서 (geuraeseo). More so than 그래서 (geuraeseo), it emphasizes an action made as an effect of the cause.


This is used in a similar fashion as ~서. You will see the Korean conjunctions ~니까 (~ nikka) and ~서 (~ seo) quite often. Like 그러니까 (geureonikka), it focuses more on expressing the reason why something could not happen. It can be used in the past tense.

How To Address People In Korean. This Posting Is From The Blog 'organic…

Attaching this Korean conjunction to a verb, you can make a sentence saying you’ll do something if you first do X or once you first do X.

This Korean conjunction is used to say something will be done or something will be happening, regardless of what is said in the first sentence.

There are two ways to use “with” in Korean, which depend if the previous word ends with a vowel or a consonant.

Vocabulary: Pronouns

It’s not really a Korean conjunction, but it’s usually used in Korean conversations that you might encounter, so we thought we’d add it in. It’s a very basic and useful Korean sentence. We’ve also added the English translations and example sentences for each conjunction.

This is a basic response in a conversation at each level of politeness. We recommend using 그래요 (geuraeyo) since it’s considered polite but still good for everyday conversations.

We hope you enjoyed learning Korean conjunctions and basic sentence connectors! Start with the simple conjunctions, and keep adding to them as you connect them with Korean words. They’re an important part of Korean grammar and are useful to advance your Korean language studies.


The Korean Days Of The Week: Vocabulary, Pronunciation And Tips For Talking Time

Once you learn Korean conjunctions, you’ll be surprised by how often you’ll hear them. They’re bound to come up in your favorite Korean movies, K-Dramas, and K-pop songs. This way, you’ll automatically be enjoying and learning at the same time.

You can use them along with common Korean phrases or Korean vocabulary words to really start to express yourself. They’re also great for chatting with Korean friends or if you’re speaking with native speakers in Korea.

Why not give them a try yourself? Before you go on to the next lesson, write some example sentences using Korean conjunctions in the comments below!With the surge in popularity of Korean culture in the world today, many people want to learn Korean. Some choose to do so for business reasons, but a lot of people just want to learn so that they can absorb Korean media more easily.

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This article is a guide to some basic Korean verbs that will help you to start to get a grasp of the language.

One of the most important verbs in the Korean language is the verb 하다, or hada, which means to do. This is one of many important Korean verbs.

As you read through the Korean verbs below, pay attention to patterns and similarities. Some are descriptive verbs, some are existential verbs, and some are action

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