- Korean Dress Online Shop Indonesia
- Rekomendasi Online Shop Instagram Yang Jual Outfit Korean Style Lucu
Out of all the efforts of South Korea to win the hearts of foreigners, the Hallyu wave was the country’s most effective tool . K-dramas and K-pop converted non-SK enthusiasts into diehard admirers, and now people from all over Asia are also into Korean fashion because of the constant exposure to it. Want to know the online Korean stores that ship worldwide? We’ve rounded up the best ones for you. Time to strut Korean outfits like a boss!
The first on the list of online Korean stores is mixxmix, which sells charming and practical Korean clothes, from form-fitting skirts to oversized sweaters. It also has a section called “K-stars Pick, ” where customers will see a list of fashion pieces that Korean celebrities have sported. If you want to replicate Korean outfits by your favourite unnies, this website has a wide selection of clothes. Plus, it sells authentic branded pieces in case you want to keep up to date with Korea’s local fashion scene. Check out its website here .
Unnielooks is a Korean fashion online store which sells clothing based on Korean idol-inspired clothing. If you ever were a fan of BLACKPINK Jennie, Jisoo or Lisa, or were a mega fan of BTS and wanted to dress like Taehyung or Jungkook, now you can. Unnielooks updates its collection with new clothing drops every weekend, so check their catalogue for new clothing that your favourite idols are wearing!
What Are The Best Indonesian Online Clothing Stores?
. In addition, they have their own custom clothing line that is outside of the idol category. They ship worldwide and offer free shipping for orders above $60. If you want to shop for Korean clothing, check out its website here.
This online Korean store sells minimalist fashion pieces that stick to muted solid colours and stay away from the neon or bright shades that other Korean fashion stores champion. Although Banharu’s style is more toned down than your average Korean clothes, every piece is adaptable, whether you want to flaunt Korean street style or comfortable office fashion. Check out its website here .
Looking for a one-stop Korean shop for clothes, accessories, beauty essentials, and more? Put YesStyle on the map. It features Korean clothes for both men and women. Their fashion pieces include staple loose Korean pants, sleek corporate blazers, and comfortable sweaters with flowy maxi skirts to match. Customers from all around the world get free international shipping with a minimum spend of US$53. Check out YesStyle’s website here .
Rekomendasi Online Shop Instagram Yang Jual Outfit Korean Style Lucu
Kooding is another on the list of holistic online Korean stores, because it doesn’t just sell Korean clothes for men and women, but for kids too. This shop features elegant pieces like raglan T-shirts with puffed sleeves, maxi dresses, and a lot of knit clothes. What’s more, Kooding can be your go-to online store for Korean lifestyle items like stationery tools, workout accessories, and pet clothing. It even has a section called “COVID-19 essentials.” Check out its website here .
Cherryspoon has a range of cute Korean clothes suited for the summer and winter. Most pieces are diversified street fashion. These include sleeveless tops, crop tops, tweed jackets, and spring and fleece cardigans. Everything for sale is very easy to mix and match or layer on top of each other for the winter season. You won’t go wanting when it comes to colour selection either, as Cherryspoon sells pastel, striped, and even checkered Korean clothes. Check out its website here .
Next on this list of online Korean stores is a fashion shop perfect for millennials and zillennials who love vintage knit vests, crop tops, loose sleeves, and plaid skirts. Despite the seemingly old-school Korean outfits, Chuu’s fashion pieces easily have a youthful vibe about them, especially if you wear sneakers and bucket hats to complete your look. Chuu even features a “Matching Sets” category to give customers an easier shopping experience. Check out its website here .
Cute Korean Fashion Brands You Need To Know
No list of Korean online stores is complete without StyleNanda, a go-to Korean website for all things beauty and fashion. It doesn’t matter if you like muted or bright colours, vintage or modern wear, and summer or winter Korean outfits. StyleNanda has them all and more. It also gets plus points for having a website that’s categorised to perfection, whether a customer is looking for padded jackets, vests, short-sleeved tops, maxi dresses, or jumpsuits.
In case you have an affinity for makeup, StyleNanda has an exclusive category for the much loved 3CE Korean makeup brand. The best part is, it offers free shipping on all deliveries in Asia with orders over US$100. Check out its website here .
There’s something about Korean fashion that makes it scene-stealing through cosy and easy-to-wear designs. Though mixing and matching Korean clothes look intimidating at first, we assure you that the actual experience is quite fun and fulfilling. Which of these online Korean stores are you checking out first? Don’t forget to tag us on your photos strutting Korean outfits on our Facebook page and Instagram .
Online Shop Yang Bisa Kamu Intip Kalau Suka Gaya Busana Ala Eonni Korea. Yeppeo!
Therese's close friends know that if they haven’t seen her around recently, then she’s probably having an adventure with her luggage and camera in hand. Though she loves staying at home and spending lazy afternoons with friends, there are times when she has to be away from home to feel at home, — that’s when she’s bitten by the travel bug. See her travels on Instagram @reesstamaria.Lagi demam gaya busana ala eonni Korea? Nah biasanya kiblat online shop kamu juga jadi cenderung ke arah koleksi baju-baju ala Korea yang cute, potongannya simpel dan warna-warnanya pastel. Meski nggak selalu berwarna pastel, tapi kecenderungan korean style yang simpel dan cute itu membuat pilihan bajunya biasanya lebih ke arah earth tone, pastel, putih dengan bahan-bahan linen, sifon atau rajut.
Kalau kamu lagi butuh referensi online shop mana saja yang bisa jadi tempat belanja baju ala Korea, berikut Style sudah rangkum untukmu. Cus follow dan cek koleksi mereka satu-satu!
1. Yang pertama ada lolliestory_official yang bisa jadi tempat belanja yang seru buat kamu yang mengidolakan gaya cewek-cewek Korea. Koleksi dress mereka lucu-lucu banget lo! View this post on Instagram A post shared by LOLLIESTORY (@lolliestory_official)
Korean Mall Online Shopping Indonesia
2. Yang kedua, kamu bisa jalan-jalan ke IG-nya oudre_id yang bakal memanjakan matamu dengan aneka busana warna pastel yang gemas banget, khas Korean girl look View this post on Instagram A post shared by OUDRE (@oudre_id)
3. Suka dengan gaya girly nan innocent? Coba main-main ke IG-nya its.ninette yang punya beragam outer dan dress warna pastel yang lembut dan menggemaskan View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ninette (@its.ninette)
4. Baju-baju dari foxquinn.official juga bisa banget kamu intip. Busananya sangat bisa banget jadi office wear dengan sentuhan ala eonni Korea yang gemas dan chic View this post on Instagram A post shared by Fox Quinn | YOUR DAILY WEAR (@foxquinn.official)
Ini Rekomendasi Online Shop Outfit Korean Style Yang Feminin Dan Cute
5. Kalau kamu suka gaya Korea yang easy to wear tapi tetap cukup formal untuk dikenakan, bisa cek-cek koleksi misschic.co juga. Gemas-banget celana dan kemejanya! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Misschic | Clothing (@misschic.co)
6. Last but not least, kamu coba deh intip koleksi Karysofficial yang tipe-tipenya nggak cuma Korean look yang serba pastel saja tapi juga baju nuansa earth tone yang lagi kekinian. Lucu~ View this post on Instagram A post shared by KARYS (@karysofficial)
Jadi, sudah memutuskan mau belanja di mana? Yang pasti kamu bisa kepoin koleksi-koleksi terbaru baju ala cewek Korea yang bisa match sama selera kamu. Kalau ada yang belum mention di sini, silakan bantu tuliskan di kolom komentar ya! 🙂
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