Kingdom Korean Drama Season 2 Synopsis

Kingdom Korean Drama Season 2 Synopsis

KINGDOM Season 2 is out on Netflix now. You do not want to miss the continuation of this awesome South Korean zombie period piece. Please note, this review will contain spoilers regarding season 1. Read our Kingdom season 2 review here!

Season 2 is out on Netflix and we are so ready for it. Here in the age of the Coronavirus, it almost feels like some kind of sick (but perfect) timing that the first Friday the 13th of 2020 is all about


The Netflix series from South Korea is about the spread of a virus, but not Covid-19. No, we’re dealing with the good ol’ zombie virus. Also,  

Kingdom Season 2 Ending: Who Is The Girl At The End? Meet The Actress Behind Mystery Role

Season 2 begins, so we will give you a few reminders about where we left off and what we’ve learned so far.

So, if you want to be reminded of how season 1 ended, we’ll get straight into that here. In other words, that means spoilers for season 1 are coming up. *Quick Tip* If you watch the final 5-10 minutes of the last episode in season 1, you’ll also be updated rather quickly.

Just as Season 1 ended, and we thought our heroes (or at least those who were not yet infected) seemed like they stood a chance, something changed. It resulted in one hell of a cliffhanger!

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First of all, we learned that the virus originates from a plant known a the “resurrection plant”. It’s used to make it seem like the king is still alive. This is important in terms of who will inherit the throne after him. To the rest of the population, it now means zombies are on the loose and growing in numbers constantly.

This is once again mentioned via a flashback (three years prior to the current events), so you will be reminded of this fact!

Secondly, and this was the real kicker. Everyone thought that the zombies were only active at night due to darkness. Much like vampires, which was a fun little addition for these zombies. However, this assumption was very wrong. It’s not light and darkness that matters to the zombies. It’s warmth and cold.

Kingdom (season 2)

So, instead of being safe whenever the sun came up, the healthy people battling the zombies discovered that only warm weather could keep them safe. As season 1 came to a close, they were all in real trouble because (in true 

This was discovered by Seo-bi within the final minutes of season 1. Seo-bi is the character played by the always wonderful Doona Bae (

Is about social status and class struggles. Those who are in power will want for nothing, while the poor are starving. In that sense,  

Kingdom: Season 2

Of course, this is nothing new for South Korean storytelling in general. However, it is new in terms of zombie stories – no matter which country they originate from. And zombies do not care whether you’re rich or poor. They just want to eat your brains – and the rest of you!

Also, the crown prince continues to fight for the people. He wants them to be happy and healthy more than he wants money and power. This is exactly why those in power are struggling to get a new heir lined up!


This also means that season 2 is off to a crazy start. The battle at the end of season 1 never really got started. With the very first moments of this new season, the battle is everywhere and the odds are looking very bad.

Kingdom Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

Is just as good as season 1. Especially since we’re past much of the slow-burn of figuring out what’s going on. We know that a zombie-plague is roaming the country. Also, as with any zombie movie or TV series, we know that healthy humans are at least as dangerous as the actual zombies.

Season 2 has new heartbreaking moments, which was something season 1 also excelled at. Children hiding while watching everyone they know being killed and then turn into zombies was tough to watch. But again, this is part of the social realism that this horror drama excels at.

Plot As winter approaches, the battle between the living and the undead in Joseon is just beginning. The royal court is teeming with snakes, the zombies are coming, and the crown prince has a nation to save. The worst is yet to come, and everyone will need to choose a side without knowing who they can really trust.

Netflix's Kingdom Season 2 Tv Show Review

I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. Go figure!This page uses content from an article at Wikipedia. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Kingdom Season 2 (킹덤 시즌 2; Kingdeom Sijeun 2) is a 2020 South Korean political period horror thriller web series written by Kim Eun Hee and directed by Kim Seong Hun.


The outbreak leaves no one safe. But the infected are not the only monsters in Prince Chang's way as he fights to protect the kingdom.

The Ending Of Kingdom Season 2 Explained

After discovering that the sun was not the cause of the undead immobility, and instead it was the heat, waves of the undead become active due to the start of the winter season and threaten to reach the capital. In an attempt to save the people during the plague and regain his right to the throne, Crown Prince Lee Chang pursues Jo Hak Joo to overthrow him, while the Queen is in a race against time to produce an heir to the throne.

An unexpected setback in Sangju poses new problems for Prince Chang and the others. Seo-bi and Cho Beom-pal seek safety with Cho Hak-ju.

When Cho Hak-ju is taken from his custody, Prince Chang goes after him. Seo-bi looks for a way to treat the disease. The queen awaits her prince.

Netflix's Kingdom Season 2 Ending Recap

Seo-bi shares a critical discovery with Prince Chang, who has a favor to ask of her. Cho Hak-ju visits the queen and demands she tell him the truth.

To save innocent lives, Prince Chang and his men take over Hanyang. The queen determines that if she can't have the throne, no one can.


With the palace painted red with blood, Prince Chang is forced to pursue a risky strategy. Seo-bi takes the baby and hides.

Netflix's Kingdom Season 1 Tv Show Review

First script reading and the traditional Gosa ceremony to bring about good fortune took place on February 8, 2019. Filming for the second season started on February 12, 2019, with Director Park In-je joining the production to direct the second episode and onward from season two.After a long year of waiting, Kingdom is back! The acclaimed Joseon zombie thriller returns with more gore, heart-pounding pursuits, and an unraveling mystery of the dehumanizing plague. As our zombie fighters learn more about the plague and its origins, they become more strategic about navigating the zombie-infested lands. The zombies’ threat escalates in the enemy’s hands, and our hero, Crown Prince Chang, leads the charge to save his people and reclaim the nation from power-hungry enemies that seek to depose the royal family.

The first season was a commentary on hunger, and this season — according to writer Kim Eun-hee — revolves around the theme of blood. We see everything from bloodshed and bloodlust to bad blood and bloodlines, and it’s the lineage piece that this season explores further. As we delve into this bloody story from a more political angle, we see how revenge, inferiority, and desire manifest to the detriment of the royal court and the nation at large.

The second season picks up right where we ended in Season 1, and if you can’t be bothered to read any recaps, here’s my tl;dr version of Season 1 (spoiler alert!):

Kingdom” Season 2 Unveils Suspenseful Main Poster And Premiere Date

Joseon’s king is a zombie, courtesy of the nefarious prime minister. The crown prince sets out to uncover his father’s illness and finds himself in a zombie plague caused by a zombie stew. The fake pregnant queen, also the prime minister’s daughter, collects pregnant women to steal a son to inherit the throne. The mentee of the doctor who infected the king finds the resurrection plant that caused the plague, and she discovers that the zombies, who were believed to awaken at night, actually arise in cold temperatures. Winter is here, which means the insatiable zombies are awake 24/7.

Critical details are missing (you try summarizing the whole season in 100 words or less — it’s hard!), so I suggest reading Part 1 and Part 2 reviews of season 1 for a more thorough refresher. As with the first season review, season 2’s review is in two parts: The first part will cover episodes 1-4, and


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