Korean War X Corps

Korean War X Corps

The X Corps was activated in May 1942 at Sherman, Texas. Elemts of the corps embarked aboard Klipfontein, a Dutch ship operating under charter through the War Shipping Administration for the Army.

The ship departed the San Francisco Port of Embarkation for the Pacific Theater 14 July 1944 after two changes of station and participation in maneuvers in Louisiana and at the California-Arizona maneuver area.


As part of the Sixth Army, X Corps took part in the Philippines campaign of 1944–45, beginning with the invasion of Leyte. For its involvemt, the X Corps received the Philippine Presidtial Unit Citation with a streamer embroidered 17 October 1944 – 4 July 1945.

America Marks 70th Anniversary Of End Of Korean War > U.s. Department Of Defense > Defense Department News

During the Korean War, it took part in Operation Chromite, the landings at Inchon, where it had the 1st Marine Division, the 7th Infantry Division and other US Army units under its command. The embryonic planning group for Chromite originally was known to insiders as Force X and the tire scheme was cloaked in absolute secrecy; to outsiders, the small planning staff was known only as the Special Planning Staff of geral headquarters, Far East Command. As the organization grew, due to bureaucratic tanglemts, supply orders were rejected because Force X was not referced as a proper organization anywhere in Army manuals. Geral of the Army Douglas MacArthur (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) asked his chief of staff, Major Geral Edward Almond, to suggest a new name.

Force X's Roman numeral t reminded Almond of a corps which had fought under MacArthur in the last war—why not call it the X Corps? he asked. MacArthur was delighted and approved of the name. Geral Almond was subsequtly chos by MacArthur as X Corps' new commander.

The Marines first captured an island offshore of Inchon as a prelude to the assault and at the next tide, the main attack wt in. Despite the noise of the attack on the offshore island, it completely surprised the North Korean Korean People's Army (KPA) forces. The Marines th moved on to the capital city of Seoul; in heavy fighting they evtually drove out the KPA defders. The US Army's 7th Infantry Division, which had landed later at Inchon, gaged the emy on the outskirts of Seoul, destroying an armored regimt.

Korean War: Causes, Combatants And Key Battles

After the landing at Inchon, X Corps attacked up the Korean pinsula on the left flank of Eighth Army. However, in early October it was withdrawn to prepare for another amphibious assault, this time at Wonsan on the eastern coast. This action proved to be a mistake as Republic of Korea Army (ROK) forces moving by land captured Wonsan on 11 October before the X Corps assault wt in. The Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) tered the war on the side of North Korea, making their first attacks in late October.

After an administrative landing at Wonsan on 26 October, X Corps, now including the US 3rd Infantry Division, advanced inland northwest towards the Yalu River with the ROK I Corps made up of two ROK Divisions in the far north or right flank. The US 7th Infantry Division was in the cter and the US 1st Marine Division on the southern or left flank of the X Corps attack. The 3rd Infantry Division was initially in reserve. As elemts of ROK I Corps and 7th Infantry Division closed on the Manchurian border, the 1st Marine Division moved into the Chosin Reservoir (Changjin Ho). The Marines were on both left and right sides of the Changjin reservoir. Regimtal Combat Team 31 (RCT 31 also known as Task Force Maclean/Task Force Faith) of the 7th Infantry Division replaced the 5th Marine Regimt on the east side of the reservoir in a piecemeal fashion with only two of its three maneuver battalions in place before heavy gagemt with the emy commced. X Corps was strung out along many miles in sub-freezing temperatures with the ROK troops and the 7th Infantry Division to the north in contact with PVA forces. RCT 31 was too far from its part Division for support and without organic tank support and its third maneuver elemt; it was decimated by the onslaught of the PVA. The 1st Marine Division fared better and with remnants of RCT 31, Army gineers and X Corps support personnel, began its move to the sea moving through elemts of the 3rd Infantry Division (Task Force Dog from the 7th Infantry Regimt, and a reinforced battalion of the 65th Infantry Regimt) who provided flank and rear guard cover for the withdrawing units. The 7th Infantry Division in the cter and ROK I Corps on the right flank also began withdrawing to the Hungnam beachhead. The Marines withdrew through the 3d Infantry Division with intermittt contact with PVA forces up to Sudong. The extreme temperatures during this period caused the majority of the casualties for X Corps. The Marines managed to reach the safety of Hungnam first, where the 3rd and 7th Infantry Divisions and I ROK Corps provided perimeter defse. The Marines were evacuated by the middle of December, followed by the 7th Infantry Division, I ROK Corps and the last of the X Corps' elemts. The 3d Infantry Division was last to leave the beach and evacuated on 24 December 1950.


It is widely contded that X Corps remained outside of the direct command of Eighth Army too long. X Corps reported directly to the MacArthur had be necessary for the Inchon landings and still defsible for the Wonsan attack. However, after it tered the main line, convtional military doctrine indicated that it should have be placed immediately under the command of Eighth Army. Geral MacArthur was accused of favoritism towards Almond, the controversial commander of X Corps, who was dual-hatted as the commander of X Corps and MacArthur's chief of staff and his personal frid.

Korean War Us Marine V2

After the withdrawal from the northeast coast, and once its units had be reconstituted, X Corps wt into the line in eastern Korea, and remained there for the rest of the war.

In the years following the Korean War, X Corps served as a regional headquarters, having administrative, logistical, and training responsibility for both active and Army Reserve units in the northwestern portion of the Contintal United States.


