A Korean Odyssey Review Ep 20

A Korean Odyssey Review Ep 20

The episode starts off with a tribute to the classic, where Ma Wang tells the kids (Han Joo’s children) the story of a monkey born from stone who had a bad temper. In order to placate him, the Heavens made him into a deity, but they later punished him because he took a pillar from the heavenly palace to block the fire in the rocky mountains, something which scared the humans. They locked him up in the Five Elements Mountain and he was then forgotten by the humans. Why? “Because humans behave differently before and after they pooped.” HAHA Ma Wang.

He sighed that the monkey had his real punishment now and is being sad and lonely somewhere. While he narrates the story, we see that Oh Gong didn’t die, and is actually being nurtured back to health slowly by those around him. However, he refuses to step out of Suremdong and Ma Wang thus had to keep sending in people in to lure him out – like this bunch of kids that he’s talking to. Ma Wang has such a greasy feel when he smiles so eerily sometimes! Also, question – how does he send the kids in? I thought people can only enter Suremdong when Oh Gong wants to?


We see that post-Dragon, Oh Gong has completely forgotten everything that has happened, including Seon Mi. Interacting with one of the kids (the child spirit’s brother) however brings back memories of Seon Mi as a kid, and this creates intense heart pain for Oh Gong. Ma Wang explains to Bo Ri that Oh Gong’s memory, just like his body, has shattered into pieces. However, ironically, it was his heart, which Guemganggo was wrapped tightly around, that was left intact. The Guemganggo saved his life. Bo Ri also reveals to us that it was Sam Jung’s order that they prevent Oh Gong from killing her; together with hiding the sword in Suremdong, the couple broke the death fate.

A Korean Odyssey” Review: A Bumbling Mess That Barely Scraps By For Me

Turns out Bo Ri has suggested to the Heavens for Seon Mi to return from the Underworld for 1 day so that she can remove the Guemganggo. This is accepted, and the couple meet again on the bridge in Suremdong, just like they did way back in the first few episodes. Seon Mi tears up seeing him with his Guemganggo, while Ma Wang explains to Secretary Ma that he intentionally withheld the truth from Bo Ri – that Oh Gong is the new owner of Guemganggo, not Seon Mi.

However, without memories of Seon Mi, Oh Gong treats her like a pest and rejects her help with the Guemganggo. After all, this is the thing which held his heart together. Oh Gong asks coldly what happens after the Guemganggo was placed on him, and she smiles that she fell deeply in love with him.

The other demons congregate to discuss about this, while Alice -the real one- turns up because she is confused with a photo she found in her phone. PK takes over and sees himself, Jade Dragon, Bu Ja and Summer Fairy in the photo. He notes sadly, “I’m the only one left.” This is sad – they had all really left eh. I felt the oomph.

A Korean Odyssey (pk Korean Drama, 20 Eps, All Region, English Subtitles): Amazon.de: Dvd & Blu Ray

Ah Sa Nyeo now finds herself rotting but unable to die. She initially wonders if it’s because Sam Jung has died, but upon reading the news that Kang has fallen in the circle of politics, she realises that she really became an evil spirit. Her powers were tied to how much Kang, the evil human, flourishes.

Speaking of Kang, he’s angry that the media, academic and legal circles have abandoned him. He drinks himself to unconsciousness and finds himself tied up in the coffin – the very coffin which he wanted to bury Bu Ja in – under the orders of the very ones who put him on the pedestal. On hindsight, I wish that Kang was better nurtured as a villain. He just felt kinda greasy and grimy from the start, without enough backstory perhaps? And within a quick swoop, he is taken down like that, although I do think his demise is okay (more on that later).


As the episode progresses, we spend a part of the day with Seon Mi wanting to take off the Guemganggo, while a cynical Oh Gong presses for details on their relationship. This in effect allows the couple to relive their memories – such as present Seon Mi kissing Oh Gong to reenact the activation process and Oh Gong remembering their kiss in the bookseller’s mansion. Seon Mi wants him to come out of Suremdong. In a flashback, Bo Ri passed a necklace to Seon Mi which would allow her to enter the human world for exactly one day. Okay, but I’m also quite tired of watching Seon Mi reach out to touch the Guemganggo only for Oh Gong to pull his arm back.

A Korean Odyssey Episode 12 Recap

With increasing number of flashbacks, Oh Gong knows somewhat that Seon Mi was telling the truth. Ma Wang comes home, never as touched as he is now to see Oh Gong’s coat carelessly thrown over his bull statue. He closes his eyes in tears as Oh Gong emerges from the bathroom, and talks lovingly of the days when Oh Gong leaves the bathroom floor filled with foam suds. “That must be right. I did exactly that today.” I love how Ma Wang is reminiscing the things which he hated Oh Gong for previously.

Ma Wang gets serious and tells Oh Gong to piece his memories together so that he can remove the Guemganggo. Seon Mi visits her office and quickly covers her star necklace when Han Joo returns with some of her belongings. Han Joo sits in her office and tears over her umbrella, but Seon Mi accidentally knocks over a bottle and uncovers her necklace, thus revealing herself to Han Joo. Han Joo tries to faint, but fails so he hits himself hard with the umbrella, thus knocking himself out for real. HAHAH. Han Joo, you never fail to make my day.


He finally wakes up the next day and finds Ma Wang and Secretary waiting in the office. Turns out, Seon Mi wants to leave the company to Han Joo and it will be his, as long as he signs on the transfer papers. “She would like to see you crying happily at Han Byul’s wedding.” As Han Joo weeps over the papers, Seon Mi tears from outside the office.

