Korean Drama Love Alert Ep 3

Korean Drama Love Alert Ep 3

After hanging a picture on my wall, placing three books on my bookshelf while aptly ignoring the huge box beside it, and baking banana zucchini muffins, I decided it was time to relax and unwind with Yoon Eun Hye. I grabbed my second bottle of soju, my mother (comments in bold are made by her) and my viki subscription! LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!

Woo Hyun starts episode 3 off, sawing wood and musing over his conversation with Yoo Jung from earlier in the night. This is where we find out that he did reject her offer at the end of episode two for them to date and the whole conversation kind of felt a bit exhaustive, although I did enjoy the atmosphere and a few choice gems that they shared with each other. I felt the emotions in the scene when she told him that he has never experienced the situation of having people he doesn’t know talking shit and spreading lies, making her out to be a bad person. FUCK KNETZ.


The scandal is becoming bigger than they all anticipated and now she’s suffering from cancelled contracts due to her image not upholding the “pure” standard. Let me pause for a second and say that I actually hate this shit so much. I am beyond irritated by this idea that a star in the public eye cannot openly do things like that (looking at you CUBE entertainment). Like jfc let people be happy ffs.

Love Alarm' To Deliver 'mature Romance' In Season 2

Anyways.. we then cut to Yoo Jung meeting the others for a meal and they notice how puffy her eyes are as she’s clearly trying to put on a brave front for her colleagues. Yoo Jung says to CEO that they should find another person because Woo Hyun will not crack and her brother hints at the CEO that it should be best friend, Sung Hoon which Yoo Jung adamantly rejects. Sung Hoon and Yoo Jung are now exercising with face masks on and he lets her know that he doesn’t mind being her scapegoat and she is still adamantly refusing. Eventually the conversation leads to Woo Hyun as Yoo Jung is clearly already smitten.

Speaking of Woo Hyun here he is taking care of burn victim’s foot and he looks so much like Choi Kang Hee here that I had to do a double take. Student shares with him that Yoo Jung also has a burn on her back and that she is afraid of fire. Of course, Woo Hyun sees similarity within himself and we are treated to him having a flashback of being saved from the fire and I am betting $100 that it was Yoo Jung’s mom that saved him and she is directly related to this some way, some how. Also homeboy just takes the dog tag? Just like that? Mmm k. THIEF. Woo Hyun leaves work and eats alone at home while reminiscing about the meal that he shared with Yoo Jung.

It’s the next day and Sung Hoon is meeting with Jae Kyung telling her that he will be Yoo Jung’s scapegoat. We all know that it is because he wants to instagram double tap that ass! The scene cuts to Woo Hyun at the hospital where we are introduced to his chairman daddy’s wife. Ngl. I love this actress! I think she was in ‘Lie To Me’ as well. Anyways she’s like “wah wah wah stay away! wah wah my son should be the successor wah wah wah.” He doesn’t care, ma’am. I did notice however that he didn’t promise her.. mmm.

Netflix's 'love Alarm' Imagines The Dystopian Future Of Dating Apps

Yoo Jung looks like an absolute flower goddess! So freaking pretty! holy shit! I love the work ethic and her wanting to do well by requesting that they redo the shoot. However, mid preparations another scandal drops. This time it is saying that she is the woman who Woo Hyun’s half-brother, Se Hyun (I think that is his name I don’t know I am two bottles of soju in at this point), had an affair with. Naturally this affects her ability to work because now she’s a side hoe and ruined a marriage. She ends up falling from the swing and injuring herself.

. In an attempt to save face, she tries to leave with her dignity in tact. We find out that the culprit behind this is Little Miss Desperate. NOW HOLD THE FUCK UP. I AM READY TO FIGHT THIS BITCH. IT IS ON SIGHT. ON MOTHERFUCKING SIGHT. How you just gonna run someone over with a truck like that? tf?? She doesn’t even know Yoo Jung! She doesn’t even know that Yoo Jung and Woo Hyun have a connection and she already doing this so imagine what is gonna happen when the fake dating news comes to light?? I AM GONNA POP YOUR ASS BITCH! SQUARE UP!

Yoo Jung ends up at Woo Hyun’s hospital for treatment because why not? He cuts her clothes and sees her bruise on her back and the burn from the fire. Can someone tell me why he had to cut the clothes and she couldn’t just take it off? Weird. He tells her that he doesn’t believe the scandal because he can read the kind of person she is in her eyes. She tells him about the fire and I FUCKING KNEW IT. Mom passed away from that fire and we all know that it is 1000% related to him. She starts sobbing uncontrollably and you can see that she’s clearly missing her mother especially at a time like this.

Korean Drama Spoiler] 'love Alert' Episode 3 Screenshots Added @ Hancinema

Mom is scheming with chairman daddy to have son be the successor and I am like very irritated by her. I take back all the praise I gave last week. She strikes me as a very immature person. She says that her and hubby #5 broke up because he cheated on her. Woo Hyun starts talking about how love is worthless and uses his mother’s situation as proof. He storms out. .


Mom shut up. You’ve been divorced once. At the hospital he sees a note from Yoo Jung and he starts smiling cause he whipped already and doesn’t even know. Hahaha.

Yoo Jung finally agrees to use Sung Hoon as she believes that ex-boyfriend is behind all of this. She apologizes to Sung Hoon, not knowing that dude is definitely sporting a hard-on at this news. HAHA. Okay the elephant thing is cute.

Love Alarm: Season 2

Woo Hyun is at the hospital because damn I guess he really is a doctor. He gets a call that his mother has cancer and I believe that .00001%. He’s trying to get in touch with mom and she’s not answering and this is so manipulative and gross.

Yoo Jung and Sung Hoon are taking staged photos to make it look like they’ve been secretly dating for a while, but it’s like so awkward LOL. STOP LOOKING AT THE CAMERA IDIOTS LOL. I did think the outside scene was kinda funny though. I think I like Sung Hoon.


Mom finally calls Woo Hyun back the next day and it’s a set-up. I am beyond irritated by this. She asks him to go on a date before they go to the doctor and this basically confirms my suspicions that it is a set-up.

Love Alarm” (좋아하면 울리는): Season 1

Of course I was right because it so happens that the hotel that he’s meeting his mother at for dinner is where chairman daddy and company are gathered to make an announcement. In a total plot twist that everyone saw coming, Yoo Jung is also at that hotel. They coincidentally bump into each other and she thought fleetingly that he was there for her. As Yoo Jung walks into her press conference, he gets a call from the chairman’s wife and she lets him know it’s a setup.

In one conference room chairman daddy is about to announce that Woo Hyun is his son and his marriage to Little Miss Desperate. In the other conference room Yoo Jung is about to announce Sung Hoon as her boyfriend. Yoo Jung grabs the mic as Sung Hoon prepares himself to stand when Woo Hyun bursts through the door and tells her that they should be a fake couple together. Episode 3 ends there.

I paused Viki from auto playing the next episode because I needed to pee and tweet about how much I am anticipating Jennie from Blackpink’s solo debut song titled ‘SOLO’. (Yes I am shamelessly plugging it and what about it?) I also made popcorn cause I was hungry. Episode 4. Play!


Will There Be A Season 3 Of Love Alarm?

Woo Hyun interrupts the press conference and announces that he’s the secret boyfriend and that they have been dating for six months. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of support to the couple and Jae Kyung and Reporter are very pleased. Chairman daddy is in another conference room and gets interrupted from making his announcement due to the news. Both him and Little Miss Desperate are like big mad.

Woo Hyun and Yoo Jung leave the press conference and he immediately lets go of her hand, but she tells him that they have to keep

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