Resep Rice Cake Korean

Resep Rice Cake Korean

Do you like rice cakes? If so, treat yourself to the irresistible flavors of these Tteok Kkochi! With their crunchy texture and incredible taste, you won’t be able to resist these rice cake skewers! Learn how to make them at home!

Tteok kkochi (also spelled as Tteokkochi, 떡꼬치) is a popular Korean dish made from soft and tender rice cakes skewered together, pan-grilled or deep-fried, and then brushed with a sweet, tangy, and spicy sauce. It’s simple yet delicious and can be served as a snack or an appetizer.


Making tteokkochi at home was a real treat for my family this week. It took me back to my days in Korea and those fond memories. For my toddler, I made a special non-spicy, savory sauce that she absolutely adored! She refused to share it with her father, too—it was all hers! Seeing how excited she got about the dish warmed my heart.

Rice Paper Tteokbokki Hack

You can also create lasting memories with your family—it’s a fun activity everyone can enjoy. What’s more, it’s a great way to experience an authentic Korean street food snack without having to go outside, and you can choose your preferred flavor options!

Korean street food provides a marvellous experience for your taste buds! Check out my top picks below and start exploring all that Korean street food has to offer!

Savoury sweet sauce (Optional , Kids friendly style) – mix these in a bowl. This sauce is only enough for about 16 pieces of rice cakes.

Cara Membuat Tteok Yang Kenyal Dan Tidak Rasa Tepung

1. Blanch the rice cakes in hot boiling water for about 30 seconds to soften them. Drain the water and run cold tap water on the rice cakes. Drain and pat dry the rice cakes with some kitchen paper to avoid oil splash during cooking. (If your rice cakes are fresh and soft already, skip this step.)

2. (While boiling the water above) Heat the sauce in a separate sauce pan briefly(for 20 to 30 seconds) to dissolve the sugar and honey and thicken the sauce a bit. Constantly stir it to avoid burn.

3. Put the rice cakes on the skewers. (Number of rice cakes on the skewer will depend on the length of the skewer. But make sure that it will fit nicely in your frying pan.)

Korean Rice Cake (tteok) Recipe

4. Add some cooking oil in a well heated pan and grill both sides of the rice cakes on medium high heat for about 1 min each. Take them out and brush the sauce on both sides of the rice cakes. (Alternatively you can dip the rice cakes into the sauce bowl if it’s deep enough.)

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Resep Korean Rice Cake Garaetteok Oleh Devina Hermawan ✓

Calories: 226 kcal | Carbohydrates: 45 g | Protein: 3 g | Fat: 3 g | Sodium: 324 mg | Potassium: 34 mg | Sugar: 7 g | Vitamin A: 25 IU | Vitamin C: 1.1 mg | Calcium: 5 mg | Iron: 0.3 mg

The nutrition information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Resep Korean Rice Cake Oleh Widya Ningsih

Welcome to my Korean kitchen! I’m so happy that you're here. I am Sue, the creator behind My Korean Kitchen (since 2006). I love good food and simplifying recipes. Here you will find my best and family approved recipes. Thanks for stopping by!


Copyright: Unless otherwise noted, all photography and content on this site is the intellectual property of Sue Pressey of My Korean Kitchen. Please do not copy and/or paste full recipes and images to any social media channels or websites without my prior written consent. This is strictly prohibited. You may however, use a single image and a summary of my article in your own words, provided that proper attribution is given to myself and an appropriate link back to my original recipe. Thank you.

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Mamasuka Topokki Korean Rice Cake Spicy 134g

I'm Sue, the author/cook/photographer behind My Korean Kitchen. Here I talk all about my love and passion for Korean food and Korean fusion food.Tteok (떡) ist ein koreanischer Reiskuchen. Tteok gibt es in den unterschiedlichsten Varianten. Für diese Rezept brauchen wir Garae-tteok (가래떡 ), der aus Reis zu einer klebrigen Masse verarbeitet ist und die schlussendlich zu länglichen Reisrollen geformt wird. Man kann diese in Asia Markt kaufen.

TTeok adalah kue beras korea. Untuk resep ini kita butuhkan Garaetteok. Garaetteok adalah salah satu variasi dari tteok dengan menggunakan tepung beras tumbuk yang dikukus, dibentuk menjadi bentuk silinder putih panjang. Biasanya digunakan untuk tteokbokki pedas.

