What Do You Say When Someone Sneezes In Korean

What Do You Say When Someone Sneezes In Korean

We do it so often and from such a young age, it has almost become an involuntary response. When someone sneezes, we say “bless you.” It’s the polite thing to do. And there are innumerable ways to say bless you in different languages.

But the origins of this response are less clear. The primary theory is that “God bless you” emerged in the form of a decree from the Pope during the spread of the Bubonic Plague across Europe. Maybe giving the sneezer a blessing from God would prevent them from falling ill. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work very well.


While the sound of a sneeze is universal, the responses can be vastly different from one language to another. Avoid being impolite while traveling abroad — learn the appropriate response when someone nearby lets out an “achoo!” Here’s how to say bless you in different languages.

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, the German response to a sneeze, is also the most common expression for English speakers who prefer not to say “bless you.” It simply means “health, ” which is used in a number of languages when someone sneezes (makes sense).

In Spanish there are different responses for your first three sneezes, and they vary by region. The most well-known version tends to be used more in Latin America:

(“live healthy”). The best part in Turkish, though, is the response to the response. You sneeze, someone says “live long, ” and you reply “And I hope you will be there to see it.” It’s not intended to be as snarky as it sounds.

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The Russian response to a sneeze is pretty straightforward: A simple будьте здоровы (“be healthy”) will suffice. But things get a bit more interesting if you sneeze while someone else is talking. If that happens, the interrupted speaker will often say правду говорю, or “I’m telling the truth.” A little defensive, aren’t we?

Whether you’re doling out blessings or making weather predictions, it’s useful to know how to say bless you in different languages. Just don’t forget your Airborne.EXPLANATION: When someone sneezes in the United States, more often than not someone else says “Bless you!” The phrase first originated as “God bless you.” [This may happen in other English-speaking countries too, but perhaps not as often as in the US!]


Below are just a few of the multiple possibilities for its origins and no one is exactly sure of the right answer.

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ORIGIN 1. People used to believe a sneeze caused someone to expel their soul out of their body, and so “God bless you” or “Bless you” was used as a protection against the devil snatching your soul.

ORIGIN 2. During the Middle Ages in 14th century Europe, the bubonic plague (also known as the Black Death) was widespread. Because it was usually a fatal disease, and people were often very religious, the phrase “God Bless You” offered a benediction to someone who might no longer be living soon.


REASON #1. Nowadays, it is generally just meant to be the polite thing to say, which is probably the main reason why this practice persists.

Why People Say Bless You After Sneezing..... Answers

SIDE NOTE: In place of “Bless you, ” some Americans also say “Gesundheit, ” the German word for “health.” The appearance of this phrase was due to the numerous German immigrants who moved to the United States. Many Americans do not even realize this is a German word (and usually are unaware of the true meaning).

A FUNNY STORY: Once when my mom was visiting me in Germany where I lived temporarily, she commented that it was strange there was a magazine called “Gesundheit.” She wondered aloud why would there be a magazine with the title “Bless You.” I laughed, explaining that the word meant health, not bless you! ~Dana


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ORIGIN 1. People used to believe a sneeze caused someone to expel their soul out of their body, and so “God bless you” or “Bless you” was used as a protection against the devil snatching your soul.

ORIGIN 2. During the Middle Ages in 14th century Europe, the bubonic plague (also known as the Black Death) was widespread. Because it was usually a fatal disease, and people were often very religious, the phrase “God Bless You” offered a benediction to someone who might no longer be living soon.


REASON #1. Nowadays, it is generally just meant to be the polite thing to say, which is probably the main reason why this practice persists.

Why People Say Bless You After Sneezing..... Answers

SIDE NOTE: In place of “Bless you, ” some Americans also say “Gesundheit, ” the German word for “health.” The appearance of this phrase was due to the numerous German immigrants who moved to the United States. Many Americans do not even realize this is a German word (and usually are unaware of the true meaning).

A FUNNY STORY: Once when my mom was visiting me in Germany where I lived temporarily, she commented that it was strange there was a magazine called “Gesundheit.” She wondered aloud why would there be a magazine with the title “Bless You.” I laughed, explaining that the word meant health, not bless you! ~Dana


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