Goong Korean Drama Ep 3 Eng Sub

Goong Korean Drama Ep 3 Eng Sub

. But Chaekyung's transformation is less aboutappearances than about manners, although seeing Chaekyung in hanbok is justtoo funny, since this is the girl who likes to wear sweatpants under her school uniform skirt.

The healthiest royal family. The old king died just after his oldestson died in a car accident, and now the new king is probably dying. It makes me feel a pang of concern for Shin and Yul. They're not destined to live past 40, are they?


During the pre-wedding preparations, Crown Prince Shin goes to see his bedraggled fianceeChaekyung. He brings her a present ofsomecandies andchocolate, but Shin alsotries hard tocultivate analoof, unfeelingimage for himself. So evenwhile they should be becoming allies, there's always a distance between Shin and Chaekyung.

Welcome To: K Drama Review: Princess Hours/goong, Episodes 19 20

Shin makes a deal with Chaekyung: in a few years, if she can't bear the pressures ofpalace life any longer, he'll grant her a divorce so that she can escape. He doesn't say it in the sweetest way, but it's actually a kind offer, when you think about it.Then it's time for the internationally televised royal wedding ceremony!Itinvolves a lot of calmish, inexplicablethings like drinking tea slowly and holding a live dovein a brightly patterned scarf.

Prince Yul shows up in the crowd at the wedding, looking wistful. I can't tell if he's missing his deceasedfather, or wishing thathe was the Crown Prince, or what. Surely he can't be wishing it was him going through this endless formalceremony to marry a near stranger? It's hardly an enviable position.

After the wedding, Chaekyung istrying to figure Shin out. He tells her that he's a cold type who doesn't care for others, but then when she looks sad, he sweetly offers her a handshake and tells her to come to him if she's having problems. Hehas hismoments of jerkishness, butShin never seems to stick to them for very long. And yet, I think it's kind of awesome thatChaekyung BITES his hand because he'soffering hera pittance of attention and courtesy, and she doesn't needit.

Review: Goong [princess Hours]

The marriage isn't consummated because they're underage, and they move into a small palace (more of a summer house) with separate quarters. Yultransfers toChaekyung's class at school, but because he wasn't visible at the wedding, she still doesn't know who he is and before long, they're goodbuddies.

Andwe're back to Hyorin again. She gets allupset because she's losingShin, so Hyorin turns down an 8-year scholarship to the Royal Ballet School so she can go home and confront a boy who hasalready married someone else. Oh, Hyorin. Whatever happened to that strong young womanyou were inepisode 1?

We also finally establish that Yul is jealous of his cousin. He quietly says to Shin's departing car, Hey you, that's my seat. I should be sitting there. I tend to think that Yulmeans sitting by Chaekyung as well as sitting in the limo and onthe throne.

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. I may joke about the ceremonial garb, but ithonestly looks quite fabulous. So cool and exotic and traditional. It makes classy people look classier and awkward people look more awkward, which is great for a drama.


POV-camera following him all the time, we still know so little about Yul's heart and motivations. Is he gonna be a supportive bro to Shin, or a villainous plotter who brings him down? It's too soon to tell.

. I can't help it. I am charmed by the pretty-pretty palace and the spacious rooms. This part of the wish-fulfillment fantasy is so dead on! It taps into that part of every girl's imaginationthat secretly wants a canopy bed, a white pony, and a room with flowy curtainsand cushy carpets. Chaekyung walks around the mansion in a daze, still wearing her puffy PJs from home, and it's easy to step into her shoes and feel the awe.

Synopsis For Princess Hours

. There's no getting around it; the show movesslowly. Episode 3 is mainly just the wedding, without a lot of side plots going on. Sure, Yul looks sad, Shin looks reserved, Chaekyung looks uncomfortable, and the nation gathers to watch, but really it just amounts toan hour of wedding-watching.

Hyorin has a nice rationale for returning to school. Shesays she would rather come home and experience all that life has to offer, so thather dancing willbe moreauthentic. A good reason, right? Butthen she delivers this little gem in a speech to Shin--For the rest of your life, you're going to regretthat you didn't wait for me.


Excuse me, Hyorin? You told everyoneyou weren't coming back, period. Also, the Crown Prince can't even sneeze without asking permission. Did you think he could halt his arranged marriage on thesmall chance that you

Princess Hours Ep 3 ( Thai Drama With Eng Sub)

One day move back to Korea and decide to promote him from buddy to boyfriend? I don't think Hyorin is a jerk so much as she is spoiled. She wants perfection, spontaneity, a ballet career, and Shin, and she can only have two of those things at most.

:Shin opens up and tellsChaekyung that he agreed to the marriage only on the condition that they be allowed to relocate to a palace away from the adults. Shin says that if the two of them areliving in the faraway palace, she'll gettosneak offand visit her parents, as he knows she wants to do. It's his first real gesture of kindness, I think.

And then Shin producesa whole written-down list of fun princess thingsfor Chaekyung to try, like inviting her friends over to the royal resort, but Chaekyung shuts him down hard, not at all impressed with his friendliness. And he's like, Whatever. It was Yul's list of ideasanyway. Oh, it looks likeour boy Shindoes not take rejection well.


Goong Ep 3 Engsub (princess Hours)

: Chaekyung gets her horrible study skills from her dad. Neither of them are good at recalling their super-formal and super-important parts in the royal wedding. You think it's just a Chaekyung issue, but then you discover it's a family trait!

Episode Evaluations: The plot still moves at an ultra-slow pace, but Chaekyung's charm and Shin's cool distance are keeping me interested. And the pretty hanbok and luxurious palaces aren't hurting, either!

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