South Korean Elections 2016

South Korean Elections 2016

Legislative elections were held in South Korea on 13 April 2016. All 300 members of the National Assembly were elected, 253 from first-past-the-post constitucies and 47 from proportional party lists. The election was an upset victory for the liberal Democratic Party, which defied opinion polling by winning a plurality of seats in the election and defeating the ruling conservative Sauri Party by one seat. In votes for party lists, however, Democratic Party came third, behind the Sauri Party in first place and the new People Party in second.

The election marked an upheaval in the South Korean party system, installing a hung parliamt for the first time since 2000 and a three-party system for the first time since 1996.


The People Party attained a kingmaker position in the new Assembly, while the leadership of the Sauri Party including chairman Kim Moo-sung resigned masse following their defeat, relinquishing control of the party to an emergcy response commission.

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The 2016 legislative election was the first to be held in South Korea following the formation of the People Party and the forcemt of controversial Constitutional Court rulings dissolving the left-wing Unified Progressive Party and mandating the redistricting of the Assembly's constitucies.

The party also retained control of the presidcy, as Sauri candidate Park Geun-hye won the presidtial election that year. By the time of the 2016 legislative election, the Sauri delegation had fall to 146 out of 292 filled Assembly seats, exactly 50%.

The 2016 election was se as an important stepping stone to the 2017 presidtial election, which was held on 9 May 2017.

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In 2014, the Constitutional Court of Korea mandated that because the population disparities betwe the Assembly constitucies were resulting in unequal represtation, the constitucies must be redistricted for the 2016 elections. The Court held that the largest and smallest constitucies by population must not differ from each other by more than 2:1, and that the number of constituts in any giv constitucy must not differ from the average number of constituts by more than one third.

A deadline of 31 December 2015 was set for the redistricting to take place. Nonetheless, by the d of 2015 the National Assembly had not approved a new electoral map. Viewing the situation as an emergcy, the National Election Commission was forced to allow registered candidates to campaign without a set map of constitucies.

The crisis was ultimately resolved in February 2016 with an agreemt betwe the two major parties that allowed a new electoral map to be passed by the National Assembly. The new set of provisions raised the number of districts from 246 to 253, while decreasing the number of list-selected seats from 54 to 47.

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In the aftermath of the 2013 South Korean sabotage plot, another controversial Constitutional Court ruling forced the dissolution of the Unified Progressive Party due to the party's alleged ideological affinity to North Korea. The dissolution of the UPP left the Justice Party as the sole left-wing democratic socialist party in the National Assembly. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the most influtial democratic trade union organisation in Korea that had originally supported the UPP, now dorsed the Justice Party. The Justice Party's candidates and Assembly members were considered to have similar political views as the left-wing members of the main opposition Democratic Party, and many votes from the Justice Party shifted to the Democratic Party.

The opposition was further fragmted wh Ahn Cheol-soo defected from the main opposition Democratic Party and established a new People Party in early 2016. Due to South Korea's largely first-past-the-post electoral system, the division betwe the liberal Democratic and People parties had led to projections of a sweeping victory for the ruling Sauri Party in the elections.

The two opposition parties considered an electoral alliance but by 5 April the idea was abandoned, with interim Democratic leader Kim Chong-in stating that his party will hold the elections whether the People’s Party is there or not.

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The outgoing 19th National Assembly was marked by political gridlock. In February 2016, Democratic lawmakers undertook the world's longest filibuster to stall an anti-terrorism bill, and the Assembly passed less than a third of the bills introduced in its term. The Sauri Party aimed to win a supermajority of 180 seats in the 2016 election so that it could ease the gridlock by repealing the existing requiremt for three-fifths of the Assembly to agree to the introduction of each bill.

300 members of the National Assembly were elected in the 2016 elections, of whom 253 (84%) were elected from single-member constitucies on a first-past-the-post basis, and 47 (16%) from closed party lists through proportional represtation by the Hare quota largest remainder method, in accordance with South Korea's Public Official Election Act.

