Quote Life Korean

Quote Life Korean

♦ “What was so special about me? What did you like so much about me? No! I was wrong. You hugged me after saving me. Then… was it at the bus stop? Or… when you brought me the rice cake?! Oh my goodness. So it was then! Did you fall in love with my voice? Goodness. Wait, that’s not it. Did you move next to my house because of me?”

♦ “Who’d believe me if I say I saw you in my dream… and that I came here to change what I saw in my dream… because you looked so sad in it. No one would believe that I changed your future.”


♦ “I’m sorry. You must’ve resented me a lot earlier at the substation. It’s all because I’m incompetent. Because I’m so incompetent, I have too many regrets. I just don’t want you to turn out like me. I want you… to have a much better life. I guess that’s why my expectations keep getting higher. I want you to be taller than me. I want you to own a car even if I commute by bus. I’ve never been on an airplane, but I want you to fly first class all the time. I started my career as a Grade Nine public official, so I want you to start at a higher level.”

Michelle Zauner Quote: “gwaenchanh A, Gwaenchanh A,” She Said. It's Okay, It's Okay. Korean Words So Familiar, The Gentle Coo I'd Heard My Whole...”

♦ I’m curious of that one little detail I changed. Will that one little detail be able to prevent something horrible that’s going to happen?

♦ “Dad, I became a prosecutor as you wanted. I was so afraid of letting you down that I tried really hard. Sometimes I get too weary and I just want to run away. I guess that means I loved you, very much. And I found someone who shows me support like you did. It’s okay whether I make it or not. But even so, I still have this desire to want to make things right. Now that desire scares me. Before I get weary with that desire and before it becomes any bigger, I want to run away.”

♦ “Now, I have someone who wishes the best of me. If I do well or not, she’d tell me it’s okay. But I want to do well. Now I’m scared of that thought. Before that thought tires me out, before it gets bigger … I want to run away.”


While You Were Sleeping

♦ “Even if life gives you trials, do not be sad or angry. Your heart lives in the future. Your present is sad. Everything is a short moment. What passed, and what’s passing now…will be cherished in the future.”

♦ “It’d be amazing if time could flow backward, but what can we do? There’s no use in crying over spilled milk. You have a lot of time. You can fill up the glass again slowly. So don’t cry too much. Don’t beat yourself up for too long. But never forget what happened.”


♦ “Regrets are pointless, there’s no use crying over spilled milk. Time won’t flow backward for you. All you can do is to slowly fill the glass up again.”

Life Lessons From K Dramas

♦ “There was a time when I thought it a blessing to know the future. But that blessing starved the anticipation of a gift, and broke the spirit to face a challenge, and turned off the signal of hope. A future that can’t be changed. Predetermined days. Those are other names for despair, and the loss of everything when you give up.”


♦ “Regrets are pointless. there’s no crying over spilled milk. all you can do is slowly fill the glass up again.” –   Jung Jaechan

♦ “Facial expressions can be deceiving. Sometimes we can read someone’s mood, thoughts, and feelings from their facial expressions like an open book. But some people can use their facial expressions like a mask that conceals their moods, thoughts, and feelings. Nevertheless, there are flashing moments that collapses the border between such deception and truth. The truth that no one could see. The truth that you didn’t want anyone to find out. There are brief moments when they’re revealed to the world. Let’s not close our eyes if we ever happen to face such moments. Don’t pretend you didn’t see it. Don’t avoid it. Face it squarely.”


Suitable As Status, Here Are 50 Sad Korean Drama Quotes That Can Be Encouragement In Life

♦ “There was a time when I thought it a blessing to know the future. But that blessing starved the anticipation of a gift, and broke the spirit to face a challenge, and turned off the signal of hope. A future that can’t be changed. Predetermined days. Those are other names for despair, and the loss of everything when you give up.”


♦ “Regrets are pointless. there’s no crying over spilled milk. all you can do is slowly fill the glass up again.” –   Jung Jaechan

♦ “Facial expressions can be deceiving. Sometimes we can read someone’s mood, thoughts, and feelings from their facial expressions like an open book. But some people can use their facial expressions like a mask that conceals their moods, thoughts, and feelings. Nevertheless, there are flashing moments that collapses the border between such deception and truth. The truth that no one could see. The truth that you didn’t want anyone to find out. There are brief moments when they’re revealed to the world. Let’s not close our eyes if we ever happen to face such moments. Don’t pretend you didn’t see it. Don’t avoid it. Face it squarely.”


Suitable As Status, Here Are 50 Sad Korean Drama Quotes That Can Be Encouragement In Life

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