Pilze in warmem Wasser ca. 15 Minuten einweichen, gut auspressen und in Scheiben schneiden. Fleisch in dünne Streifen schneiden. Knoblauch und Ingwer schälen und fein zerhacken oder reiben. Fleisch und Pilze mit 2 EL Sojasoße, 1 EL Mirin, 1 TL Sesamöl und die gehackte Knoblauch und Ingwer marinieren. Mindestens 10 Minuten ziehen lassen dann mit etwas Öl in der Pfanne anbraten.

Resep Hidangan Utama

Möhre und Zwiebel schälen und in Streifen schneiden ( julienne). Frühlingszwiebel in lange Ringe schneiden. Mit 1 EL Sesamöl dann in der Pfanne kurz anbraten.

Reiskuchen nach Anleitung kochen dann mit 2 EL Sojasoße, 1 EL Zucker, 1 TL Sesamöl und 1 TL Sesam kurz in der Pfanne anbraten dann Fleisch und Gemüse dazugeben und gut vermischen. 


Rendam jamur di air hangat sekitar 10 menit, peras airnya lalu iris. Iris daging memanjang tipis. Parut atau cincang halus 2 siung bawang putih dan jahe. Bumbui daging dan jamur dengan 2 sdm kecap asin, 1sdm mirin, 1 sdt minyak wijen dan bawang putih dan jahe parut. Biarkan meresap sedikitnya 10 menit. Lalu tumis dengan sedikit minyak di wajan.

Resep Tteok/rice Cake Homemade Oleh Astiya Lestari

Kupas wortel, bawang bombay lalu iris seperti korek api ( julienne). Iring daun bawang sedikit panjang. Tumis wortel, bawang bombay dan daun bawang dengan 1 sdm minyak wijen.

Masak tteok sesuai petunjuk lalu tumis di wajan dengan 2 sdm kecap asin, 1 sdm gula, 1 sdt minyak wijen dan 1 sdt wijen sangrai. Masukkan daging dan sayuran lalu aduk hingga tercampur merata.My comprehensive guide on how to make Korean rice cake – Garaetteok at home. Below you will learn how to make rice flour, how to make garaetteok – cylinder rice cake, and how you can use them.

Typically I don’t make rice cakes from scratch as I can readily buy them from my local Korean grocer. However, I often get a request for garaetteok recipe as some people don’t have easy access to a Korean grocer at all, prohibiting them from making highly praised tteokbokki or tteokguk.

Suka Makanan Korea? Yuk Intip Pabrik & Cara Membuat Garaettok

Garaetteok / garae-tteok / garaeddeok (가래떡) is a type of Korean rice cake that is cylinder shaped. It is made with non-glutinous rice flour (mepssal-garu, 멥쌀가루) and has a slightly chewy and bouncy texture.

Garaetteok is white in color and does not have much taste on its own, so it is great in a stir fried dish (e.g. tteokbokki) or in a soup (e.g. tteokguk).

Short grain rice or medium grain rice works best when making garaetteok. (i.e. long grain rice such as Jasmin rice or basmati rice won’t work well.)


Yasik (korean Sweet Rice Cake With Dried Fruits And Nuts)

Rice grains are turned into wet-milled rice flour by soaking rinsed rice overnight and then ground into a fine powder. You can find detailed instructions below on how to make rice flour.

1. Rinse 2.5 cups of rice (short grain rice or medium grain rice, e.g. sushi rice, 535 grams / 1.17 pounds) until the water drains clear. Then put the rice in a medium sized bowl and fill the bowl with some water. Soak it overnight or for 12 hours.

2. Strain the water away and air dry the rice for 1 hour. (The weight of the rice will increase to roughly 697 grams / 1.53 pounds.)

Masakan Istimewa Luar Negeri Resep Korean Rice Cake Garaetteok Mudah Mantap Betul, Tinggal Anda Mencoba

3. Grind the rice finely in a powerful food processor until the rice turns into fine powder. (You will have to stop and move around the rice flour with a scraper as it grinds. Otherwise, some rice flour and particles will stick to the wall of the processor and won’t get ground. The whole grinding process will take about 6 mins.

4. Sift the rice flour into a clean bowl in two or three lots. (It sifts better when you do it in smaller quantities.) Remove any clumps or unground rice grains. When the rice flour is sifted once, sift it one more time. If you ended up with too much unground rice grains, put them back into the food processor and grind them again until you get the fine rice flour. This should result in about 4.5 cups of rice flour.

Please note that it is very hard to get the homemade rice flour to be as fine as professionally ground rice flour by a gristmill.

Resep: Tteokbokki (spicy Rice Cakes)



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