X Corps was inactivated on 31 March 1968, as part of the compromise betwe U.S. Secretary of Defse Robert S. McNamara who wanted to merge the Army Reserve into the Army National Guard, and the United States Congress who wanted to maintain the Army Reserve as it th existed. Under the compromise plan, all of the combat divisions and most separate combat brigades of the Army Reserve were inactivated with a corresponding increase in the National Guard; at the same time, non-divisional combat support and combat service support units were reallocated in the Army Reserve. The fourte area corps were inactivated; in their place, eighte army reserve commands (ARCOMs) were established. Each ARCOM was, in turn, assigned to one of five contintal U.S. armies (CONUSAs) under Contintal Army Command (CONARC).

Battle Of Heartbreak Ridge

The US Army Tth Corps is the name of the main field force featured in Harold Coyle's 1993 techno-thriller The T Thousand. In the novel its ground combat elemts are the 55th Mechanized Infantry Division, the 4th Armored Division and the 14th Armored Cavalry Regimt.From the summer of 1950 through the end of the year, the Marine Corps endured one of its greatest crucibles in its history. Starting with the desperate fighting to hold Pusan after the North Koreans had unleashed their surprise offensive, through the stunning success of the Inchon Landing to the frozen shore of the Chosin Reservoir, the Marines who fought the 1950 campaign in Asia have been overlooked by historians and and American alike. During the 2nd Battle of the Naktong Bulge in September 1950, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade was thrown into line to blunt the last North Korean offensive of the summer. Fierce fighting followed that broke the back of the North Korean units around Pusan.

With hardly any respite, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade was deactivated and its subordinate units folded into the freshly assembled 1st Marine Division. A week later, the men took part in the Inchon landing on the west coast of Korea. The success of that amphibious offensive crushed the North Korean Army, liberated Seoul and sent the Communist forces retreating for enclaves along the Yalu River.


Men of the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade examine knocked out North Korean T-34 tanks during the 2nd Battle of the Naktong River, September 4, 1950.

Escaping The Trap: The Us Army X Corps In Northeast Korea, 1950 (texas A And M University Military History Series, 14): Appleman, Roy E.: 9780890963951: Amazon.com: Books

The 1st Marine Division was pulled out of the line and sent to execute another seaborne invasion, this time at Wonsan on the east coast of Korea. From there, the division drove north for the Yalu. In November, as the weather deteriorated, the Marines advanced slowly toward the Chosin Reservoir, establishing a series of supply dumps and securing airfields as they went. The 1st Marine Division commander, General Oliver Smith, believed the Chinese Army had intervened in force in North Korea, and was loathe to cut loose and drive for the Yalu with all possible haste as his Army corps

After the withdrawal from the northeast coast, and once its units had be reconstituted, X Corps wt into the line in eastern Korea, and remained there for the rest of the war.

In the years following the Korean War, X Corps served as a regional headquarters, having administrative, logistical, and training responsibility for both active and Army Reserve units in the northwestern portion of the Contintal United States.


X Corps was inactivated on 31 March 1968, as part of the compromise betwe U.S. Secretary of Defse Robert S. McNamara who wanted to merge the Army Reserve into the Army National Guard, and the United States Congress who wanted to maintain the Army Reserve as it th existed. Under the compromise plan, all of the combat divisions and most separate combat brigades of the Army Reserve were inactivated with a corresponding increase in the National Guard; at the same time, non-divisional combat support and combat service support units were reallocated in the Army Reserve. The fourte area corps were inactivated; in their place, eighte army reserve commands (ARCOMs) were established. Each ARCOM was, in turn, assigned to one of five contintal U.S. armies (CONUSAs) under Contintal Army Command (CONARC).

Battle Of Heartbreak Ridge

The US Army Tth Corps is the name of the main field force featured in Harold Coyle's 1993 techno-thriller The T Thousand. In the novel its ground combat elemts are the 55th Mechanized Infantry Division, the 4th Armored Division and the 14th Armored Cavalry Regimt.From the summer of 1950 through the end of the year, the Marine Corps endured one of its greatest crucibles in its history. Starting with the desperate fighting to hold Pusan after the North Koreans had unleashed their surprise offensive, through the stunning success of the Inchon Landing to the frozen shore of the Chosin Reservoir, the Marines who fought the 1950 campaign in Asia have been overlooked by historians and and American alike. During the 2nd Battle of the Naktong Bulge in September 1950, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade was thrown into line to blunt the last North Korean offensive of the summer. Fierce fighting followed that broke the back of the North Korean units around Pusan.

With hardly any respite, the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade was deactivated and its subordinate units folded into the freshly assembled 1st Marine Division. A week later, the men took part in the Inchon landing on the west coast of Korea. The success of that amphibious offensive crushed the North Korean Army, liberated Seoul and sent the Communist forces retreating for enclaves along the Yalu River.


Men of the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade examine knocked out North Korean T-34 tanks during the 2nd Battle of the Naktong River, September 4, 1950.

Escaping The Trap: The Us Army X Corps In Northeast Korea, 1950 (texas A And M University Military History Series, 14): Appleman, Roy E.: 9780890963951: Amazon.com: Books

The 1st Marine Division was pulled out of the line and sent to execute another seaborne invasion, this time at Wonsan on the east coast of Korea. From there, the division drove north for the Yalu. In November, as the weather deteriorated, the Marines advanced slowly toward the Chosin Reservoir, establishing a series of supply dumps and securing airfields as they went. The 1st Marine Division commander, General Oliver Smith, believed the Chinese Army had intervened in force in North Korea, and was loathe to cut loose and drive for the Yalu with all possible haste as his Army corps

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