Korean Essay Format

Korean Essay Format

One of the BEST things I ever studied while preparing for the TOPIK test was the sample answers that the TOPIK website provides.

So, I’ve decided to collect ALL the previous TOPIK Writing topics and examples provided by www.topik.go.kr into a single document. However, since there are so many, I’ve decided to split the larger document into 2 smaller parts with 10 previous tests each (TOPIK Writing began from test 10).


Simply, I could see some of the grammar structures and vocabulary that would give me more points on the test if I used them. If you want some specific examples of how I studied with these sample essays, check out my post on tests 21-30 where I detail some of the grammar structures I learned and used:

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I'm an Intermediate student of Korean, looking forward to increasing my fluency in the language as well as my enjoyment of the culture (through language acquisition). I post on this site about anything related to the Korean language. I particularly enjoy posting about culturally relevant topics or practical How-Tos for getting around efficiently in Korea.

Warning: TOPIK II test locations fill up quickly! Less than 2 hours after registration opened, I was 17, 878 in line. After 5 hours, everything that opened for registration today was full. Be early, or be sorry. (Or wait for IBT TOPIK from 2023.)

Gather your resources! This is one of my favorite parts of any new Challenge because it can be fun to look over the kinds of materials you WANT to use and the kinds of things you WANT to learn (plus, Continue reading 120 Days to TOPIK #1 – Gather Resources

Korean Sentence Structures: A Complete Overview

Well, that was unexpected. I recently wrote a post outlining my plan to cram for the TOPIK II in 30 days. I had been planning to take the test on July 19, 2015. But, I guess plans change. As it turnsContinue reading How I Will Study for the TOPIK II in 120 Days (and You Can Join Me)The following are Wongoji basic writing guidelines that I found in a Nonsul (essay) notebook by PAPIER co, LTD. I’ve translated them into English to help you better understand how to properly write essays using Wongoji papers (which is what the TOPIK test uses as well).

Essay wongoji were created to easily identify the fundamental elements of spelling, spacing, and so on. More than that, by dividing paragraphs, you can easily identify contents and see how much you’re writing. Therefore, certain forms will equip you with the ability to write descriptive paragraphs, so that when the grader first sees your writing, they’ll be left with a positive first impression.

I'm an Intermediate student of Korean, looking forward to increasing my fluency in the language as well as my enjoyment of the culture (through language acquisition). I post on this site about anything related to the Korean language. I particularly enjoy posting about culturally relevant topics or practical How-Tos for getting around efficiently in Korea.

South Korea ) Essay

Warning: TOPIK II test locations fill up quickly! Less than 2 hours after registration opened, I was 17, 878 in line. After 5 hours, everything that opened for registration today was full. Be early, or be sorry. (Or wait for IBT TOPIK from 2023.)


Gather your resources! This is one of my favorite parts of any new Challenge because it can be fun to look over the kinds of materials you WANT to use and the kinds of things you WANT to learn (plus, Continue reading 120 Days to TOPIK #1 – Gather Resources

Well, that was unexpected. I recently wrote a post outlining my plan to cram for the TOPIK II in 30 days. I had been planning to take the test on July 19, 2015. But, I guess plans change. As it turnsContinue reading How I Will Study for the TOPIK II in 120 Days (and You Can Join Me)The readers of TOPIK GUIDE have frequently been writing to us for some guidance on the Essay part of TOPIK Writing (쓰기) section. So Here We are putting this detailed article about this.

Korean Credit Program Video & Photo Essay & Poster Design Contest

Most of the questions in TOPIK are multiple choice and objective type where there is, clearly, only one correct answer. You don’t even need a human to check if the answers are right or wrong. Mostly OMR recognition softwares do the job.  The problem is with the subjective type questions. In these questions there is no ‘one correct answer’. Different persons can give different answers and they all may be correct. Sometimes it is difficult to even say whether the answer is right or wrong because it may be partially right and partially wrong.

This type of questions generally appear in the Writing section of TOPIK. And believe me, you are not the only person who find them difficult. Evaluating this type of questions is the most difficult task for Examiners as well. As these questions are evaluated by real humanss and not the machines, there are high chances of variation in evaluation process depending upon the personality and psychological status of the examiner. And that”s why it confuses the test takers on what and how to write the answer of such questions so that it looks correct to the evaluator. Particularly, the TOPIK Essay writing part is the most difficult of these subjective questions.


Most of TOPIK test takers are confused at some point of time about what and how exactly they are expected to write in the essay. Do they want to check your grammar vocabulary, spelling etc? or Do they want to test your writing skills, like how beautifully and logically you put your thought, how great your thoughts are? or Do they want to see how beautiful your handwriting is? Will using difficult words and complex sentences get you more marks? There are many such questions that confuse the mind of test takes, specially when they appear for the first time. Many people find themselves in a very difficult situation when the topic of the essay is related to Korea. I know many people  who thought writing anything wrong about Korea or Koreans will fetch them poor marks. 😉

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In this series on TOPIK essay writing, we are going to clear all those doubts. We are going to tell you exactly how TOPIK essays are evaluated and marked. The series is based on ‘model evaluation guideline‘ from NIIED, the organization that conducts the TOPIK test.

We have divided the series in to 3 parts in which we will take 3 model essays each from beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of TOPIK and will analyse the evaluation system by giving detailed marking pattern of 3 model answer essays.

I think all the points are pretty clear in themselves. Still I will try to explain a little more. In the first part they expect 3 things from you;


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First, you have to understand what exactly they are asking you to write. It seems quite obvious but many people do a mistake here. They just read the first line and think they have  got the question and start writing. Sometimes we don’t know certain words in the question and just try to guess the topic. that’s better than not writing at all but reading the question a few times always makes your answer better. And always write about something about which you know and think in advance which words and grammar patterns you will need to write about that TOPIK. For  example in this question, you have to write about ‘Someone you want to meet’. You can definitely write that ‘I want to meet some nuclear scientist from my country’ or ‘I want to meet Jesus’ but these topics would most probably demand difficult vocabulary and grammar patterns that you might not know. So it’s always better to chose something simple like ‘I want to meet an old friend/ my girl friend/ my grandma’. you know a lot about these people and it would not be difficult to write 10 simple sentences about them.

Second, if you read the question properly you will find that they always ask the question in 2 or more parts and they want to include something about all those points in your essay; even a single sentence will do. For example, in this question they ask you- 1)Who is the person you want to meet? 2)Why do you want to meet him/her? 3)What do you want to do when you meet him/her? It’s very easy to forget one or more points when writing. So, always cross check whether you have included all of them or not. You don’t need to equally cover all of them. You may answer any two points in just one sentence and write the rest of the essay about the other one point.

Third, i think you must already be knowing the importance of coherence in a writing. Just try to keep all your sentences connected and relevant, don’t jump to another topic suddenly, make the transition smooth.

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In the second part (Essay Development and Structure) they see whether overall essay looks natural or not. Here the thing I want to emphasize


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