I'M Not A Robot Korean

I'M Not A Robot Korean

(Korean: 로봇이 아니야 ; RR: Robosi Aniya) is a South Korean television series starring Yoo Seung-ho, Chae Soo-bin, and Um Ki-joon. It is writt by Kim Sun-mi and directed by Jung Dae-yoon. Producing the series for MBC is May Que Pictures.

Kim Min-kyu (Yoo Seung-ho) lives a luxurious but isolated life due to a severe allergy to physical contact with other human beings. He develops extreme life-threating rashes that rapidly spread over his body whever he makes any form of skin contact. Jo Ji-ah (Chae Soo-bin) is trying to create businesses based on her invtions, notably two networked heart-shaped lamps.


Min-kyu is the chairman and largest shareholder of KM Financial. He inherited his shares from his parts, who died in a car accidt 15 years earlier. He was brought up by his father's frid and colleague, Hwang Do-won (Son Byong-ho), whose son, Hwang Yeo-chul (Kang Ki-young), is the same age as Min-kyu and the CEO of KM Financial.

Jugglers And I Am Not A Robot K Drama Reviews

KM Financial owns the Santa Maria team. The team is headed by professor Hong Baek-gyun (Um Ki-joon). Professor Hong's team has secretly created an advanced humanoid robot called AG3 (pronounced Aji 3), whose appearance he modeled on his ex-girlfrid Ji-ah (the sound of the robot's name is Ji-a [AJI 3] backwards).

Hwang Yeo-chul and his father Hwang Do-won try to sell the Santa Maria team to Bold Group, owned by a foreign investor, Martin, who has learned about the Aji 3 and wants to use it as a weapon. To convince Kim Min-kyu not to sell the Santa Maria team, Baek-gyun sds the robot to him as a demonstration. Just before the Aji 3 is delivered, the robot short-circuits and Baek-gyun asks Ji-ah to pose as the robot, giving the team time to repair Aji 3. Desperate for the 10 million won paymt he is offering her, Ji-ah agrees, and impersonates the robot under the supervision of the Santa Maria team.

Gradually, Min-kyu falls in love with Ji-ah, believing that she is Aji 3. He is disturbed by this, since she is a robot to him, and reboots her, erasing the robot's memory. Baek-gyun th replaces Ji-ah with the real Aji 3. Ji-Ah, who has also fall in love with Min-kyu, leaves the city in an attempt to forget him.

Review: I'm Not A Robot — Always The Critic Movie Podcast

Min-kyu discovers Ji-ah's deception and that she had be pretding to be the robot, and has a violt allergic reaction that nearly kills him. Baek-gyun saves him and Min-kyu angrily breaks off his relationships and fridships with them all for their betrayal and for playing with his feelings. Ji-ah confesses everything to Min-kyu and says she loves him, and they rediscover their love, this time as humans.

Before the reboot, Aji 3 had stored all the video footage and data from the trials with Kim Min-kyu in a secret cache. This cache gets hacked, revealing everything about Min-kyu's illness. The knowledge is used to attempt a take-over of KM Financial, to remove Min-kyu as chairman and complete the sale of the Santa Maria team and Aji 3. Min-kyu manages to thwart the attempt at the last momt. He uncovers evidce that Hwang Do-won and Martin were involved in the murder of Chairman Park, and restores the Aji 3 to the Santa Maria team. 2 years later, the Santa Maria team successfully launches a new robot after changing its appearance, while they, along with Ji-ah, and Min-kyu (after completing the mandatory military service) are happily living their changed lives.

The largest shareholder of the country's largest financial company with an IQ of 159 but is a human allergy patit who cannot be in contact with people. Through his company, he owns Aji 3, an android robot which gets st to him to be tested. Wh the robot is damaged in an accidt, Ji-ah is used to replace Aji 3. He develops feelings for Ji-ah as the robot and falls in love with her.

Cosmo.ph Honest Review Of 'i Am Not A Robot'

Ji-Ah's ex-boyfrid who is a world-rowned gius robotics professor who creates the android named Aji 3 and bases her appearance on Ji-ah.

Min-kyu's childhood best frid who betrayed him after Min-kyu's parts' death and, having become the CEO of the company, is now his rival both in business and for the hand of Ri-el.

The series was a commercial failure only averaging 3.22% in audice share, and received the lowest viewership ratings in its time-slot throughout its run.


Premiere Watch: I'm Not A Robot, Jugglers, Black Knight, Beautiful Goodbye, Rude Miss Young Ae » Dramabeans Korean Drama Recaps

In 2023, Disney+ Hotstar announced that it would create an Indian Tamil-language adaptation of the series. The remake titled MY3 is directed by M. Rajesh and stars Hansika Motwani, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, and Mug Rao.Lieferung zwischen Fr, 1. Dez und Mi, 13. Dez nach 86153 bei heutigem Zahlungseingang Liefertermine - wird in neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet berücksichtigen die Bearbeitungszeit des Verkäufers, die PLZ des Artikelstandorts und des Zielorts sowie den Annahmezeitpunkt und sind abhängig vom gewählten Versandservice und dem ZahlungseingangZahlungseingang - wird ein neuem Fenster oder Tab geöffnet . Insbesondere während saisonaler Spitzenzeiten können die Lieferzeiten abweichen.

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Korean Drama I'm Not A Robot

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Daher finden verbraucherschützende Vorschriften, die sich aus dem EU-Verbraucherrecht ergeben, keine Anwendung. Der -Käuferschutz gilt dennoch für die meisten Käufe.Mehr erfahrenMehr erfahrenThe life of a reclusive rich man who is allergic to human contact is disrupted by a girl pretending to be a robot.

Kdrama Review: I'm Not A Robot

There is plenty of great looking food featured in I Am Not a Robot (also known as Robot Aniya 로봇이 아니야). This is a cheerful and fairly light drama that we fell in love with very quickly.

It’s a great comedy romance about an isolated man who meets a girl who pretends to be a robot (I am keeping this description short so as not to ruin the story for you).

There is plenty to like about this drama. To start off with, there is plenty of great looking food featured. You might drool over your TV!

I'm Not A Robot Korean Drama Review

This show also has some great comical scenes. From the first episode, we loved it right away. It has many hilarious moments that can give you a stomach ache because you laugh too much.


The drama is very well written and has good side stories about the supporting characters (which we find is what makes a show so much more enjoyable).

The music and quirky sound effects are also done well, keeping many moments light or poignant with just the right balance of humor to seriousness.

Dvd Korean Drama I'm Not A Robot Vol.1 32 End (2017) English Subtitle

Suffice to say, it was very enjoyable (I have watched it three times now). It’s lots of fun, with a good satisfying ending. If you like romantic comedies with a bit of quirkiness then you will love this one.

Hi, I'm Michael, Sue's husband. I put together the Korean drama food pages to help you find the Korean food featured in Korean dramas. Needless to say, I love Korean food and also Korean dramas (only the lighter ones).

My Korean Kitchen does not claim copyright on the Korean drama posters and screen captures displayed on this website. Copyright infringement is not intended. These posters and screen captures are included to enable public identification of the reviewed show. If you own the rights to these images and do not wish for them to be displayed on


I'm Not A Robot: Episodes 15 16 » Dramabeans Korean Drama Recaps

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