In the Western hemisphere, breakfast traditions dictate pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast, sausage, and bacon, to name a few popular dishes. In Korea, though, breakfast doesn't call for any particular dishes—options typically include the same items that you would eat for lunch and dinner, too.
While there's a growing influence on breakfast foods from the West, a study published The FASEB Journal found that most respondents preferred a Korean traditional-style breakfast—that is, stews, rice, and side dishes known as
, to name a few—than American- or English-style meals, if they ate breakfast at all. In the same study, around 21 percent of those surveyed said that they skipped breakfast entirely.
Korean Breakfast Recipes You Can Savor In The Morning
Korean cuisine is full of meat, rice, and vegetables, so Korean-style breakfasts feature dishes that incorporate these, as well—although the same dishes are often served at lunch and dinner, too. Essentially, if it's sold in the morning, Koreans eat it in the morning. These dishes are usually accompanied by classic steamed white rice.
Although Koreans eat similar foods all throughout the day, there are a few dishes that show up more commonly at breakfast. For example, a
Is a breakfast sandwich that's sold by city street vendors. It contains eggs as well as cabbage and brown sugar. Street vendors also sell banana-flavored milk, banana
Korean Meal Planning Guide With A Sample Week Menu
More Koreans are buying into the idea of breakfast food, as the tradition dictates in America. Therefore, it's easier to find grocery stores and restaurants selling cereal, breakfast pastries, and standard egg dishes that would be familiar in the West.
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