- Hello Pronunciation In Korean
- Korean Alphabets Chart With Pronunciation
- Korean Greetings: 20 Hi & Bye Phrases For Beginners
- Hello” And “hi” In Korean
- Hello. I Have A Very Important Question. So If You Know Korean Pronunciation Rules Perfectly Please Help Me Out With This...
- Basic Greetings In Korean: More Than A Greeting
- Different Alphabets From Around The World. — Hello In Korean!
- How To Say Thank You In Korean And In Japanese
- Different Ways To Say Goodbye In Korean
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Having your first conversation in Korean starts with a simple “hi”. And that’s why you need to learn “hello” in Korean, as well as some basic Korean greetings!
Long before I had an interest in learning the language, I learned how to say “hello” in Korean while watching Arrested Development. If you’ve seen the show, you might remember they thought “Annyeong” was his name, but it really meant hello (which is why he was always saying it).
Korean Alphabets Chart With Pronunciation
But saying hello has a bit more to it than that. The Korean language has a hierarchy of formality based on who you’re talking to.
First, let’s talk about that formality thing. In the Korean language, there are seven levels of formality, although you only need to know the main levels.
The other levels are mostly outdated. They’re good to know if you want to read religious scriptures or watch intense Korean period-dramas, but you won’t hear them in everyday life.
Korean Greetings: 20 Hi & Bye Phrases For Beginners
Polite speech is for when you’re speaking with people you know, but not very well. This level of speech allows for social distance (you aren’t saying you’re higher or lower than them), and it’s pretty neutral.
You should use formal speech with strangers or in formal situations, such as introducing yourself. You would use this with people who are older than you or higher seniority.
So, for example, a boss would use polite speech with his employees because he's the superior. But employees would use formal speech with their boss. You would use casual speech when talking with your spouse, but polite speech when talking with a coworker.
Hello In Korean Made Easy|learn Korean Greetings(+ Audio)
It’s important to know these levels of formality so when you learn the phrases below, you know when to use them correctly and why there are variations for the same thing.
I’ll write them in both Hangul (Korean characters) and romanized letters. But it’s best to learn Hangul for proper pronunciation. In fact, you can learn Hangul in just a few minutes.안녕하세요 (Annyeong Haseyo) – “Hello”
You can say this to introduce yourself, to show respect to those older than you, and in the office. If you add a question mark or use raised tonation on the last syllable, it means the same thing as “How are you?” Like:
Hello” And “hi” In Korean
Bonus fun fact: 안녕하세요 literally means “are you at peace?” which is why the standard response back is “yes” or 예 (
) is that it’s used in many ways. Unlike other languages, Korean doesn’t have phrases for different times of the day. Although there is a “good morning” phrase (which I’ll show you later), you won’t hear “good afternoon” or “good evening.”
This informal version is also the building block for adding the more polite parts of the word, like how you add 하세요 (
Korean Greetings: 10+ Ways To Say “hello” In Korean
Okay, so the literal translation is still “hello” in Korean. But I’m going to explain it as “good day” or even “good day Sir/Madam” because I think of it as a super formal, almost awkward way to greet someone.
This is the honorific, formal form, and one of the most polite that’s still in use. You probably won’t say it yourself, but it’s good to know because you may sometimes hear it.
It’s almost exclusively used over the phone, or if you’re calling out “hello” and unsure who you’re talking to or if anyone is there.
Hello. I Have A Very Important Question. So If You Know Korean Pronunciation Rules Perfectly Please Help Me Out With This...
While this means “good morning, ” and you will sometimes hear it, it’s not as common as it is in English. 안녕하세요 (
Note: The “e” ending or the basic form of the verb is least formal, “ieyo” ending is polite, and the “nida” ending is most formal in common speech.만나서 반갑습니다 (Mannaseo Bangapseumnida) – “Nice to Meet You”
Like in English, you can greet someone you’re meeting for the first time with “nice to meet you” instead of “hello.” The most common way to say it is 만나서 반갑습니다 (
Basic Greetings In Korean: More Than A Greeting
It's one of the few set phrases you'll hear often in that formality almost exclusively. Because, in general, when meeting someone for the first time, you’ll use formal speech like this.