In order to win seats through proportional represtation, parties needed to pass an election threshold of either 5 single-member districts or 3% of the total list vote.

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Candidates for the National Assembly were required to pay a fee of 15, 000, 000 South Korean won (US$13, 000 as of April 2016), and under the National Security Act the Constitutional Court may block the registration of left-wing, pro–North Korean parties, though this provision had not affected the previous election in 2012.


The 2016 election for the National Assembly was held on 13 April, in accordance with Article 34 of the Public Official Election Act, which specifies that Election Day for legislative elections is held on the first Wednesday from the 50th day before the expiration of the [National Assembly members'] term of office.

And needed to show an approved form of idtification at the polling place. Polls on Election Day were op from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Korea Standard Time (21:00–09:00 UTC, 12–13 April).

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For the first time in a national election, the National Election Commission also allowed early votes to be cast at polling stations in Korea without notice.

The Sauri Party's candidate nomination process proved conttious. Several members of the Sauri nominations committee accused party chairman Kim Moo-sung of becoming unduly involved in the process, and the party deselected a number of candidates who were se as being opposed to the party leadership and Presidt Park Geun-hye.

Many of the deselected candidates defected from the party and announced that they would run as indepdts. On 4 April, a spokesman for the party said that during the candidate selection process, we upset our people and [the number of] our supporters who may not vote is worse [than we expected].

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Campaigning for the election officially began on 30 March, lasting until 12 April. Under South Korean law, candidates were only permitted to campaign in a limited fashion before the beginning of the designated period, including sding a maximum of five text messages publicizing themselves to each voter.

National security issues were a topic of conttion in the campaign betwe the Sauri and Democratic parties, though the People Party focused on other policy areas.


The Sauri Party argued for a hard-line approach to North Korea, and Sauri chairman Kim Moo-sung accused the main opposition Democratic Party of pro–North Korean activity due to its support for the reoping of the Kaesong Industrial Complex,

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The South Korean governmt announced a series of defections from the North in early April, with critics viewing the announcemts as an electoral strategy on behalf of the ruling party.

A local media report quoted an unnamed governmt official as saying that the Blue House had overruled the Ministry of Unification's objections to publicizing the defections.

Candidates from both the opposition and the ruling party also pledged to push for the relocation of U.S. military bases from their constitucies.

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As the governing Sauri Party promoted business-fridly economic reforms while opposition parties attacked the governmt for presiding over a historically high youth unemploymt rate and declining economic growth.

The Sauri Party sought to gain support for labor reforms initiated by Presidt Park, which aimed to cut unemploymt by increasing contract flexibility. Trade unions attacked the plans, arguing that the new laws would strip away necessary protections from workers.

Sim Sang-jung, chairwoman of the left-wing Justice Party, argued that the Sauri, Democratic, and People parties had all failed to articulate distinctive economic policies.


South Korea. Legislative Election 2016

He described Democratic assemblywoman Nam In-soon as a pro-gay advocate for supporting the revision of a military criminal law in 2013 to include m as well as wom as pottial victims of sexual assault.

The Christian Liberal Party also rallied vociferously against LGBTQ rights and stoked Islamophobia, calling on voters to protect our families from homosexuality and Islam.

Graph of selected opinion polls for the 2016 legislative election, beginning at the d of 2015 with the first polls accounting for the new People Party. The moving average is calculated from the last three polls.

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Opinion polls from prior to the election had suggested the Sauri Party would win the election outright, and were confounded by Sauri underperformance in constitucies and the comparative success of the Democratic and People parties.

The KBS exit poll on 13 April showed the Sauri Party winning a plurality with betwe 121 and 143 seats, and the Democratic Party taking 101–123; other exit polls projected similar results.

Prior to the election, it was widely expected that the Sauri Party would

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