Part Time Job For Korean

Part Time Job For Korean

Part-time jobs in South Korea refers to a short-term or temporary employmt in South Korea. Part-time employees are considered non-regular workers, and their employee rights are protected by South Korean law. Usually, studts and homemakers take part-time jobs to earn income. Office workers can also take part-time jobs as temporary positions in addition to their regular jobs. While part-time jobs are considered as supplemtary income with minimal commitmt, a rect survey found that many part-time workers in Korea work for more than 40 hours per week, and that part-time jobs are a primary source of income.

Part-time jobs of South Korea are called areubaiteu (아르바이트 ) or alba (알바 ) for short. This originally came from the German arbeit, meaning labor, th through Japanese arubiato (アルバイト), meaning part-time employmt.


The start of economic developmt in the 1970s made part-time jobs available to college studts. These jobs were aimed at studts who needed to earn tuition due to difficult family circumstances.

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In the 1990s, wh economic growth was achieved to some extt, the lack of labor, the developmt of the service industry, and the increase of leisure time led to more and more college studts working part-time jobs to earn pocket money. In particular, with the developmt of the service industry, businesses that are best maintained using part-time workers have emerged. As a result, the number of freeters (a Japanese term for an unemployed individual) who meet their economic needs only with part-time job activities had begun to increase. The first concept of the freeters was to refer to a small number of young people who live comfortably doing what they wanted to do without getting a full-time job. Still, it became a concept that included college studts who were only looking for temporary jobs because they could not get a job over time.

A change in the industrial structure of Korean society took place. According to a study conducted by the Korean Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, a notable feature in the trd of changes of the nation's industrial structure was a decrease in the proportion of employmt in manufacturing industries and an increase in the perctage of jobs in service industries. A decline in manufacturing and expansion in the service sector increased in the proportion of low-wage employmt.

The transition to neoliberalism in Korean society has become increasingly appart under the Kim Young-same administration, through policies to liberalise labor flexibility and financial capital following intsive restructuring since the 1997 financial crisis. As a result, regular restructuring and layoffs have resulted in a decrease in ordinary workers and an increase in irregular workers.

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The minimum wage system is a system that protects low-wage workers by forcing the state to interve in the wage-setting process betwe labor and managemt to set a minimum wage level and pay wages above this level. The minimum wage system's purpose is to sure the minimum wage level for workers, thereby contributing to the developmt of the national economy by stabilizing the livelihood of workers and improving the quality of labor. The Minimum Wage Act was acted and promulgated on December 31, 1986.

The employer must grant paid weekly holidays to workers who have completed all of the working days specified in the employmt contract. They do not provide work on weekdays, but they are titled to a one-day pay. Workers who have worked a certain number of working days for a week should be giv 'at least once a week on average' paid holidays. Receiving this paid holiday is called a 'weekly holiday allowance'.

As such, all full-time workers who work more than 15 hours in a week must be provided with an average of one paid holiday per week and a weekly holiday allowance accordingly. Also, the weekly holiday allowance applies to businesses with less than four employees.

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Industrial Accidt Compsation Insurance is mandatory insurance implemted by the state to protect workers who have suffered industrial accidts. Social insurance provides medical care befits, vacation compsation, disability befits, etc. to workers who are injured or ill due to business reasons.

A job injury or illness refers to an employee's injury or illness or death due to work reasons. Specific criteria for industrial accidts are as follows:

The four significant insurance policies refer to mandatory social insurance policies, a state system for the protecting worker's rights and interests. They include health insurance, employmt insurance, industrial insurance, and national psion. Ev if there is only one worker, you must join. Only those who work less than 15 hours a week are excluded from the subscription. The employer should fully cover industrial accidt insurance. In contrast, health insurance, including the National Psion Service and employmt insurance, will be paid by the employer and the employee, respectively.


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Teagers under the age of 15 and those under the age of 18 in Middle School are not allowed to work. However, teagers aged at least 13 years or older and under 15 years of age can work if they have obtained a work permit issued by the Minister of Employmt and Labor. Those under 13 years of age can also get a work permit for participating in art performances. Wh an employer hires a teager under the age of 18, he/she shall have a certificate of family relationship records proving his/her age and a const form of the person with partal authority, such as a part or guardian.

Temporary workers (한시적 근로자): Includes workers who have set the working contract period (regular workers) or workers who have not yet be set up to rew the contract repeatedly and who can't expect to continue to work due to involuntary reasons.

Part-time workers (시간제 근로자): Where the working hours specified to work at the same workplace are shorter than the prescribed working hours of workers performing the same work at the same workplace, usually less than 36 hours per week

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Unfair treatmt expericed in part-time jobs includes no guarantee of mealtime and food expses, arbitrary adjustmt of contract working hours employers, failure to write work contracts, and low paychecks.

High-risk part-time jobs have relatively high physical and mtal risks Occupational. For example, there are upper and lower logistics warehouses, tertainmt bars, live experimts, multistage sales, construction sites, factories, and shipyards. The main reasons for participating in high-risk part-time jobs are the immediate provision of living expses and tuition fees. The high-risk part-time wage is 1.5 to 5 times higher than the average part-time wage, but the labor intsity is severe. In particular, teagers who are financially struggling later in college are more likely to participate in high-risk part-time jobs.


49.4 perct of teagers did not know the minimum hourly wage, and 13.3 perct did not receive the minimum hourly wage. Late-stage college tes were gerally not well aware of the Labor Standards Act, which provides a basis for protecting their rights wh expericing unfair treatmt at part-time jobs. It turns out that ev if they were mistreated, they oft dure it, or ev if they want to take steps to correct the unfair treatmt, they oft don't know how to report it.

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In Korea, the Act on the Employmt, etc. of Foreign Workers was acted on August 17, 2004, targeting foreign workers in production functions. Under the law, the overseas employmt permit system allows users who fail to find workers to hire foreign workers with governmt permission. From the perspective of foreign workers, it is also a system that will able them to work at companies set for a certain period of time by obtaining a job permit from the Korean governmt. The governmt th decided to unify the production function foreign power system into an employmt permit system from January 1, 2007, by holding a foreign power policy committee meeting on July 27, 2005. The governmt decided to abolish the system that institutionalized discrimination by giving foreign workers status as trainees.The number of part-time workers who work less than four hours a day on a five-day work week basis increased sharply. (Yonhap)

SEOUL, April 21 (Korea Bizwire) — The number of South Koreans who are stuck in part-time jobs despite wanting to work full-time is estimated to have exceeded 1.2 million.

According to data from Statistics Korea, the number of individuals who work less than 36 hours a week reached approximately 5.9 million last month, up 16.6 percent or 836, 000 from a year ago.

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In general, they are classified as part-time workers rather than full-time workers. By working hours, the number of workers who work between 1 and 17 hours a week stood at 2.2 million, up 35.5 percent or 565, 000 from a year before.


In other words, the number of part-time workers who work less than four hours a day on a five-day work week basis increased sharply.

The number of part-time workers who work between 18 and 35 hours a week rose by 7.9 percent or 272, 000 to 3.7 million.

Part Time Jobs In South Korea

One out of five workers who worked less than 36 hours a week last month, or 1.2 million (20.6 percent), want to increase their working hours or move to another job with longer working hours, according to the data compiled

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