) to greet someone or ask what they’re doing, like in English. But you wouldn’t use this phrase with people outside your social circle.
), meaning “Did you eat?” You’ll hear it often because friends don’t let friends miss out on good meals.야! (Ya!) – “Yo!”
How To Say “hello” In Asian Languages?
It’s pretty slangy, and a bit masculine. You can only use this one with close friends the same age as you, and it can also be used to exclaim “Wow!” or “Hey!”잘부탁드립니다. (Jalbutag Deurimnida) – “Please look after me.”
Translated literally, it means “thank you very much (for doing as I asked/taking care of it).” And it is used in that way sometimes, but more often, you’ll hear this as a respectful greeting to go with introductions.
It’s also used like “I ask this of you, so please take good care of it.” So if you were to drop off your child at school or daycare, you would say 잘부탁드립니다 (
Different Alphabets From Around The World. — Hello In Korean!
Caitlin is a copywriter, content strategist, and language learner. Besides languages, her passions are fitness, books, and Star Wars. Connect with her: Twitter | LinkedInIn this lesson, we’re going to show you how to say “hello” in Korean, one of the basic greetings that you should learn.
Learning how to say “hello” in Korean helps you make friends, greet acquaintances, and seem like an overall warm and friendly person! It’s very likely one of the words you will use most often when visiting South Korea or speaking Korean.
We have a free PDF guide for how to say “hello” in Korean that you can take with you on the go. Check it out below:
How To Say 'good Afternoon' In Korean
If you’ve been checking out language courses, one of the first phrases or words that they teach is conversation starters or greetings, like saying “hello.”
Generally, there are three ways to say “Hello” in Korean: The formal form 안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka), the standard way 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo), and the informal way 안녕 (annyeong).
When it comes to Korean greetings, it’s best to use the standard way in most situations because you can use it for almost everyone.
How To Say Thank You In Korean And In Japanese
Remember that Korean is a hierarchical language. That means you need to use the proper formality level, or you can come off as offensive for being too casual or too formal to people you know.
This lesson is written using both Hangeul (the Korean Alphabet) and romanized English. You don’t need to know Hangeul to read the words, but it will help you with your pronunciation if you plan to learn Korean.
The formal way to say “hello” in Korean is 안녕하십니까? (annyeonghasimnikka). This is often used in announcements, speeches, or on the news in South Korea.
Different Ways To Say Goodbye In Korean
This way of saying “hello” uses formal language and can be used the first time you greet someone you don’t know. You would use 안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka) when you want to show high levels of respect to the other person.
Note that this formal way to greet someone is actually a question. You may hear it said as a statement or a question. If you’re asking it as a question, you should have an upward intonation at the end of the word. When someone greets you using this expression, you can reply with 안녕하십니까 (annyeonghasimnikka).
You can use this greeting with people at any time of day. It can be similar to “good morning, ” “good afternoon, ” or “good evening.”
Korean Phrases 🇰🇷 // 38 Basic Korean Phrases You Need To Know
Pronunciation tip: In the 4th syllable, the final consonant sound is similar to “m” instead of “b.” When followed by an ㄴ, the ㅂ letter sounds like an ‘m’ rather than a “b.”
안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) is the most common way of saying “hello” in Korean. This version uses standard language. This is probably one of the first Korean greetings that anyone studying Korean would learn.
You can use this greeting with people in any situation. For example, you might use it with a convenience store clerk, a new business associate, or your Korean teacher. You can use it with a new acquaintance you are meeting for the first time or someone you’ve known for a while.
Learn Korean E1] 12 Basic Korean Greetings With English Translation
The actual meaning of the phrase has two parts. The first part is 안녕 (annyeong), which means “well-being” or “peace.” The second part is 하세요 (haseyo), which comes from the verb 하다 (had), meaning “to do.” Put them together, and you have “to do well-being.”
The 세 (se) part
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