Korean Drama Must Watch 2015

Korean Drama Must Watch 2015

I’m very behind on my reviews of all the dramas I’ve watched, and I might get caught up on them in the future, but since I have so many I have not reviewed, I just decided I would make a list of the dramas all Asian drama fans must watch…starting with Korean dramas. These are in no particular order, just the order they came into my mind (so, I guess they are in some sort of order…)

All I have to say about this drama (since I just wrote a full-length review) is that it is one of the best in Kdrama history. So, go watch it. I promise you won’t regret it. With Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum together, you can never go wrong. Also, if you’re new to Korean dramas, this is a great one to start with and a great one to introduce to your family/friends who might be looking for something good to watch. For the full review, click here: https:///2015/03/12/korean-drama-review-kill-me-heal-me/#more-981


Surprise, surprise! Actually, is it really a wonder as to why this was the first Korean drama to come to my mind? It was not my first Korean drama, but it was one that I have watched three times fully through and it never gets old. There were so many good things about this drama. I loved how the soundtrack was not just two or three songs played over and over. The first half of the drama had a round of songs it played and in the second half, these songs completely changed. The songs were very nice and were great mood-setters also. They didn’t seem to be just randomly put there and they definitely manipulated your emotions. The cast was great also. Lee Min Ho as Gu Jun Pyo was so perfect. He played the role very well. I thought Kang Hyun Joong did really well as Ji Hoo. I don’t think KHJ is a very good actor, but in this role, his very rigid and largely emotionless acting was very good for this role. He even made me and my sister cry. Aw…JI HOO!!!! The other two F4 actors were also good and perfectly played their roles. The only weak player in this drama was Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di. I thought she could have been much better at being Jan Di, but I enjoyed the drama nonetheless. Another thing that makes this drama so good is the fact that I’ve recommended this drama to other people who have never watched Asian dramas and they become hooked to only this drama. They usually do not care to watch other dramas, but they will watch this and love it. It takes a lot for an Asian drama to become likeable by people who have never watched them before, in my opinion. The storyline was great, the acting was very good, the music was great, the locations and scenery were all very good, which is why this is a MUST WATCH KOREAN DRAMA!

Best Korean & Japanese Dramas Of All Time

This was the first Asian drama I ever watched! So, of course it holds a special place in my heart as it got me to watch other Asian dramas! I had read the manhwa before watching this, so I think that is what made it better. Although the acting was not the greatest (I’m pretty sure it was Yoon Eun Hye’s first big role), I still think it is a must see because it was a popular drama back in its time and it is quite funny. The romance is also really good.

If you are new to Asian dramas, this is the one that got me hooked, and it could do the same to you, but I would not recommend it to be the first one you watch unless you have read the manhwa. The manhwa really made me appreciate it more.

Okay, so I really love this drama. It’s about the only drama I like with Park Shin Hye (sorry Heirs fans, that drama sucked) and Jang Geun Suk (well, I did kind of like Love Rain). I’m pretty sure this was also Lee Hong Ki’s and Jung Yong Hwa’s first big drama and they were fabulous in it. This had me hooked from episode one because it is very cute and it is also hilarious. I laughed so much while watching this drama. Although I normally do not like Park Shin Hye’s acting, she was great in this and very funny! She should go back to doing funny roles… Anyway, gender-bending dramas have always been something I liked. I think this is a must see drama because it is lighthearted, romantic, and funny. It’s a bit like Boys Over Flowers, it just has less drama and a different storyline.


Kim Go Eun

If you are an Asian drama newbie, I think this is a good drama to get you interested in more Asian dramas. Although it may seem kind of bizarre and unrealistic, that’s how many Korean dramas are and it just adds to the fun of watching.

Ah, this drama. What a surprise drama it was! I just looked at the title and the synopsis and put off watching it for a month or two because, although the premise seemed interesting, I just didn’t think it would interest me, but boy was I wrong! From episode one, I was hooked and this drama surprised me by being so good. Although there is some comedy in it, most of it is drama. It is also very sad and there are some frustrating moments, but that just makes the ending all the better. Most of the ending was really good, since it gave the audience what they were seeking throughout the whole series, but it was a bit too rushed and something that happens in the end, I thought was very sloppily done. It was a bittersweet end, that, I think, did not need to have the bitterness in it. Nevertheless, this was a very good drama and the acting was very good as was the romance.


