Korean Ginseng Vs American

Korean Ginseng Vs American

American ginseng and Korean red ginseng contain the same active pharmacological compounds called ginsenosides. However, each of them is different in their respective aspects. While American ginseng is a good source of the Rb1 group of ginsenosides, Korean Ginseng comes higher in the Rg1 group of ginsenosides.

Another difference that can be noted—between American ginseng and Korean ginseng—is in its potency. While American ginseng allows for a mild ‘qi’-boosting effect, Korean ginseng has an even more powerful effect.


Ginsenosides have been studied for their anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, and researchers have also uncovered additional health benefits. Ginsenosides may be a safe alternative treatment for a variety of conditions.

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Korean red ginseng (also called Panax Ginseng) is a well-known and traditionally used herbal medicine, touted for its numerous beneficial effects—the following are some of them.

Ginsenosides, the active ingredients in Korean red ginseng, may have a protective effect against various neurological disorders. While the more conventional treatments of these disorders include expensive surgeries and pharmaceutical-grade  medications, surgeries can potentially be dangerous, and the long-term use of medication is often not sustainable and can lead to drug poisoning and addiction issues.

Ginsenosides are thought to improve spatial memory, long-term memory, promote nerve growth and health, and improved mental work capacity. They can also help to regulate the multiple signaling pathways within the brain that are associated with neurological disorders.

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While still in the early stages of study, the research community is eager to determine the exact mechanisms behind ginsenosides’ various neurological benefits.

Another health benefit that Korean red ginseng is believed to provide is enhanced sexual performance. Ginsenosides may play a therapeutic role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction by increasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, an enzyme important for vascular health in the body’s corpus cavernosum tissue.

Ginsenosides could also increase secretions of luteinizing hormone, a hormone that signals the production of testosterone, and researchers have demonstrated that ginsenosides extracted from Korean Panax ginseng may boost testosterone levels.

Ginseng Benefits, Side Effects, Uses And Interactions

Robust testosterone levels can improve a person’s overall sperm count levels, as well as sperm motility. Therefore, ginsenosides may be a useful therapeutic tool for the treatment and prevention of male reproductive disorders.

Chronic inflammation (which is characterized as acute inflammation that lasts more than four weeks) can contribute to a variety of bodily disorders, such as cancer and diabetes. Prolonged inflammation can be caused by many factors, such as persistent injury, toxic exposure, infection, or autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, as well as obesity or stress. These can all be deadly when not treated correctly.

While inflammation plays a crucial role in the way the body responds to injury or infection, chronic inflammation can lead to inflammatory diseases. Ginsenosides can help prevent inflammatory diseases early on and they also exhibit protective and anti-cancer effects.Korean ginseng has been long known for its tonic and medicinal properties, especially in East Asia. There are three main types of ginsengs; White, Red, and Black.


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The difference between white (fresh), red, and black ginseng is in their color and ginsenoside content, which is impacted by the repeated process of steaming and drying. White ginseng is produced by dehydration process at low temperature. Red ginseng, that has steamed and dried 1-2 times, will last longer and has higher certain ginsenoside content. Black ginseng, on the other hand, is produced through repeated process of steaming and drying, to maximize the benefits of this plant’s root.

Ginsenoside is the major constituent of ginseng, the source of benefits that ginseng’s popular for. It is a class of natural product steroid glycosides and triterpene saponins. Ginsenoside could be isolated from various parts of the plant, though typically from the roots, and it can be purified by column chromatography. The compound is known to have unique biological activity and medicinal value. There are several types of ginsenosides, in which each of them has specific biological function. The functions of each ginsenoside are listed as below:

The traditional way to produce black ginseng is by repeated process of steaming and drying, from 3-9 times process until the ginseng obtains the desired color and ginsenoside content. Generally, more three times of steaming and drying is needed to produce black ginseng. However, as technology advances, a method of high-pressure processing (HPP) to produce black ginseng extract emerged. Hanbit High-Pressure Processing (HPP) is a patented production process to produce black ginseng extract.

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The patented process of high-pressure processing is claimed to increase the yield of ginsenoside in the product compared to traditional method. The HPP technology is using non-heating treatment technique, while killing microbial and activate/inactivate certain enzyme, producing less bitter black ginseng extract and allows application as a final products type.

A comparison analysis is conducted to test ginsenoside content in general black ginseng extract compared to Hanbit HPP Ginseng Extract. The results showed that there is significant increase up to 48.1% in total ginsenoside content when black ginseng is processed by HPP compared to traditional method. Meanwhile, ginsenoside Rg 1 + Rb 1 + Rg3 (S) content increased by 59.5%, making it suitable for consumption and also as personal care ingredients. Compared to red ginseng, Hanbit HPP Black Ginseng has 2-10 times higher in ginsenosides.


Black ginseng extract is used as personal care ingredients due to its potent benefit and properties for the skin thanks to the richer ginsenoside content compared to fresh and red ginseng. Moreover, black ginseng supports sustainable beauty trends so its safety is also guaranteed.

Is Ginseng For You?

Based on the test conducted by P&K Skin Research Center, Hanbit HPP Black Ginseng Extract showed significant DPPH radical scavenging activity from 12.10% to 92.94% in the concentration range of 40 ppm to 1250 ppm (IC

The ability of Hanbit HPP Black Ginseng Extract to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, when treated at a concentration of 0.0001% to 0.005%, the excess amount of Interleukine-6 (IL-6) was reduced by 9.54% to 46.02%.

When Hanbit HPP Black Ginseng Extract was treated at a concentration of 0.0005 / 5~0.0050%, it was found that the amount of MMP 1 excessively generated by UVB was significantly reduced by 29.19% to 31.33%.

Manufacturing Process Of Korean Red Ginseng

In addition, ginsenoside content in black ginseng extract also improves cognitive function, memory, learning, and has other health benefits as listed above.


If you are looking for black ginseng extract for your product, Hanbit HPP Black Ginseng Extract is the right choice! Contact us at sales@maha.asia for further information regarding the product and quotation.

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Difference Between American Ginseng And Korean Ginseng

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