Korean Drama Fashion King Review

Korean Drama Fashion King Review

I'll make this simple. Don't watch it. Even if you love Yoo Ah In or Lee Je Hoon, or even Shin Se Kyung. Don't watch this drama. Seriously.

This drama should really have been called Fashion Train Wreck. Basically that's what it was. The leads were constantly unlikable, the plot was crazy (and not in a good way), and the fashion—oh the fashion. *Shudders*


I mean, I know kdramas like to push the envelope when it comes to fashion—I believe they think they are being cutting edge—but Fashion King took the edge, beat it completely out of shape, Jackson Pollocked the crap out of it, dropped it in acid (I think the costumer was dropping acid too, btw), and then beat us over the head with it. I think there should be a class action lawsuit against this drama for collective retinal scarring.

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Anyway, the writing is bad. The only reason you root for Young Gul is because of his sad childhood and his determination to succeed. However, he is a terrifying person, and I just wanted Ga Young to run away from both him and Jae Hyuk, who is even scarier. But then, I didn't really like her that much, either. I just don't like abusive relationships.

When I reached the end of this drama, I hated everyone and everything in it. (Okay, I almost liked Anna.) But I still wanted an ending that brought some kind of resolution and happiness to someone. Then there was the whole shoot-Young-Gul-in-the-penthouse-pool thing, and I asked myself What in the freak just happened?!? (Yeah, Kid History rocks!) What kind of an ending was that?! No explanation of who the shooter was, why Young Gul was shot (so many people could have hired a hit man, including me), or why he was wading in his pool with a white fur coat on! Seriously, what was the point of the fur coat? Why did beautiful Yoo Ah In have to die? Why did I watch this drama to the very end? What are questions that will never be answered, Alex?

I had to turn to the interwebs to find some satisfaction, and I found it thanks to Deeno, who is one of my blogging heroes. Also, she provides alternate endings for Fashion King that truly make the writers and director look incredibly weaksauce.

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To sum up, this is a drama about people who say they like fashion (but try to murder it), ruin each others' lives, constantly seek revenge, cry a lot, go to America a few times, and finally get eaten by zombie velociraptors. (That's how it ends in my head, mmmkay?)

Like I said, Don't. Watch. Fashion. King. (You don't get to actually see the zombie velociraptors, so even though that would be awesome, you have to just imagine them administering sweet justice to the lame characters.)I am going to be totally honest- I don’t like Korean dramas. Generally, I find the plots to suck seeing as Korean people are obsessed with romance (a genre I myself am not too interested in). This isn’t to say I don’t watch Korean dramas though; as boring as they are, they’re great for passing time. Since every K-drama plot is completely predictable, I’ve reduced myself towards watching dramas only to see acting performances by some of my favorite actors and idols (yes, I know idols generally have awful acting, but I always force myself to watch anyhow just to see 

Initially, this was my reason for starting both Fashion King and Love Rain. In the past, I’ve enjoyed performances by both Yoo Ah In and Jang Geun Suk, and the additions of Yuri and Yoona from SNSD were even greater bonuses. Yoona is no stranger to dramas; she’s been in a couple before, and though I’ve never watched them, I had heard sufficient opinions about how awful her acting was. Love Rain, I figured, was a good chance for Yoona to redeem herself, especially considering this was less of a drama for tween girls and more of one for the older audience. On the other hand, Fashion King happens to be Yuri’s first drama, and I was very curious to see how she would do. The reason I compare these two dramas now is obvious: both star SNSD members, up and coming actors, and both happened to come out at about the same time. The battle for ratings was on between these two, and comparisons were inevitable.

Shopping King Louie

I’ve already stated how I don’t watch Korean dramas for the plot: most of the time, dramas will center around romance (particularly a love triangle/square) with little to no anything else. The first few episodes of Fashion King were promising though. The inevitable love lines were there, but the drama seemed to actually be more than just love. The drama introduces Kang Young Gul (Yoo Ah In) and Lee Ga Young (Shin Se Kyung), two designers who have had crap lives and dream of something bigger. Together, the two decide that they deserve better, and plan to show the world how successful the underdog can be.


This drama had so much potential in terms of plot: the initial story was great. It was only until later that it got stupid.

If Fashion King had stuck to the plot it was supposed to have, I’m sure it would have taken this spot too. A huge problem with Korean dramas is that they’re 

Rani Chan Story: Review Drama Korea Fashion King

Long with the amount of things that happen (a.k.a: very little). If Fashion King was reduced to say, ten or so episodes that 

Included the action and competition, it might have been one of my favorite dramas. But unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. Fashion King dragged on way too long, and it almost seemed as if the drama writers were coming up with things on the spot to fill up all the time. Half the things that happened in the drama were ridiculous and so painfully poorly planned. I give this spot to Love Rain because, although also suffering the “too long” problem, Love Rain seemed like a mini drama within a larger one. The drama features two romances taking place at two different times, and this sort of broke up the drama so that it didn’t feel as painfully long as compared to Fashion King.


The only redeeming characters in Fashion King were virtually ruined by the awful writers. The two protagonists that you were supposed to sympathize with, Ga Young and Young Gul, I most nearly hated by the end of the drama. Ga Young went from being strong and determined to weak and selfish. Young Gul 

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A really carefree and selfless guy, content only with making the rich suffer as much as he had in the past, but by the end of the drama, he almost seems obsessed with money, and fails to realize how his actions only drive Ga Young away from him. The two antagonists, typical chaebol kid Jung Jae Kyung (Lee Je Hoon), and Choi Anna (Yuri), Jae Kyung’s jealous bad-designing (ex) girlfriend, begin as selfish characters and end as so. If I had to choose my favorite character though, it would probably be Choi Anna, who remained pretty true to herself throughout the whole mess.

Love Rain’s characters were actually a bit more lovable. Taking the actors aside, all the characters were plenty cute and especially pitiful. The love lines were beautiful and romantic; the sheer angst between Jung Hana (Yoona) and Seo Joon’s (Jang Geun Suk) against-destiny-love was heart breaking; the two lovers just had the world against them, and only their love to give to each other. Love Rain seems to me like it had the better writing, but the story just wasn’t right for a drama. Maybe a movie or a novel, but not a 20-hour long repetitive cycle.

Love Rain takes this spot easily. Which is actually really funny considering Fashion King is supposed to center around fashion. Most of the designs in Fashion King were relatively unimpressive, and sometimes pretty ugly. Love Rain had adorable fashion, whether it was the subplot in the 70s, or the present day love story. I particularly loved how Kim Si Hoo‘s characters dressed in both time periods- his adorable fashion sense in the present day consisting of pastel skinny jeans and colorful cardigans was especially precious.


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Both Yoo Ah In and Jang Geun Suk are amazing actors. Their acting performances in both these dramas were great, as expected. I think they managed to do an amazing job portraying their respective characters, and the terrible writing is not to blame on them. However, I wish to focus this award more on the two girls of SNSD.

Yuri did an amazing job. Granted it wasn’t award worthy, or anything to really praise had she been a professional actor. But Yuri isn’t- she’s an idol. And for an idol’s first time, she did pretty darn good- heck, she did better than some idols do in their third or fourth dramas. Her more emotional performances were awkward, but I wasn’t expecting her to totally kill them either. In my opinion, she did good playing the mean but misunderstood

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