Korean Restaurant Vilnius

Korean Restaurant Vilnius

The spring weather has finally arrived, prompting everyone to rush outside and enjoy the warmth and life that has returned to the city. Such a moment is one of the most suitable for exploring the city and for new searches, when you can experience the joy of new discoveries. One such unexpected and pleasant discovery is the Koreans restaurant Taste. Although this restaurant is about to celebrate its 5th anniversary, it is a shame to admit that this unique place did not come into our sight earlier.

This probably happened because, like many of us, we were guided by stereotypes that Korean cuisine is practically the same as Chinese cuisine. However, I dare not tell that to the Korean, who will no doubt be greatly offended and, although he will not challenge you to the death, will remember you for a long time, but let's get back to restaurant Taste themes.


The history of the founders of this restaurant began back in 2008, when working in the tourism business, their main customers were Koreans. There was simply no traditional Korean restaurant in Vilnius at that time, although in some places we could find dishes similar to this country's cuisine in fusion catering establishments. Obviously, it was a unique opportunity to introduce a new restaurant of this type to Vilnius. First of all, it was aimed to satisfy the needs of its customers, and, of course, it was also wanted to realize itself.

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We wanted to offer our guests only the best quality food and service, which we think is sometimes really lacking in Lithuania, reads the Taste restaurant's social account.

We would like to get to know this restaurant located on Vokiečių Street more closely. We asked Alina Popel, the manager of Taste restaurant, some questions.

We often hear this question both from our guests and now from you, and the meaning is actually very simple - the initials of the restaurant's founders are coded under the name of the restaurant: Jae Han Kim and Donatas Dūda.

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It often happens that dishes from foreign countries are adapted to the local market in Lithuania, which affects not only the taste but also the quality. How is it with you?

Korean cuisine is one of the healthiest in the world, but it is still little known in our country. Almost all the food we use is imported from South Korea and our chefs are constantly trained by the best chefs from South Korea. Also, several employees are of this nationality, so they always evaluate the food, its taste and immediately tell even the slightest deviations. Who better to know about Korean cuisine than a resident of the country? In addition, especially during the summer, in a restaurant there are many Korean tourists having lunch or dinner and there has not been a single dissatisfied one among them. There were also curious situations when Koreans, unable to believe that the food was prepared by Lithuanian chefs, went to the kitchen to see for themselves. I can assure you that our dishes have not been modified and convey the unique spirit of Korean cuisine.


Many guests who come to us ask for sushi or sweet and sour chicken. It is a little regrettable that Lithuanians know very little about Korean cuisine, which is different from both Chinese and Japanese cuisines. After tasting Korean dishes, people usually answer that the taste was interesting. However, the most interesting and at the same time pleasant for us is that they come back and gradually fall in love with this cuisine, tasting different dishes. We have many loyal Lithuanian guests who visit us every day, although when asked for the first time they said that this kind of food is probably not for them... Of course, this is normal, because we do not close our dishes to European ones, we do not use any flavor enhancers or supplements, so some need some time to get used to.

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As for the prices, we have not raised them since the opening of the restaurant, and we did not raise prices when the euro was introduced. However, sometimes I hear from people that our restaurant is very expensive. From what is being said, it is clear that they do not know what they are getting for the price quoted. Soups are almost the main dish for us, with which guests get a bowl of rice and 5 vegetable appetizers, called banchans in Korea. There is also a special focus on meat and seafood, which the wait staff will cook for you right at your table.

Control of quality and raw materials is one of the most important aspects in the restaurant business, so my job and that of the chef is to make sure that the food goes to the hall in a tasty and high-quality way.


It is true that Korean cuisine is appreciated and well known abroad. For example, in CNN's updated list of the 50 best dishes in the world, there are very few European dishes, and Korean dishes occupy even 4 positions in this list:

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Of course, it is beef, pork and shrimp, which are grilled right at the guests' table. You can also bake it yourself, if the guest wants it, or our waitresses do it. In Korea, this is one of the forms of communication - people get together in the evenings, go to eateries or restaurants and cook various meats at the table themselves and, of course, communicate with each other.

Pickled cabbage (to be more precise - the well-known Peking cabbage) is one of the favorite dishes of Koreans, without which one cannot imagine sitting at the table. It is eaten every day both alone and with various dishes. Korean cuisine without


Hard to imagine. Koreans, when they are still at home, put this dish in packets so that it is always at hand when traveling. It seems you can't live without them. What's more, each family even has separate refrigerators, where this dish is kept at the most optimal temperature.

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Has been recognized for many years as one of the healthiest and most useful dishes. It used to be believed (some still believe it) that kimchi can even cure cancer.

Korean food is often eaten with a variety of condiments, side dishes that are served alongside the main dish. For example, if you order grilled beef, you will always get the aforementioned


And other vegetable snacks (called banchan by Koreans). We make them ourselves and change them often, so you get different ones every day. While eating and varying with banchans, the guests of the restaurant discover not only their favorite taste of traditional cuisine, but also their personal, unusual option not only for Lithuanians, but also for Koreans. The name of the restaurant symbolizes the taste that everyone will surely discover in our restaurant.

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The conversation with the manager of the restaurant, Alina, was really interesting, and when she was telling the story, she wanted to try the dishes of this distant cuisine as soon as possible. So we wish everyone a delicious time enjoying the flavors of the Far East at the restaurant Taste near the town hall.

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