A Korean Odyssey Episode 19 Review

Just as the duo leave the office, a flourish of cherry blossoms comes fluttering down, leaving Ma Wang to wonder if his wife reincarnated as cherry blossoms this life.

As Oh Gong walks through Seon Mi’s house, he relives memories and turns around to face Seon Mi. He’s not surprised that he treats her badly but he wonders, “Why does it hurt so badly?” He doesn’t want her to take out the Guemganggo. Instead, it’s lunch time and she should know what he likes to eat. She lies that he ate spicy rice cakes everyday and he retorts that if he hates it, he will cause all spicy rice cakes to disappear from the world. Seon Mi’s face of shock is hilarious hahaha, knowing that Oh Gong can really cause rice cakes to disappear.


Ma Wang tries to find the grandmother at the shop, but runs into the grandson once again. He decides to leave his number with him, so that he can contact him when the peddler returns. He’s taken aback to see a photo of falling stars on the grandson’s phone and learns that on that day, the peddler told him to pay his respects to the stars. The grandson looks over and comments that he also saw cherry blossoms earlier in the morning. Ma Wang looks down at his phone to see 3 blossom petals stuck to his phone. Right at that moment, it all fits in together and Ma Wang’s eyes tear up as he asks, “What’s your name?” and the grandson replies, “Hong Hae Ah.” For the readers/watchers of the original, this is the proof we were waiting for, as Hong Hai Er (Red Child in translation) is the child of Ma Wang and Princess Iron Fan.

Hwayugi Episode 20 Recap (final)

Upon hearing that the fitting room has a rotting smell, PK comes to the rescue, knowing that it is actually Ah Sa Nyeo. Nevertheless, he is taken aback to see the extent of the rot. “On her behalf, can you burn me?” PK’s face flickers with torture. He brings her to a nice and quiet park and Ah Sa Nyeo tells him not to struggle as Bu Ja has already totally disappeared before she became an evil spirit. That good soul. You will be mourned! “The only one left in this body is me.” PK conjures up a fire and hesitates. Ah Sa Nyeo’s eyes shows determination as she conveys the last words of Bu Ja, “I like you, ” and she pushes his hand of fire into her chest. As she accidentally gets thrown onto the ground, she smiles sadly as

With increasing number of flashbacks, Oh Gong knows somewhat that Seon Mi was telling the truth. Ma Wang comes home, never as touched as he is now to see Oh Gong’s coat carelessly thrown over his bull statue. He closes his eyes in tears as Oh Gong emerges from the bathroom, and talks lovingly of the days when Oh Gong leaves the bathroom floor filled with foam suds. “That must be right. I did exactly that today.” I love how Ma Wang is reminiscing the things which he hated Oh Gong for previously.

Ma Wang gets serious and tells Oh Gong to piece his memories together so that he can remove the Guemganggo. Seon Mi visits her office and quickly covers her star necklace when Han Joo returns with some of her belongings. Han Joo sits in her office and tears over her umbrella, but Seon Mi accidentally knocks over a bottle and uncovers her necklace, thus revealing herself to Han Joo. Han Joo tries to faint, but fails so he hits himself hard with the umbrella, thus knocking himself out for real. HAHAH. Han Joo, you never fail to make my day.


He finally wakes up the next day and finds Ma Wang and Secretary waiting in the office. Turns out, Seon Mi wants to leave the company to Han Joo and it will be his, as long as he signs on the transfer papers. “She would like to see you crying happily at Han Byul’s wedding.” As Han Joo weeps over the papers, Seon Mi tears from outside the office.

A Korean Odyssey Episode 19 Review

Just as the duo leave the office, a flourish of cherry blossoms comes fluttering down, leaving Ma Wang to wonder if his wife reincarnated as cherry blossoms this life.

As Oh Gong walks through Seon Mi’s house, he relives memories and turns around to face Seon Mi. He’s not surprised that he treats her badly but he wonders, “Why does it hurt so badly?” He doesn’t want her to take out the Guemganggo. Instead, it’s lunch time and she should know what he likes to eat. She lies that he ate spicy rice cakes everyday and he retorts that if he hates it, he will cause all spicy rice cakes to disappear from the world. Seon Mi’s face of shock is hilarious hahaha, knowing that Oh Gong can really cause rice cakes to disappear.


Ma Wang tries to find the grandmother at the shop, but runs into the grandson once again. He decides to leave his number with him, so that he can contact him when the peddler returns. He’s taken aback to see a photo of falling stars on the grandson’s phone and learns that on that day, the peddler told him to pay his respects to the stars. The grandson looks over and comments that he also saw cherry blossoms earlier in the morning. Ma Wang looks down at his phone to see 3 blossom petals stuck to his phone. Right at that moment, it all fits in together and Ma Wang’s eyes tear up as he asks, “What’s your name?” and the grandson replies, “Hong Hae Ah.” For the readers/watchers of the original, this is the proof we were waiting for, as Hong Hai Er (Red Child in translation) is the child of Ma Wang and Princess Iron Fan.

Hwayugi Episode 20 Recap (final)

Upon hearing that the fitting room has a rotting smell, PK comes to the rescue, knowing that it is actually Ah Sa Nyeo. Nevertheless, he is taken aback to see the extent of the rot. “On her behalf, can you burn me?” PK’s face flickers with torture. He brings her to a nice and quiet park and Ah Sa Nyeo tells him not to struggle as Bu Ja has already totally disappeared before she became an evil spirit. That good soul. You will be mourned! “The only one left in this body is me.” PK conjures up a fire and hesitates. Ah Sa Nyeo’s eyes shows determination as she conveys the last words of Bu Ja, “I like you, ” and she pushes his hand of fire into her chest. As she accidentally gets thrown onto the ground, she smiles sadly as

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