Unless you’ve watched a few Korean dramas and liked them, I wouldn’t start watching this one. It’s a bit melodramatic and I think it is best to watch this once you’ve become well-rounded in Asian dramas as a whole. But, if you do decide start with this one, it is very good!

K Dramas About Falling In Love With The Boss

This was another drama that I put off watching for a long time. I saw that it was over 100 episodes long and immediately started looking elsewhere. Then, I found out it was a sitcom and the episodes were only half-hour long episodes, so then I looked into it again. There was a lot of talk about it while it was airing and right after it had finished airing (especially about the surprising ending) and so I looked to see who was in it and I saw that both Hwang Jung Eum and Jung Bo Suk were in it (I had watched Giant before this and I fell in love with them) and so I decided I would give it a shot. The first few episodes were a bit boring and not very sitcom-like so I was about to give up until Hwang Jung Eum and Gwang Soo came into the picture. Hwang Jung Eum was so hilarious and Gwang Soo was also funny and loveable that I continued watching. The sitcom only got better from there and it continued to be funny (though some of the jokes were rather juvenile). There was also some romance in it, which I absolutely loved! The only problem with this drama was the last few episodes and the ending. What started out and flourished as a funny sitcom turned into a melodrama, and I did not approve of this. The ending was certainly a surprise, but it was probably one of the worst endings of any Korean drama. I don’t know what possessed the writers to create an ending like this, but I hope they decide never to write a sitcom again! On another note, JULIEN IS A TOTAL HOTTIE THAT IS A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER!!


Anyway, if you’re a total noob, do not start with this drama/sitcom. It is 100+ episodes and that is overwhelming in and of itself. Not to mention it would help to watch other Korean comedies and dramas to help you understand some of the humor in it.

Another drama with Hwang Jung Eum and Jung Bo Suk! What can I say? They are both good actors and it is always a delight to see them on the screen, not to mention they pick really great dramas. Ok, now on to this drama. This drama was so touching. The romance was especially touching. It was very pure. The title is great and was what made me want to start watching (besides HJE). The music was very emotional and I really liked it. This was definitely a melodrama and very soap-like (especially the camera work) and although that is usually a turn-off for me, in this case, it wasn’t. The child


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This was another drama that I put off watching for a long time. I saw that it was over 100 episodes long and immediately started looking elsewhere. Then, I found out it was a sitcom and the episodes were only half-hour long episodes, so then I looked into it again. There was a lot of talk about it while it was airing and right after it had finished airing (especially about the surprising ending) and so I looked to see who was in it and I saw that both Hwang Jung Eum and Jung Bo Suk were in it (I had watched Giant before this and I fell in love with them) and so I decided I would give it a shot. The first few episodes were a bit boring and not very sitcom-like so I was about to give up until Hwang Jung Eum and Gwang Soo came into the picture. Hwang Jung Eum was so hilarious and Gwang Soo was also funny and loveable that I continued watching. The sitcom only got better from there and it continued to be funny (though some of the jokes were rather juvenile). There was also some romance in it, which I absolutely loved! The only problem with this drama was the last few episodes and the ending. What started out and flourished as a funny sitcom turned into a melodrama, and I did not approve of this. The ending was certainly a surprise, but it was probably one of the worst endings of any Korean drama. I don’t know what possessed the writers to create an ending like this, but I hope they decide never to write a sitcom again! On another note, JULIEN IS A TOTAL HOTTIE THAT IS A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER!!


Anyway, if you’re a total noob, do not start with this drama/sitcom. It is 100+ episodes and that is overwhelming in and of itself. Not to mention it would help to watch other Korean comedies and dramas to help you understand some of the humor in it.

Another drama with Hwang Jung Eum and Jung Bo Suk! What can I say? They are both good actors and it is always a delight to see them on the screen, not to mention they pick really great dramas. Ok, now on to this drama. This drama was so touching. The romance was especially touching. It was very pure. The title is great and was what made me want to start watching (besides HJE). The music was very emotional and I really liked it. This was definitely a melodrama and very soap-like (especially the camera work) and although that is usually a turn-off for me, in this case, it wasn’t. The child


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